Apex Legends has a roster of 23 unique Legends. Each of these Legends has unique abilities and mechanics that make them stand out. You can play these Legends in various ways to get the most out of them.
You can also pick Legends that suit your play style and play them in any way you like. However, not all Legends in the game can be considered equals.
While Legends like Wraith, Pathfinder, and LIfeline have excellent and well-rounded abilities, other Legends must fit this mold. The weak Legends in the game have a lot of shortcomings that need to be reworked for them to be better.
So, the question arises who are the worst Legends in Apex? If you ask other players for their opinions, their answers may vary based on personal preference and experience. Just because you do not understand a Legend’s abilities and know how to use them does not make him wrong.
However, there is a more definitive answer to this question. Let us take a look at the worst Legends in the game.
You can determine the worst Legends in Apex in different ways. If we go about it regarding pick rate, Legends like Newcastle, Gibraltar, Revenant, Rampart, and Crytpo make our list.
The low pick rate may result from the recent changes to the Legends and their abilities. Similarly, if we categorize the worst Legends regarding win rate, we have Legends like Fuse, Vantage, Catalyst, Bloodhound, and Horizon making our list.
However, this stat can be deceptive as it does not directly determine whether a Legend is good. Lastly, if we talk about the worst Legends in Apex from an ability and game impact point of view, we get Legends like Fuse, Rampart, Crypto, Mirage, Octane, and Loba on our list.
These are the worst Legends in the game because of their abilities and the potential impact on a game. They are considered harmful because they are weaker than most Legends and can be a detriment to any team they are a part of.
If you want to learn more about the worst Legends in Apex Legends, keep reading. We will look at the worst Legends regarding pick rates, win rates, and overall abilities. With all that said, let us jump right in.
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Worst Legends In Apex
In terms Of Pick Rates
Pick rates significantly indicate how a Legend is performing in a particular Season. A Legend with a low pick rate can indicate a few things. They either received some major nerfs that have made them a lousy Legend in the Season, or they have not received any changes, making them stale and boring to play.
Every Season a lot of Legends suffer from low pick rates for this very reason. The current Season of Apex Legends is the same. Several Legends with a significant surge of momentum and crazy high pick rates came crashing down either because of major Nerfs or the Legends becoming stale.
These Legends in Apex Legends in terms of pick rates are;
- Newcastle (1.2% Pick rate)
- Gibraltar (1.4% Pick rate)
- Revenant (1.4% Pick rate)
- Rampart (1.6% Pick rate)
- Crypto (1.6% Pick rate)
- And Wattson (1.9% Pick rate)
In terms Of Win Rates
Unlike Pick rates, win rates do not indicate a Legend’s popularity. A low win rate indicates that most players need help to win games with that Legend. This can be a bad look for the Legend because it indicates that they have become unplayable, and people are struggling to win games.
Every Season some Legends have a high pick rate but shockingly low win rates. This means that players like the Legends have high popularity, but people cannot win with them.
This can be because they are being picked in lower ranks or against Legends that counter them. However, it also indicates that these Legends are weak, so players struggle to win. With all that said, the worst Legends in Apex in terms of win rate are;
- Fuse (43.2% Win rate)
- Horizon (44.1% Win rate)
- Bloodhound (44.5% Win rate)
- Bangalore (45.4% Win rate)
- And, Vantage (45.9% Win rate)
In terms Of Abilities And Overall Impact
This is where the list gets interesting. The Legends mentioned in this section have fundamental problems that make them the worst Legends in the game. These Legends either have poor abilities or cannot impact a game.
Many players consider them flawed because they can ruin the game for their teammates if not played correctly. So, with that said, here are the worst Legends in Apex;
1. Fuse

Fuse is arguably the worst Legend in Apex. He is a relatively new addition to the game and was introduced in Season 8. While his abilities are unique and fun, they could be more solid and impactful in combat.
Fuse’s tactical ability is the Knuckle Cluster which allows him to throw a cluster bomb that explodes upon impact and does AOE damage. This ability might sound nice, but it has a minimal blast radius and can easily be avoided.
Similarly, his grenade also has an abnormally long cooldown, making it useless in long and drawn out- fights. You can only use it once and then wait a long time for its cooldown to end.
Fuse’s Passive is Grenadier which allows him to stack up grenades in his inventory that can be useless in different situations. However, these grenades are also not readily available and difficult to dodge.
Lastly, Fuse’s ultimate is the Motherload which uses a mortar to deal explosive damage in a large area. While this ability can help break the enemy formation and disrupt their movements, it has a long channeling time, making it easy to avoid.
Fuse’s abilities are extraordinarily situational and require specific circumstances to be effective. This can be detrimental in different scenarios and renders Fuse useless in many situations.
2. Rampart

Next up on our list is Rampart. Rampart is a support Legend. All her abilities are centered around increasing the effectiveness of LMGs in the game. Her passive is the Modded Loader which increases the magazine capacity and reduces the reload time for LMGs.
This makes the guns more effective in sustained firefights where you must constantly fire at the enemies to take them out. However, this ability is minimal and only provides some additional benefits.
Rampart’s tactical ability is the Amped Wall which creates a cover for you and your teammates that can protect you from incoming damage. However, this wall is a relatively long cooldown, and it is straightforward to destroy when you are playing against experienced players.
Her ultimate ability deploys the Emplaced Minigum Shiela, a stationary minigun capable of dealing massive damage. This ability is also minimal, as you must constantly be around the minigun to protect it from enemy fire.
This makes your movements extremely predictable, and enemies can quickly locate and take you out. This ability is also situational and requires specific scenarios to be practical and valuable. Rampart’s abilities make her extremely limited in her movements and actions, making her highly predictable.
3. Crypto

Crypto’s gameplay revolves around scouting and surveilling the enemies and providing this information to his teammates. He can also use his abilities to disrupt enemy squads and make them rethink their moves.
His tactical is the Surveillance Drone that can help him scout and point out different enemies for his teammates. However, this ability makes him extremely vulnerable as he has to control the drone manually. You also cannot move your Legend when using the drone, which leaves you open to enemy attacks and ambushes.
His ultimate ability is the Drone EMP which deals shield damage and destroys all the traps in a surrounding area. It can be a great tool to take down enemy defenses and disrupt their gameplay.
However, you must be close to the action and within range of the enemy shields to take them out. This also leaves you open to attacks and incoming enemy damage.
Crypo’s passive allows him to see enemies that are near his drone. This makes it easier for him to track enemy movements and predict their next moves.
However, like all his other skills, this ability also requires Crypto and his drone to be close to the enemies. Crypto’s abilities are incredibly situational, requiring specific scenarios to be effective.
4. Mirage

Next on our list is Mirage. Mirage’s gameplay revolves around deception and distraction. Her tactical ability is Pysche out, which creates a decoy of Mirage that runs in a straight line. This tool can mislead enemies and force them to make mistakes.
However, it is easy to tell the decoy apart, especially if you are an experienced player. His passive ability also creates a decoy of himself when he is attacked or downed by enemies. This decoy is not effective and only works in specific situations.
Mirage’s ultimate ability is the Vanishing act that allows him to create multiple decoys of himself. While these decoys are active, Mirage himself will turn invisible briefly to confuse the enemies. However, his invisibility is easy to break, and players playing the game for a while can easily detect his position.
The main flaw with Mirage’s gameplay is that it is predictable; experienced players can quickly identify and destroy their decoys without a single problem. This renders his entire gameplay useless and makes him a liability for any team he is a part of.
His abilities also lack versatility, as they all focus on his decoys. He does not offer defensive help to his team and can be destroyed offensively.
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5. Octane

Octane is a quick-witted Legend whose skills center on rapid movement and the ability to think on one’s feet in a crisis. Stim, one of his tactical abilities, allows him to heal himself and boost his movement speed at the expense of some health.
However, this ability has a relatively long cooldown, so you must be careful when and how you use it. Octane’s passive ability is the Swift Mend which allows him to regenerate his health over time. Like his tactical ability, his passive is slow and ineffective in combat.
Octane’s ultimate ability is the Launch Pad. This ability, when activated, deploys a jump pad. Octane and his teammates can use the jump pad to jump higher and faster.
This is an excellent repositioning tool and can help your team make a quick push against the enemies. The jump pad is also unique as it allows you to escape dangerous situations with a limited chance of survival.
He is considered a bad Legend because all his abilities revolve around mobility. Octane does not offer anything in terms of an offensive or defensive presence.
This can be frustrating in team fight situations where you go up against Legends with better defensive or offensive abilities.
6. Loba

Our ranking of the worst Apex Legends concludes with Loba. As a support Legend, she focuses on ensuring her teammates have access to valuable items and equipment.
Her Tactical ability is Burgular’s Best Friend, which allows her to teleport to a nearby location and steal all the good loot in that area. However, this ability is a relatively long cooldown, and she can be tracked doing her teleportation and attacked when she is away from her teammates.
Loba’s Passive ability is Eye for Quality which allows her to locate high-tier loot through walls and other obstacles. This ability can be great for locating rare items but can only be used in specific scenarios.
Her ultimate ability is the Black Market Boutique. This ability allows Loba to deploy a device that lets her teammates access all the loot from nearby crates.
While this ability is fantastic for gathering loot in the vicinity, it also alerts enemies of your location. So, it would be best to be very careful when deploying this ability. Like most Legends on our list, Loba’s abilities are all situational and require specific scenarios to work as intended.
The Worst Legends in Apex

Fuse is hands down the worst Legend in Apex Legends. All of his abilities are weak and highly situational. It would be best if you had specific scenarios for him to be a good Legend and impact the game.
If everything does not go perfectly in the game, he becomes a liability which is a problem for any team he is a part of. Additionally, almost all his abilities are easy to dodge and do not require effort to avoid.
It would be best to be extremely precise when using his abilities, or the enemies will not care about them.
Similarly, all the Legends on our list have situational and weak abilities. They only contribute on the offensive or defensive ends if everything is perfectly set up for them. All of this and more makes them the worst Legends in Apex.
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This concludes our list of the worst Legends in Apex. Just because a Legend is a part of this list does not mean they are entirely useless.
You can still get the most out of them and carry games using them if you know what you are doing. Legends that made it to this list require much additional effort, as you must be precise about your game moves.
No Legend is evil in the game. There is a learning curve with some Legends that makes them harder to play than others.
They can still be a great choice and can help you in your journey gain rank if you take the time to practice them and learn how to play them.
We hope this list tells you everything you need to know about the worst Legends in Apex. Let us know what you think about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated. Till next time, good luck and have fun!