As if the game did not already have us breaking controllers and crying ourselves to sleep, Elden Ring decides to give its players a heart attack during Ranni’s questline.
If you have made your way to Ranni’s Rise following her questline and gotten the scare of your life when you realized you cannot leave, fear not, Tarnished! Here is why you are stuck in Ranni’s Rise in Elden Ring.
Not being able to leave Ranni’s Rise after talking to her at the top of the tower is not a glitch. You are stuck because there is still an additional dialogue option that you need to exhaust. To get out of Ranni’s Rise, simply head downstairs and talk to the NPCs. After doing so, return to Ranni and talk to her. You will be able to leave afterward.
Confused about why this happens? Take a breath of relief and keep reading ahead. We will be looking at the reason why you get stuck in Ranni’s Rise and also how to fix this. Without further ado, here is why you are stuck in Ranni’s Rise in Elden Ring:
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Why Am I Stuck?

The game is plenty frustrating on its own. As a player enjoying the side quests and character storylines, it is understandable why something like having no way out would be a cause for alarm and sometimes fear. Let us look at why this happens

Ranni The Witch is a mysterious NPC in Elden Ring with an engaging questline. She can be found in Ranni’s Rise in the Liurnia region as part of her questline. This area can be accessed after you have defeated Royal Knight Loretta in Caria Manor.
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Why You Are Unable To Leave

It is here that players find themselves unable to exit Ranni’s Rise after they are done talking to the Witch.
This is not a glitch and you can breathe easy if you have encountered this problem. No, the reason you are stuck is Ranni herself!
The game does not hold your hand at all and it can be aggravating at times. Ranni has sealed the exit and there is a barrier where you would have taken your leave from.
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How to Leave?

The solution to this problem is insanely simple. There is no need to rip your hair out just yet (no promises for when you near the end game though). Simply make your way downstairs where the phantom/ghost NPCs are and talk to them.
The reason you cannot leave is due to an extra dialogue option that you need to exhaust with Ranni and you cannot do that without talking to the NPCs in Ranni’s Rise.
Once you have talked to all of them, go back to Ranni and listen to what she has to say. Once you do that, you are a free man! Walk out in pure style, no two ways about it!
This has been our guide on why you are stuck in Ranni’s Rise in Elden Ring. While the issue may seem like a devastating glitch, it is simply a poorly-executed questline mechanic.
Even though it is lengthy and elaborate, we highly suggest you complete Ranni’s questline as it will yield great rewards and the story is very immersive and well-done too.
Leave a comment below and let us know if our guide helped mitigate that mini-heart attack you had the first time this happened to you. Good luck, Tarnished!