How to build a boat in Black Desert Online? If you ever wondered what to do with all of the resources you were carrying in your inventory, Black Desert Online has an answer for you. However, this is no easy task, so beware of drowning. The best way is through trial and error, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll provide some tips to make it happen.
In Black Desert, building a boat online doesn’t require any skills. However, the higher your skills and the better resources you have, the better your boat will be.
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How to make a boat:
You will need resources to construct a shipyard. Shipyards are found in the worker tab. To gain access, you need to spend some contribution points. To have access, you need a worker with the appropriate level of skills for that task.
You will also require materials needed based on your location and ship license level, depending on the number of days it takes before the boat is finished. The recipe for the license will be seen only after you put in all related information, such as which type of boat it is and how many days of work are required.
Some of your workers may be from various towns, but you must have the same storage as the worker.
When you gain access to a shipyard tier and other materials, you can begin production. You can begin production by accessing the necessary materials for your ship.
You’ll need to have a worker who is available to put effort into your project, which means you’ll need to be able to access a port in the first tier. If you don’t already have one of these, try exploring different trade goods options until you find one that’s right for you. If that doesn’t work out, it’s time to upgrade!
Types of boats in BDO:

You can find four distinct kinds of boats in black Desert Online. There are three different types of rowboats, Calpheon, the regular, and the Mediah variety. It is necessary to know about constructing vessels, so it’s indispensable to gather and refine materials such as mahogany, cedar, steel, and copper.
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A raft is simply the most basic boat because it only needs three black powder stones and 25 logs stones. To get logs, use an axe to cut down trees; to get black stone powder, mine rocks, or find rough stones; Buy your refinery by using contribution points. Your worker turns regular stones into powdered black stone (rough stones = one powdered black stone).
The raft’s statistics are as follows: Lifespan is 85,441 hours. Durability is 40,100 hours, and Max Load is 180 LT.
A rowing boat is one of the boats that can go into shipyards of Tier 1. It needs more things as opposed to the raft, but it is an advantageous boat. Rowboats are of three varieties: regular, Calpheon, and Mediah.
Here are the figures for a rowboat: durability 70.100, the lifespan 235,201, and the weight limit is 360 LT.
The following are the figures for the Calpheon rowboat: Durability 80.10, Max Load 450 LT, Lifespan 376,321
In the Mediah rowboat, durability is 90.100, Which is the weight limit for a light trolley. The lifespan is 376,321 days, and the max load per square meter is 360LT (kilograms).
The Fishing Boat
The construction of the tier 2 shipyard is quite simple. Epheria and Altinova have them. These shipyards will allow you to build your fishing boat. There are more inventory slots on the fishing boat and it is slower than rowboats, but it can also carry more weight. Plus, every cycle still takes one-third of a rowboat’s time.
Statistics Durability is essential for a fishing boat: Max Load: 540 LT.130, 100 and Lifespan: 174,721.
The Epheria Sailboat
The second-largest sailboat is the Epheria. Gathering all of the resources needed can be a difficult task, and building this boat definitely takes some time. The Epheria Sailboat may only be built at a Tier Three Shipyard.