Black Desert Online is undoubtedly a fantastic game to play. It is full of events and quests that keep the players excited as the game proceeds. However, some players may find it challenging to get and to grow a fairy companion in BDO.
If you are also confused regarding how to get and grow a fairy companion in BDO, worry no more! This guide will tell you everything you need to know regarding how to get and grow a fairy companion in BDO.
In Black Desert Online, fairy companions are an excellent companion to your character’s development. They provide you with additional talents and bonuses, including an increase in your luck stat, which is quite beneficial. So getting a fairy companion would help you a lot in the game.
How to Get a Fairy Companion in BDO?
There is a fairy questline in BDO, and you can get your fairy companion after completing the fairy quests. Black Spirit gives the fairy quests once you reach level fifty-two (52). The Black Spirit will provide you with a quest, “Fairy Queen Theiah.”
The questline begins at the Kamasylva temple present in Mediah, where you can talk with Queen Theiah. Make sure you have 2 Cooking Honey in your inventory before going for the quest, as it will help you in the initial step of your questline. If cooking honey is not available, then you can get some at the market.
There are a total of four fairy quests that can lead you to get a fairy companion eventually. Let’s discuss the quests now.
- Sweet Honey, A Source of Power
This is a simple quest. You have to give the cooking Honey that you brought with you to Theiah. Then theiah will provide you with a Honey Jar as a reward. In this way, the other questline will be waiting for you.
- Into the Sweet Honey Jar
You must now travel to the place known as Unstable Crevice and set the jar of Honey there. The Crevice may be found a short distance from Queen Theiah and appear on the gameplay map. A fairy companion will arrive and then vanish eventually.
- Laila’s Scattered Petals
You must now collect Laila’s petals all across the world. Gathering, killing monsters, and fishing are all ways to obtain petals. This is the extended section of the quest, but it has its advantages because fairies are pretty helpful. The best approach to complete this quest is to continue doing what you’ve been doing and returning to Queen Theiah by having one Laila’s petal finish the game quest.
Otherwise, you can also wait for the petals to be left in a few amounts before initiating this questline, as petals drop irrespective of whether or not this quest is ongoing. After this questline is completed, having very few petals will enable you to try for a better fairy, as detailed below.
- Mysterious Companion
The last and the final quest of the questline and your final step of getting a fairy companion. This quest will finish after you interact with the Kamasylva Tree and obtain Fairy Wings. Then, you will be rewarded with a one-tiered fairy by the Fairy Wings.
Fairy Wings can be opened by clicking on the icon adjacent to the Kamasylva tree, and then, at last, you will get your first fairy companion. So, your hard work will be rewarded in the end, and you will get a fairy companion who would make your character develop and add some additional skills to your character.
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Explanation of a Fairy Companion

After getting your fairy companion, you must know the abilities and skills of your fairy companion. For this, you must understand the system of the fairy tier. Fairies usually consist of four tiers in Black Desert Online, which are faint, brilliant, glimmering, and radiant. Each one of the tiers has specific skills.
Fairy Tiers and Their Connection to Fairy’s Abilities
As stated before, there are 4 tiers of fairies, and each tier has different skills. The number of skills of each tier is as follows:
- Faint tiers usually have 2 skills and can eventually grow at level ten (10).
- Glimmering tiers usually have 3 skills and can eventually grow at level twenty (20).
- Brilliant tiers have 4 skills and can eventually grow at level thirty (30).
- Radiant tiers have 5 skills and can eventually grow at level forty (40).
On the other hand, every single fairy companion comes with a Gift talent, which grants you a +1.
The fairy companion can also learn additional skills, which are as follows:
- She can pick up tingling breath that will increase her underwater time of breathing.
- She can learn feathery steps by which can decrease the chances of a weight penalty.
- She can learn Fairy’s tear by which she can resurrect instantaneously without any death penalty.
- She can also learn inexhaustible well by which she will be able to consume purified water automatically.
- She can learn morning starts by which she can light up the surrounding area.
- She can also learn miraculous cheer by which she will be able to consume potions automatically.
Every single mentioned ability (excluding Morning Star) usually has up to five levels. The skill level she starts with is arbitrary, but her tier determines the maximum level she can achieve. Click on the question mark in her skill box to see the skills that your fairy can master and at what level. You can also check the patch notes for a deep look at the available abilities.
Growing The Level of Your Fairy
To raise your fairy’s level, you must feed it the green-quality equipment, weapons, and armors. A general guideline is that the bigger the value, the better the experience. A Dobart helmet, for example, provides ×10 times the experience of a Rocaba helmet.
In addition, higher-grade things appear to provide different experiences than lower-grade things of similar value. Despite costing the same quantity of silver, 1 Lemoria shoe (blue quality object) provides a different experience than 10 Taritas shoes (green quality object).
She can also gain experience by eating Sweet Honey Wine. This Honey, on the other hand, is difficult to come by. There is generally nothing similar available on the market, so you have to produce it by yourself. The following ingredients are required to produce Sweet Honey Wine:
- High-Quality Honey ×2
- Fruits ×2
- Exotic Wine ×4
- Sugar ×10
High-quality Honey is the most difficult to obtain, as it requires shooting a wooden beehive with an instrument known as a matchlock and then grinding the honeycomb. It takes a lot of time to get a good quantity of Honey in this way. This Honey can also be obtained by trading additional fairies in which you are not interested in keeping.
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How to Get a Better Fairy Than Before?

You can also get another fairy of high level and skills if you’re unhappy with your current one. A high-tiered fairy can be obtained in one of two methods. The first method, which is preferred as the best until you receive a fairy of T3, is to complete a recurring quest that Queen Theiah gives you. To finish it, you must offer her 2 of the petals of Laila in exchange for another set of Fairy Wings.
The best part is that you can gather several Laila’s petals, deliver the petals all to Queen Theiah, and then repeat the same quests as many times as you have Laila’s petals. This should result in a large number of Fairy Wings that can be opened at the same time. By doing so, you will receive a large number of Fairy Wings, with at least 1 of them being high level than your present fairy.
Before calling a new fairy, you must first release the one you have. You will wash your hands from the present fairy if you do this because it is not reversible. When you release your fairy, you’ll receive an Ancient Spirit, which can be used to make Caphras stones, as well as a powder used by the fairy, which is something that you should sell to a seller. After dismissing the fairy, click the Fairy Wings you’ve chosen to call your new fairy. You can exchange the remaining Fairy Wings with Ceilyn for Sweet Honey later.
Although, you should first try for a glimmering fairy as you can quickly get that. Fairies with high tiers usually require a little more luck to obtain.
Upgrading Process of Fairy
Another option is to enhance your fairy after it has reached its maximum level. You may perform this at any tier, but since it’s not difficult to obtain a tiered three fairy by completing the repeating quest, I’d use this way to upgrade from T3 to T4. It’s worth noting that you only get one chance to upgrade your fairy. If you fail to upgrade your fairy, you have two options, you can either discard it and roll for a new fairy companion or rebirth it and start over at level one.
Resetting The Skills of Your Fairy
If you don’t like the skills of your fairy, then you can lower her level to zero (0) and eliminate the skills she possesses. This seems to be a good option because obtaining a radiant tier fairy is complex, and it would be a shame if she only got level one skills. You can click on the rebirth button to reset the skills of your fairy. To do so, you must first acquire the Might of Fairy Queen from the Shop. Also, once you’ve been regenerated, you can’t go back.
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Exchanging The Fairy Wings with Sweet Honey from Ceilyn
You can exchange Fairy Wings that you’ve gathered for the honey wine if you don’t want to utilize them. To do so, you must first talk with Ceilyn. You will receive sweet honey wine for each Fairy Wing you give in, with the quantity based on the tier of Fairy Wings.
So that’s it about getting and growing a fairy companion in Black Desert Online. If you have any queries related to BDO, let us know in the comment section. We really appreciate your feedback and will reach you back as soon as possible.