Imagine the sour look on your face when you work hard to make your way to an area, beamy-eyed and excited thinking about what adventures await you, only to find that the area is blocked by a magic barrier. Unfortunately, several fellows of Tarnished have fallen victim to this disappointment since the game’s release.
If you were wondering why Renna’s Rise is blocked in Elden Ring, you are in the right place. Elden Ring is not nice enough to hold our hand at times. Therefore, we did our homework so you would not have to! Let’s get right to it.
Renna’s Rise being blocked is not a bug or something similar that you have to worry about. It is blocked by a magical barrier and the area is locked until the player progresses Ranni the Witch’s quest line further.
In order to successfully unlock Renna’s Rise, players need to follow the following steps:
- Head to Ranni’s Rise
- Agree to serve her and start her quest line
- Defeat Starscourge Radahn
- Go to where the star fell and make your way to Nokron Eternal City
- Obtain the Fingerslayer Blade and present it to Ranni
- Acquire the Cursed Death Mark by clearing the Carian Study Hall secret area
Following all of these steps successfully should remove the magical barrier from Renna’s Rise and allow you to go there. It should be noted that some of the bosses you face along the way are tough mid to late-game bosses, so proceed with caution.
If you want to know more about why Renna’s Rise is blocked in Elden Ring, we suggest you keep reading as we will be covering everything you need to know to successfully set foot in Renna’s Rise. Without further ado, let us take a look at why Renna’s Rise is inaccessible to you and how to fix it.
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Why Is Renna’s Rise Blocked?
Why is Renna’s Rise blocked in Elden Ring, you may ask? The answer is quite simple. You are not meant to access the area earlier as part of the story and have consistent pacing.
Allowing free access would jeopardize the delicate balance of narrative delivery and story progression. Here is all you need to know about Renna’s Rise and why it is blocked in the game.
Ranni the Witch

Ranni the Witch is one of the fan-favorite NPCs in Elden Ring. Her mysterious character has caught the eye of many players and landed her a spot in many hearts. She can be found in Ranni’s Rise in the Liurnia region as part of her quest line. This area can be accessed after you have defeated Royal Knight Loretta in Caria Manor.
Ranni was one of the Empyreans until she decided to give it up for lore reasons that we will not spoil here. When we encounter her, she is seen occupying the body of a lifeless doll and that is how we interact with her for the most part in the game.
Renna’s Rise

Elden Ring players will discover Renna’s Rise quite early in their playthrough. It is fairly easy to reach but quite difficult to actually access. If you are stumped, then do not worry. You are not alone. Many players have faced the same issue in the game.
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Renna’s Rise Locked

Players have to return disappointed once they learn that a magical barrier is preventing entry into Renna’s Rise. This is akin to the ones seen in Sellius. This is good news for players who were panicking because they thought they had come across a bug in the game.
In fact, the area is blocked because you need a certain progression into Ranni the Witch’s quest line in order to unlock Renna’s Rise tower area. There are a few quite tedious steps to be taken.
How to Unblock the Area
Unlocking Renna’s Rise is no simple task. If you are still a lower-level player, you should focus on enjoying the game because you will need to have quite a few levels and skills under your belt before you can take on this challenge. The reason for this is the number of bosses you need to take on to unblock the area and remove the magic barrier.
Start Ranni’s Quest Line

In order to successfully unlock Renna’s Rise, the first step is actually meeting with Ranni the Witch in Ranni’s Rise to start her quest line. In our first introduction, she introduces herself as Renna.
Once you start Ranni’s quest line, you will be sent to perform several demanding tasks that will take you on journeys you would have normally been oblivious to. Ranni has one of the best quest lines in the entire game, so you are not likely to get bored.
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Defeat Starscourge Radahn

You need to follow the quest line all the way until the Radahn Festival in Redmane Castle, where you take on Starscourge Radahn. Once Radahn is defeated, you will set the stars free and watch one of the stars fall and crash relatively close to where you first encountered Bladd in Mistwood Ruins, Limgrave.
Prior to this, Ranni will ask you to converse with Blaidd, Iji, and Selvius. Selvius will lead us to Sorceress Sellen, who will give you hints regarding Nokron, Eternal City.
Make Your Way to Nokron Eternal City

It is Ranni who tasks us with obtaining a special treasure from Nokron Eternal City and bringing it back to her. That treasure is the Fingerslayer Blade.
You will need to go where the star fell to enter Nokron. Once in Nokron, head forward and defeat the Mimic Tear and skeletons that you come across. You will soon approach a dilapidated bridge. Turn left and keep moving forward until you reach the singing woman. This is your cue to turn left once more in order to reach the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace.
From there, keep going until you come across some Mimic Tears moving around. You need to follow them and they will lead you straight to the Fingerslayer Blade, which can be found in a treasure chest.
Give Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade

The next step is fairly straightforward. Head back to Ranni’s Rise and present her with the Fingerslayer Blade. It should be noted that Selvius dies at this point and his quest line is locked until the next NG cycle.
Once you have given the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni, she will present you with the Carian Inverted Statue in return. You can use this at the pedestal at the entrance to the Carian Study Hall to reach the top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia. Upon arriving at the top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia, you will be able to find the Cursemark of Death upon the remains of Ranni’s original body, which is severely burnt.
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If you have made it this far, pat yourself on the back. Renna’s Rise should be unlocked by this point. Simply rest at a Site of Grace and head to Renna’s Rise. You will find that the magic barrier is gone and the area is now accessible.
That brings today’s guide to an end. We answered one of the Elden Ring community’s hot questions today: Why is Renna’s Rise blocked in Elden Ring? Many people were under the impression that the game had bugged and locked them out of making progress, but it is simply a matter of side-quest progression.
We sincerely hope that our guide helped you figure out why Renna’s Rise is blocked in Elden Ring for you. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, Tarnished!