Emotes were a great addition to Apex Legends. They are a great tool to have some fun in the game. They can also be used strategically to annoy your enemies and pressure them into making crucial mistakes.
Emotes were initially introduced as part of the Season 2 Battle pass where they were unanimously loved by all players. Since then, more and more Emotes are introduced every Season, and it has reached a point where every Legend in the game has multiple unique Emotes.
There are two different types of Emotes in Apex Legends. The Skydive Emotes allow you to perform unique moves while your Legends are skydiving. Emotes or Legend can be used at any time to perform special moves on the ground.
So, with multiple Emotes being unveiled every Season, the question arises what are the Best Emotes in Apex Legends? The answer to that question may vary from one person to another based on your favorite Legend and preference.
However, if you are looking for a more conclusive answer, you have come to the right place. Let us dive into this topic further by looking at the best Emotes in Apex Legends
If we are talking about the Legend Emotes, we have a lot of amazing emotes to choose from. Emotes like Mirage’s Selfie and Pathfinder’s Jump Rope Master are clear examples of how creative and funny an Emote can be. Similarly, Octane’s Human Spring and Gibraltar’s Haka are also amazing emotes because they can be used effectively to annoy your enemies.
Skydive Emotes are unique and offer a lot more variety. Different examples of amazing Skydive Emotes include Bloodhound’s Nevermore and Crossed Swords and Lifeline’s Bringing the Beat Down.
Let’s look at the best Legend and Skydive Emotes in Apex Legends and discuss the factors that separate a good Emote from a great one.
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Best Legend Emotes
Legend or Character Emotes were introduced in Season 9. Before the release of these Legends, you could only perform taunts and actions while in the air. These Emotes allowed you to do special actions on the ground as well.
Each Legend in the game has three unique Emotes. Out of all of these, the following are the best ones in Apex Legends;
1. Haka – Gibraltar

Haka is a ceremonial dance in Maori culture. It is usually done by a group getting ready for battle. The dance usually consists of a combination of rhythmic dance, chants, and stomps. Before the release of this Emote Gibraltar’s origin was unknown. However, this Emote gives us a clear indication of Gibraltar’s association with the Maori culture.
2. Jump Rope Master – Pathfinder

Pathfinder has been a part of Apex Legends from the start and is widely loved by all Apex players. The Jump Rope Master is a great Emote that further helps express the Legend’s charm and upbeat personality.
The Emote, when activated, causes Pathfinder to use his zipline as a jump rope and skip across the map.
The Emote is adorable and also has strategic implications. While using this Emote Pathfinder skips up and down. This movement can cause enemies to miss their shots while they are targeting Pathfinder.
These factors make the Jump Rope Master one of the best and most adorable Emotes in Apex Legends.
3. Selfie – Mirage

Mirage is regarded as one of the biggest show-offs and narcissists in the game. Selfie is loved by all fans and is regarded as one of the Best Emotes in Apex Legends because it follows Mirage’s personality to a t.
When activated, the Emote causes Mirage to create a Holographic clone of himself. This clone then takes Mirage’s pictures as he strikes different poses.
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4. Easter Egg – Wattson

The term Easter Egg refers to a hidden reference to another popular media as a joke. Game developers use Easter Eggs to hide references to their previous games or other media like their favorite movie.
Wattson’s Easter Egg makes a similar reference to the Apex Legend predecessor Titanfall.
The Emote can be unlocked by using 400 crafting metals. The emote when activated causes Wattson to take out a Nessie toy and put it on the ground. These toys can also be found hidden on the Kings Canyon map.
5. Human Spring – Octane

Number five on our list is Octane’s Human Spring Emote. It is a Legendary emote that can be unlocked by using twelve hundred crafting metals. The Emote when activated causes Octane to throw down a launch pad on the ground and jump on it.
While jumping, Octane will also strike different poses while he is in the air.
This Emote is loved by Octane because it is funny and makes use of his ultimate ability the Launch Pad. In rear cases, it can also be used to trick enemies into thinking you have deployed your ultimate without actually doing it.
6. Caustic – Design Flaw

Caustic is one of the more serious Legends in Apex and has a tragic backstory. This fact makes all of his Emotes even funnier. One of his Emotes sees him take a break in the middle of a battle and just sits down on his gas canister to take notes.
However, the emote that is featured on our list sees on deploy one his gas canister. The canister fails to function properly so he taps it with his foot. This causes the canister to recoil and hit him in the face.
The Design Flaw is not a Legendary Emote but an Epic one that can be unlocked for 400 scrap metals. However, the slapstick nature of Design Flaw makes it the best Caustic Emote in the game.
7. Acrobat – Wraith

Wraith is one of the most popular and most-picked Legends in Apex. Because of her popularity and status as one of the best Legends in the game, all of her Emotes have a great design. However, none of them are as amazing as the Acrobat Emote.
Acrobat is a Legendary Emote that can be unlocked with 1200 scrap metals.
The Emote when activated causes Wraith to jump in the air and perform a plethora of acrobatic moves. She ends the routine by landing on the ground while striking a superhero landing pose. The Emote is loved by fans because it accurately depicts Wraith’s athletic abilities.
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8. Toying with the Enemy – Loba

Loba has been an absolute fan-favorite since her release in Season 5. Her character design, fun-loving personality, amazing abilities, and potential impact on a game make her jump out as one of the best Legends in the game.
The next Emote on our list is Loba’s Toying with the Enemy. It is an Epic Emote that can be unlocked with four hundred scrap metals.
The Emote, when activated, causes Loba to do keep-ups with Revenat’s severed head. She then performs several football tricks with the head before throwing it on the ground and stomping it with her feet.
The Crushed Emote is loved by fans because of its creativity and uniqueness.
9. Overload – Revenant

The ninth entry on our list is Revenant’s Overload. It is a Legendary Emote that can be unlocked using 1200 scrap metals. This emote is unique in the sense that it makes references to other pop culture classics.
It also fits well with Revenant’s Lore as a killing machine.
The Emote, when activated, causes Revenant to pull out a mechanical skull and stare at it regretfully. He then crushes this skull and absorbs all its energy which causes Revenant to transform into his ultimate form.
Apex fans love the Overload Emote because it portrays the Legend as a merciless Badass.
10. Mom Dance – Horizon

The last entry on our list of best Legend Emotes is Horizon’s Mom Dance. It is an extremely goofy Emote that perfectly fits Horizon’s personality. Mom Dance is a Legendary Emote that can be unlocked using 1200 scrap metals.
When activated, the Emote sees Horizon jump on her robot and pull out some retro dance moves. She then almost falls off her robot and then laughs it off.
Other honorable mentions for the best Legend Emotes include Murder in Motion, Charge, Hunter’s Call, Game Over, and Ground Pound.
Best Skydive Emotes
Next up, we will talk about Skydive Emotes. Skydive Emotes were introduced in Apex Legends Season 2. These Emotes were initially a part of the Season 2 Battle pass. Later, they also became unlockable through the System Override Collection Event.
As the name suggests, the Skydive Emotes could only be used when your Legend was in the air.
However, unlike the regular Legend Emotes, the Skydive Emotes could be used more strategically. These Emotes were initially referred to the ‘pay-to-win’ because of their impact on a game. Effectively using these emotes in the sky could help make your Legend invulnerable and save you from taking damage.
All Legends in Apex have unique and creative Skydive Emotes and we will take a look at the best ones below;
1. Bloodhound – Nevermore
The first entry on our list in Bloodhound’s Nevermore. A large majority of the Skydive Emotes in Apex Legends consist of simple flips. So, any Emote that displays a level of creativity automatically gets a higher ranking.
The Nevermore Emote displays creativity while being fun and pleasing to look at. Nevermore was unlockable through the System Override event.
When activated, the Emote sees Bloodhound call upon his crows. These crows form a cyclone around Bloodhound who takes a nosedive in the eye of the cyclone with black smoke coming out of his jetpack. These small details combined make Nevermore one of the best Emotes in Apex Legends.
2. I Can Fly – Pathfinder
Similar to the Legend Emotes, players normally gravitate towards the Emotes that have a comedic element. And Pathfinder’s I Can Fly is the best example of comedy done right. This is one of the older Emotes and was part of the Season 3 Battle pass.
This Emote was unlockable at level 93.
The Emote when activated sees Pathfinder pretending to fly and flapping his hands like wings. As he is doing this, he is attacked by Bloodhound’s Raven Arthur. This then leads to both of them fighting in the air until Pathfinder slaps Arthur down to the ground.
Players love the Emote because it is one of the few early Skydive Emotes that still hold up.
3. Knox Powered – Caustic
Knox Powered is one of those Emotes that creatively uses a Legend’s existing abilities. This Emote was a part of the Season 4 Battle pass and was unlockable at level 30. The Emote makes use of Caustic’s gas canister.
When activated, the Emote sees Caustic deploy his gas canister. However, instead of using it as a weapon, Caustic gets on top of it and rides it like a horse in the air. This Emote ranks highly because it creatively uses Cautic’s ability in a way that makes sense.
4. It Takes Two – Mirage
This Emote takes Cautic’s Knox Powered to the next level in terms of both creativity and comedy. It Takes Two was a part of the Season 3 Battle pass and was unlockable at Level 73. The Emote uses Mirage’s ability to create Holographic clones of himself.
The Emote when activated, sees Mirage create a clone of himself as he is in the air. He then gets on top of this clone and rides it until it despawns. Mirage spammers widely love and use this Emote because of its creativity and comic flair.
5. Private Dancer – Mirage
Up next on our list is Mirage’s, Private Dancer. This Emote also makes use of Mirage’s clone ability but somehow makes it even funnier. This Emote was a part of the Season 5 Battle pass and was unlockable at Level 58.
When activated, this Emote sees Mirage create a holographic clone in the air. Mirage and his clone then start doing a tango dance and joyful music plays in the background.
Mirage then ends the dance by lifting his clone in the air and letting him go, and he despawns. This Emote is hilarious and fits perfectly with Mirage’s overall character.
6. Without a Paddle – Octane
Octane arguably has some of the best Skydive Emotes in the game because of the character he portrays. Out of all his amazing emotes, Without a Paddle is arguably the best one. The Emote was a part of the season 5 Battle pass and was unlockable at level 85.
The fan loves this Emote because of its amazing creativity.
The Emote when activated sees Octane open his Launching Pad. Then he gets on the launching pad, takes off his leg, and uses it as a paddle while he is in the air. This Emote is the perfect example of what you can achieve regarding creativity in these Skydive Emotes.
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7. Spiraling Void – Wraith
Since Wraith is one of the most popular Legends in Apex we felt like we had to put at least one of her Skydive Emotes on our list. Out of all of her Emotes, Spiraling Void stands out as the best one.
This Emote was a part of the Season 6 Battle pass and was unlockable at level 45. The Emote sees Wraith act like an anime superhero.
When activated, the Emote sees Wraith create a power sphere like a Dragon Ball Z character. She then lunges forward and shoots the Orb forward. Many Apex players see Wraith as an anime character, and this Emote plays up that comparison.
8. Spread Your Wings – Seer
Number 8 on our list is Seer’s Spread your Wings. This emote was part of the Spellbound Collection event. This Emote, much like many others, makes use of a Legend’s abilities creatively. The emote makes use of Seer’s micro-drones.
The Emote when activated causes Seer to use his micro-drones to create butterfly wings. Seer then uses these wings to mimic a flying motion by flapping his hands as the wings move behind him.
This Emote creatively uses Seer’s drones to create something beautiful.
9. Bringing The Beat Down – Lifeline
Bringing the Beat is a creative Skydive Emote because it incorporates other Legends’ abilities as well. The Emote was a part of the Season 8 Battle pass and was unlockable at Level 51. The Emote sees her use her drone and Horizon’s and Crypto’s drones.
When activated, the Emote sees Lifeline transform her drone into a drum. At the same time, we see Horizon’s and Crypto’s drones come in as well and she uses all these drones like a drum kit.
This Emote is unique because it uses different Legend abilities to create something comprehensive.
10. Exhumed – Revenant
We will round up our list of the Best Skydive Emotes in Apex Legends with Revenant’s Exhumed. This Emote was part of the Season 6 Battle pass and was unlockable at Level 83. The Emote is notable for its comedic flair especially because it is for Revenant who is one of the eeriest Legends in the game.
The Emote when activated sees Revenant use his Death Totem ultimate. Revenant uses his ultimate to die and transform into a death box. After some time, he comes out of the death box and acts as if nothing has happened.
This Emote is exceptional because of its comedic timing and the efficient use of Revnant’s ultimate.
Other notable mentions for the best Skydive Emotes include Crossed Swords, Hot Potato, Black Swan Dive, Raven Rampage, and Swing and a Miss.
This concludes our list of the Best Emotes in Apex Legends. We took a look at the best Legend and Skydive Emotes in the game. We also discussed the different factors that help these Emotes stand out and make them the best when compared with other great Emotes.
We sincerely hope that this list helps you choose and use the best Emotes whenever you play the game. Let us know what you thought about our list in the comments below. Good luck, and have fun!