The Sword of Night and Flame vs Moonveil has been an ongoing debate in the Elden Ring community. Considering the excellency of both weapons with their abundant pros, it can be hard to favor one over the other objectively.
With tons of build variety and weapons at your disposal, comparing two weapons in Elden Ring can be tricky. Here is our objective take on the Sword of Night and Flame vs Moonveil in Elden Ring.
Both the Sword of Night and Flame and the Moonveil are beasts whether it is PvP or PvE combat. They are great weapons even after being nerfed in previous patches and updates. However, the Moonveil is slightly better than the Sword of Night and Flame due to the balanced scaling, weapon skill, and build diversity. While both of these weapons are phenomenal, the Sword of Flame and Night is a greater commitment that locks you in a linear playstyle, which is a bummer, especially if it is your first time playing Elden Ring.
Curious to know more? Keep reading to find out how we arrived at this conclusion. If you are stuck at a crossroads and do not know which of these weapons to main, this article might be your way out! Without further ado, let us tackle the Sword of Night and Flame vs Moonveil in Elden Ring debate!
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Sword of Night and Flame vs Moonveil

Both of these weapons have their perks and both these weapons have their downsides. It can be tough to rank weapons in Elden Ring because different weapons can accommodate varying playstyles and builds. But, we were kooky enough to do just that! Let’s take a closer look at the two weapons and put this debate to rest.
Sword of Night and Flame

- Physical Attack: 87
- Weight: 4.0
- Scaling: STR – E, DEX – E, INT – D, FAI – D
- Required: 12 STR, 12 DEX, 24 INT, 24 FAI
- Description: Storied sword and treasure of Caria Manor.
One of the legendary armaments.
Astrologers, who preceded the sorcerers, established themselves in mountaintops that nearly touched the sky, and considered the Fire Giants their neighbors.
The Sword of Night and Flame is a lightweight Straight Sword in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity, intelligence, and Faith. The Sword of Night and Flame weapon can be found in Caria Manor in a locked room behind the gardens on the east side of the manor.
It comes with a special weapon skill: Night-and-Flame Stance.
This Unique skill is a two-in-one package. The player can either follow the stance with a Magic attack or a Fire attack. The Night stance fires a comet and deals Magic damage, scaling with Intelligence. On the other hand, the Flame stance does Fire damage and scales with Faith.

- Physical Attack: 73
- Weight: 6.5
- Scaling: STR – E, DEX – D, INT – C
- Required: 12 STR, 18 DEX, 23 INT
- Description: Katana forged of glintstone.
Masterpiece of a Sellian swordsmith.
Light enwreathes the blade when sheathed, explaining its Moonveil moniker.
The Moonveil is an awesome Katana in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. The Moonveil can be obtained upon defeating the Magma Wyrm located in Gael Tunnel – Caelid.
The Moonveil comes with the Transient Moonlight weapon skill which performs a rapid slash attack from a sheathed stance and expels a vertical or horizontal beam of light that does Magic damage. Additionally, the Moonveil causes Blood Loss buildup (50).
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We have deduced that both the Sword of Night and Flame and the Moonveil are splendid weapons and both would be great to wield. However, this is a debate about which one is the best. Let us look at the pros and cons of each of the weapons.
Sword of Night and Flame

Sword of Night and Flame Pros
- Lighter weight
- Requires less Dexterity to wield
- Great weapon for Intelligence/Faith builds
- Amazing weapon skill
- Performs better in PvE combat

Sword of Night and Flame Cons
- High Faith and Intelligence stat requirement
- Not worth it for pure Intelligence or Faith builds
- Subjected to a nerf in previous updates
- Weapon skill costs more FP
- Sizable commitment: Locks your playstyle for the game
- Equal INT and FAI investment mean neither Incantations nor Sorceries will be especially powerful so you cannot master either form of Magic.

Moonveil Pros
- Lower stat requirements
- Powerful weapon skill and costs less FP
- Causes Blood Loss buildup
- Great for PvP combat
- Stat requirements allow freedom for build’s variety and playstyle
- Phenomenal damage after upgrading

Moonveil Cons
- Heavier weight
- Higher Dexterity requirement
- Overpowered weapon after upgrades: might make the game boring for some
- A recent patch nerfed poise breaking and increased ending lag to make the Moonveil less spammable
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Having weighed the pros and cons of the Sword of Night and Flame and Moonveil in Elden Ring, we have reached the verdict that the Moonveil is the superior weapon of the two. There are a lot of plus points to both weapons, making them excellent weapons, but quality-wise, the Moonveil comes out on top.
The stat division is one of the biggest drawbacks of the Sword of Night and Flame, as it affects other aspects of the game like casting Sorceries and Incantations. The superior damage becomes negligible later on.

Meanwhile, the Moonveil has better scaling and is a perfect fit for Intelligence/Dexterity builds while not restricting the player’s playstyle options. The weapon skill catches up quickly with a few upgrades and that combined with the Blood Loss buildup trivializes practically any foe, including bosses in Elden Ring.
Of course, personal preference is a great factor and you should play with whichever weapon feels comfortable and resonates with you!
That concludes our Sword of Night and Flame vs Moonveil in Elden Ring comparison guide. We listed all of the pros and cons of each weapon so you could decide for yourself. These are both spectacular, so do not feel pressured to pick one and just enjoy Elden Ring. Leave a comment below if this guide helped you pick out your new favorite weapon. Good luck, Tarnished!.