The first thing to note is that megastructures are extremely expensive to construct, yet they are usually well worth the effort. They’re not only cool to look at, but they’re also an excellent method to prove your value to the rest of the galaxy. Here’s how to construct each of Stellaris’ megastructure Federations. You will need to do some research on physics technology megastructures before you begin.
That is a rare physics technology that occurs late in the technology tree. After that, you’ll need to look into the specific technologies for each megastructure you intend to construct. If you want to develop a mega shipyard, then you’ll need to research massive shipyards.
Each megastructure has a set of requirements for where its erection is possible, and every first phase necessitates the use of a construction spaceship. The prerequisites you must meet for each megastructure in Stellaris are listed below. Once you’ve accomplished these requirements, only pick “megastructures” from your construction ship, then the system fulfills the criteria.
The initial stage (building site) of a megastructure requires the use of a construction spaceship. The following steps do not necessitate the use of a construction spaceship if there are numerous stages. Based on the colony (empire) that created or maintained them, all megastructures have a unique texture.
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Speed Bonuses

Megastructure development speed is affected by a few benefits. Given the length of time required for such projects, this is highly desirable:
- Ascension bonus for Master Builders boosts build speed up to 50%.
- The Living Metal Construction Directive accelerates construction by 50%.
- The goal of achieving architectural Renaissance coherence also speeds up the construction process by 50%.
- For ten years, utilizing the Isolated relic (Contingency relic) improves build speed up to 300%.
Empires can locate deserted gateways, which were previously a portion of a vast spanning network when exploring the galaxy. Galaxy settings can scale the count of deserted gates. When a system has some inactive Gateways, it increases the likelihood of the Tech gateway activation.
So, if a Gateway Activation technology (GTA) appears, it must be reactivated. It costs 6500 energies and takes two years and 2500 pieces of alloys to reactivate an abandoned gateway. Whenever a Gateway reactivates, it gets joined by a random Gateway.
Empires can create their Gateways by exploring Gateway Construction Technology (GCT). This technology involves the realm to have run into any Gateways. That means that when Gateways get inactivated during the creation of a galaxy, it blocks the contractions of new ones.
There is only one gateway per system that can be built, and it has a certain L-Gate. The building site should be erected outside of the system of the gravity well, takes three years to complete, and costs one hundred effects and two thousand alloys. It takes three years and 6000 volts of energy, and 2600 pieces of alloys to upgrade to a fully functional Gateway.
Gateways can be very helpful. If an empire with a gateway has opened its borders and is not at a specific type of war with the realm of the passing ship, it would be difficult for the enemies to enter it. Due to the L-unique Gate’s system, you can go from the L-Cluster and then to some other L-gate as long as the L-borders Clusters are exposed, or you are at some kind of war.
Regular empires could not seal their boundaries to the Fallen Empires, so the fallen empires can always access ordinary empires’ gateways unless they are at some kind of war.
Gateways can be used to expand claims, but only if the claimed side’s boundaries are open. Gateways don’t necessarily have to connect sectors. Trade routes can be considerably improved and simplified by using gateways. Once fully active or created, gateways cannot be deleted or deactivated.
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Habitats, essentially artificial planets, have a Mod Base Habitability of 70% for all kinds of species. Moreover, they can be constructed over planets. All Habitats have their own set of certain Districts, which are distinct from those found on other planets.
All Habitats share up to three Districts, with a fifth District accessible if that particular Habitat is constructed above a system with a reserve deposit. Its presence is influenced by the rise of the empire of builders. On a Habitat, colonization is still required, but a colony progresses three times faster.
Any empire with the Utopia DLC loaded can research and construct habitats. It’s only accessible to the realm of the Dwellers. It involves the DLC of Federations.
A construction spacecraft can build habitats around any ordinary planet without causing an anomaly. Habitats, unlike other megastructures, do not contain a building area and are completed through the construction spaceship in one try. Habitats come in four sizes, each of which can accommodate up to four districts. They could be increased to eight sizes through Decisions when all district spaces have been filled.
Multi-Stage Megastructure
Multi-stage megastructures are built in several stages, each of which necessitates the application of the similar-named technology. Empires without the technology could utilize it when they conquer one from another, but they can’t enhance it until they research it. Habitats and gates can be developed alongside multi-stage megastructures in a similar system.
Only a single multi-stage mega-structure can be built, upgraded, or restored at one time. For each of the following, the bounds can be raised by one:
- Ascension bonus for Master Builders
- Ambition decree of the Renaissance architect
- President of Level five – The Research Cooperative
Except for the Ring World, multi-stage megastructures can be erected once per realm and could not be recreated if the previous one is gone astray. Conquered megastructures from other realms and those that originate in the spanning galaxy that has been damaged and repaired do not sum up towards the limit. However, a captured incomplete mega-structure can be improved. Furthermore, only one of the structures can run on a single system.
A Colossus, and the crisis forces, can overrun a Ring World’s habitable sectors, which cannot be rebuilt. All megastructures, except Gateways, are ruined and no longer repairable when a Star Eater fires on the system’s star.
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Ruined Megastructure
While exploring the galaxy, you may come across a ruined form of a multi-stage mega-structure, with great galaxies spawning more ruined megastructures. Mega-Engineering technology is all that’s required to repair them.
Owning a system with a damaged megastructure offers an x20 weight for Mega-Engineering to show as a researchable technology if it hasn’t already been researched.
They are not considered as achievements because they upgrade from broken to fully functional in one step. They are not, however, counted against any build limitation for that specific megastructure. Furthermore, the Voidborne Ascension Perk raises their Mod Habitability by 20% (leading in 90% Habitability without any other modifiers) and unlocks two building spaces. A colossus, and crisis groups, can destroy habitats, and once destroyed, they cannot be recovered.
Even if neither of the essential DLCs is present, empires founded by the Horde break upstart with the technology to build Habitats if the Apocalypse DLC is installed. Other realms may be able to take control of these habitats.
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