Apex Legends initially launched with only 8 Legends in the beginning. Six of these Legends were playable from the start, while the other two had to be unlocked. However, since the game’s release in February 2019, a new Legend has been added at the start of every Season. Every Season, a new Legend is introduced, and fans are left to experiment and discover whether that Legend is good.
Fuse made his way into the world of Apex Legends in Season 8. Fuse had an amazingly high pick rate for a new Legend during the early days. Players worldwide picked the Legend and tried out new builds and strategies to get the most out of him.
However, over the last few years, Fuse’s pick rate has severely dwindled, leaving fans of the game asking if Fuse is good in Apex Legends?
While the answer to that question may vary from player to player based on their interaction and experience with the Legend, there is a more definitive answer if we examine the Legend in detail. If you are searching for that definitive answer, you have come to the right place. Let us take a look at Fuse and see whether he is good or not.
Fuse is not only good, but he is considered by many as one of the most underrated Legends in the game. He is regularly picked in high-ranked games and is one of the most famous Legends in the pro scene. His abilities allow him to have a defensive and offensive impact on a game. He also has excellent synergy with Legends like Pathfinder and Octane and can be used to land unique combos with those legends.
Knuckle Cluster allows you to trap the enemies and deal damage over time, making your enemies prone to making mistakes and being easy targets.
Grenadier ensures that you always have grenades in hand, which you can chuck at the enemies rapidly and accurately. Combined with the correct weapons and teammates, these abilities can turn Fuse into a threat at both offensive and defensive ends.
If you want to learn more about Fuse, we suggest you keep reading. We will examine all his abilities and load-outs and look at different tips that can significantly improve your gameplay. So, without any further delay, let’s jump right in.
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Fuse the Bombasive Explosives Expert is associated with the Assault class. He was introduced in Season 8 and could be unlocked using twelve thousand Legend Tokens or 750 Apex Tokens. Fuse is a Legend that specializes in explosives and features gameplay of a similar nature.
His abilities allow him to dish explosive damage in a short time frame and his ultimate can turn the tide of a game instantly. He has a significantly low win rate which can be attributed to most players not utilizing his strengths.
Fuse is at his best when it comes to launching attacks at enemies. He can be paired with other Legends to deal a crazy amount of damage by stacking different abilities. He can also provide covering fire for his team from afar.
His grenade launching speed and accuracy ensures that enemies will always retreat, taking cover from his fire. This allows your teammates to get close to the enemies and take them out.
His abilities are geared towards dealing massive amounts of damage over time to his enemies. Speaking of which, let us take a look at his abilities;
Grenadier – Passive Ability
Grenadier is a passive ability that allows Fuse to stack 2 grenades per inventory slot. These additional grenades free up valuable space in Fuse’s inventory that can be used for extra healing items and ammo.
You can also use this ability in combination with your teammates. You can stack more ammo and healing items for them, and they can do the same for you regarding grenades.
Additionally, the Grenadier ability allows Fuse to launch these grenades faster and with more accuracy than other Legends in the game. Fuse achieves this fast speed using the grenade launcher on his right arm. This allows Fuse to launch grenades 70 times faster. This increased speed can surprise the enemies and take them out before they can react.
Fuse can also use this ability to track the bounces of a Frag grenade. This allows him to pinpoint exactly where the grenade will land and improves accuracy.
Knuckle Cluster – Tactical Ability
When activated, Knuckle Cluster launches a cluster of explosives toward an enemy or a specific location. These grenades stick to the enemy and expel smaller explosives after 1.5 seconds. The ability deals an initial 10 damage which can increase to 60 if the enemy is stuck. The ability lasts for six seconds and has a 20-second cooldown.
The Knuckle Cluster is a highly versatile ability that can be used to perform different tasks. It not only deals damage to an enemy but can also be used to destroy doors, attack Crypto’s drone, and dispel Caustic’s gas traps. It is also extremely effective against other enemy abilities and is ideally used as a disable.
An important thing to remember about this ability is that it cannot damage your teammates, but it can affect Fuse himself.
The Motherload – Ultimate Ability
The Motherload launches a bombardment that traps the target enemy in a wall of flame. The fire lasts for 17 seconds and has a cooldown of 120 seconds. When you activate the ability, Fuse will take out a launcher to let you aim and line up the shot.
When you fire the launcher, the bomb explodes mid-air and encircles the enemy. It is an extremely long-ranged ability to be used from up to 200 meters away.
If enemies touch the ring of fire, they will take 35 damage instantly. There will also be a burn effect that slows down an enemy for 5 seconds and does 8 to 12 damage per second based on their positioning.
The fire does not damage your teammates, but they will get slowed if they walk through it.
All the enemies inside the circle will be revealed to you and your teammates. This makes The Motherload an amazing late-game ability where many smokes and covers are used. Like Knuckle Duster, The Motherload can damage Fuse himself if he walks through the fire.
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Tips to Play a Better Fuse

There are a plethora of things that you can do differently to improve your gameplay as Fuse. These things can range from your positioning while using abilities to the correct places and time to use certain abilities. Following these tips will significantly improve your gameplay and ensure that you get the most out of the Legend every time. These tips are as follows;
1. Utilizing the Increased Grenade Speed
Grenadier provides a 70% increased launch speed when you fire a grenade at an enemy. This improved speed can create amazing grenade ricochets that can blindside enemies if you fire a grenade at a wall.
It will bounce and keep traveling in the opposite direction. You can use this deflection to target unsuspecting enemies and take them out
2. Managing Your Inventory
Grenadier allows you to carry an extra grenade per inventory slot. This ability provides you with more room in your inventory that you can use to store other items or carry more grenades based on your needs.
You can help your teammates significantly by holding more heal and ammo, or you can utilize this space for yourself by carrying more grenades.
3. Using Knuckle Cluster in Close Spaces
The Knuckle Cluster ability allows you to damage more if the enemy remains stationary. This makes it the perfect spell to use in confined spaces. If you manage to trap an enemy in a closed area of the map, you can use Knuckle Cluster to deal a crazy amount of damage and take them out.
4. Embrace Knuckle Cluster’s Versatility
Knuckle Cluster not only deals explosive damage to enemies but can also be used for other purposes in the game. For instance, the ability is great for destroying closed doors and disabling different abilities.
The ability can be used to disable Rampart’s Amped Wall, Revenant’s Death Totem, Crypto’s Surveillance Drone, and Loba’s Black Market Boutique, among other abilities.
5. Knowing When to Drop The Motherload
The Motherload can be a potent fighting tool if used properly. It can trap your enemies and turn them into sitting ducks from you and your teammates. However, you still need to be mindful and how and when to use this ability.
Fuse’s Ultimate has a 200-meter range, but that doesn’t mean that you always have to use it from that far out. If you throw out the ability from that range, your enemies can easily escape it without a problem.
Conversely, if you use it from a closer range in the late game during a team fight, your enemies will have to think twice before they run through the fire. This will make them easy targets for you and your teammates.
6. Pairing The Motherload with Other Abilities
The Motherload creates a ring of fire around the enemies that they cannot escape without taking damage and getting slow. So, the ability provides a perfect timeslot for your teammates to use their abilities on the enemies as well.
Different abilities like Horizon’s Black Hole and Caustic’s Gas Grenade pair well with the Motherload. These abilities can damage an AOE while the enemies are trapped in it.
Best Loadouts for Fuse

Fuse is a unique Legend in that he can play from both mid-range and long-range because of the scope of his abilities. So, you can use different weapons on him and still easily take out enemies.
If you want to focus on the mid-range aspect of his game, you can go with shotguns like the Peacekeeper, the Mastiff, or the EVA-8.
You can also go with weapons like the 30-30 Repeater and the Bocek Compound Bow, as they both can take out enemies or deal damage from a distance. For long-range combat, you can also go with different snipers like the Sentinel and the Longbow are the safe way to go.
You can pair them up with the Wingman or the Hemlock to ensure that you cover all bases and be ready for the enemy no matter what.
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Ideal Legend Pairings with Fuse

When you are playing Fuse, positioning plays a major part in how you play the game. So, Legends like Octane and Pathfinder can be a great combo as they can use their abilities to help Fuse get to the high ground.
Once there, you can use your abilities effectively and trap the enemies using the Motherload. They can also help Fuse get in and out of the Motherload without getting hurt in the process.
Fuse also benefits from pairing with Crypto and Bloodhound. These two Legends have abilities that can help track the enemies and provide Fuse knowledge of where he needs to use his abilities.
You can use abilities like The Motherload and Grenadier more effectively if you know where the enemies are located on the map.
Lastly, Fuse can be played in combination with Horizon and Caustic because of their AOE damage spells. These Legends can make use of Fuse’s Ultimate and throw in spells that will do additional damage to the already trapped enemies.
These abilities will lead to the enemies making mistakes and paying for them with their lives.
Fuse is Good Against
Fuse is a great counter to Legends like Rampart and Lifeline. Knuckle Duster is a great way to target and destroy enemies being revived through different abilities like the Combat Revive. The ability also is strong against healing abilities like the D.O.C Heal Drone.
The Knuckle Cluster instantly takes out Rampart’s Amped Walls. He can also destroy a prone Rampart that’s using her Emplaced Minigun.
You can also use your ultimate to neutralize these two Legends completely. The Motherload can destroy Rampart and Lifeline when they are using Minigun and Care Package abilities, respectively.
Fuse also counters Revenant for the same reasons. The Motherload can surround the Death Totem and kill enemies that respawn with limited HP. This ultimate is also good against Loba while she is using her Black Market Boutique.
Lastly, using Knuckle Duster effectively can take out Mirage and all his decoys if you time it as he uses his Life of the Party ability. You can take him out before he gets a chance to do anything with his clones.
Fuse Gets Countered By
Fuse is a terrible matchup against Wattson. Her Interception Pylon ability can cancel out both the Knuckle Duster and the Motherload. This can leave Fuse utterly useless against her. You can only survive against Wattson if you jump on her and take her out before she can channel her abilities.
Legends like Wraith, Octane, Horizon, and Pathfinder also counter fuse. All of these Legends have relocation abilities that can help them get out of Fuse’s ultimate. They can also use their spells to dodge the damage from Knuckle Cluster and Grenadier.
Legends like Bangalore and Caustic can also counter Fuse, as their abilities can temporarily blind him and make him useless, as he needs the vision to land all his abilities.
Is Fuse Actually Good?
Yes, Fuse can greatly impact any game if you pick him under the correct situation. He can contribute at both the defensive and offensive ends of a game. His abilities allow him to deal damage close-up and from afar.
You need a line of Legends willing to get into the fight and initiate while Fuse lands his abilities from a distance. He can provide you with amazing abilities that can help trap and slow down enemies.
Similarly, different game situations and making the correct weapon choices also play a vital role in expanding or shrinking Fuse’s impact on a game. If you make the correct choices, Fuse can completely change the game’s complexion.
This concludes our guide on Fuse and whether he is a good Legend or not. In this guide, we took a deep dive into Fuse and all the abilities he brings to the table. We also discussed the tips and strategies you could implement to improve your gameplay with the Legend and win more games using him.
We discussed the best weapons and load-outs you could go with on the Legend based on your preference and your role in a game. Lastly, we discussed the ideal Legend pairings that will help you get the most out of the Legend and the Legends he counters and gets countered by in the game.
We sincerely hope that our guide can help answer all your questions about Fuse and whether he is good or not. Let us know what you think about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is always valued and appreciated. Till next time, Good luck and have fun!