Welcome back, Cities: Skylines players, I hope you have built your cities to perfection and that your citizens are satisfied with the quality of life under your rule. At the same time, you have to build city zones, afforest parts of the city to keep the air clean, take care of the health of citizens and take care of their education.
This is not an easy job, considering that you have a certain amount of money in your city budget. So be careful in running the city and its planned construction, you have to satisfy both sides to maintain balance in the community. In today’s article we will talk about goods in Cities: Skylines. We’re ready, are you?
In this mega-popular city-building simulation, your task is to build and run a successful city. This may seem like an easy task, but trust us, this is not easy at all. You will have to learn something about urban zones, where to build residential and where industrial zones, how to connect zones with roads and where to set up highways and where to completely disable driving in order to eliminate city congestion.
Be ready to learn how to supply citizens with drinking and clean water, how to provide them with electricity and ensure regular garbage collection. Also, citizens will need jobs as well as places for entertainment, you will have to build enough buildings to fulfill their desires.
But be careful, if you neglect the needs of citizens in any way (for example, you build residential areas near industrial zones that pollute the environment), they can be moved out of your city, or even catch a disease that will send them to the hospital. As you can see, your every neglect of their basic needs will have consequences.
If this short introduction has already interested you in building your own city, hurry to the Steam official site and download the Cities: Skylines game to your PC or macOS. If you’re a fan of gaming consoles, today is your lucky day – Cities: Skylines is available for PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One gaming consoles. Install the game and start building your perfect city.
And now, let’s move on to the focus of today’s article – a problem that often occurs and causes frustration among players. This problem is when a player does not have enough goods to sell in their city.
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Do You Know What The Goods Are In Cities: Skylines?

The goods are the final product from generic industries. You can see them in the Outside Connections tab where you can change the Import or Export tab to see the percentage of goods. Goods are sold in commercial buildings. The commercial buildings are importing these goods, and the industrial buildings export the goods.
Everything starts from natural resources, more precisely raw items. These are forest, ore and oil, fertile land from which goods are obtained. Our advice is to build industrial and commercial buildings relatively close due to the speed of delivery of finished goods, once the product is finished it will be able to be delivered quickly from generic industrial building to the nearest commercial building. That way you won’t have problems with city crowds, and the goods will be delivered on time.
However, keep in mind to keep industrial buildings as far away from residential areas as possible, due to the high level of pollution resulting from industrial buildings. When generic factories make a finished product, they need to deliver that product all the way to commercial buildings. That is why it is important that the traffic connection in your city is very planned. There is no point in the finished product traveling too long to commercial buildings, it will only produce additional traffic congestion and delivery trucks will be late with their delivery. Try to build these buildings as close as possible to reduce delivery time.
Don’t be fooled by raw products, such as oil or ore, you have to import them if the factories are not built in areas rich in natural resources. You will be able to export some of the raw materials, and you will have to import some, unless you build a quality industry where you will not have to import anything. Generic industries will automatically import raw products that you do not have enough of in your city.
This is basically the chain of production in the Cities: Skylines game. You have raw materials, we already said what they are, then you have a product that comes from raw materials and at the very end come the goods that are sold in commercial buildings. If you are a supporter of local production, this is great because you will not have to import anything and thus create congestion on city roads, which is mostly caused by delivery vehicles.
However, in this game you will never be able to achieve that you do not have to import anything, it is an almost impossible mission. Even if you have enough raw materials, your generic factories will still import some of them, even though they may use enough raw materials from your city. That’s just the way it goes, the city must have a balance between import and export products.
Let’s repeat one more time. If industries are built near commercial buildings, this will allow for easier deliveries between them. Delivery vehicles have to take goods to commercial buildings because commercial buildings sell those goods.
This way you will be able to solve the problem of not enough goods in your city. Also, if you have a problem that you do not have enough buyers, it is because the population of your city is relatively low, so as soon as you increase the population in the city, there will be an increase in the number of buyers.
Another problem associated with not enough goods is import and export. When your city does not have enough resources, it must import the same resources from other cities. Which means delivery vehicles have to drive all the way to your industrial buildings to deliver the necessary resources. If you have not planned to build roads in your city, imports will be a problem in your city. Imports vehicles will slow down traffic and deliveries will be delayed, which will cause the economic collapse of your city.
So you have to think about this a lot before the problem happens. Try to build roads so that certain roads only drive to your industrial areas, that delivery vehicles do not mix with other city vehicles and do not slow down city transport. Otherwise, your city roads will be cluttered with delivery vehicles and this is an indication of a traffic disaster in your town.
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Final Thoughts
Can you remember all this information? Of course you can, this is very simple to remember and apply, so you can watch the production of goods in your city without worries. The problem with not enough goods often occurs with players, and many get annoyed because they do not know how to solve this problem because they think that everything is fine with their industry.
Let’s recap once again to see if you remember everything: the first thing you need to do is plan to build your zones, which means you must first move residential buildings away from industrial zones because otherwise your citizens will be unhappy with the pollution coming from industrial buildings, it can cause disease in citizens and even the desire to move out of your city.
However, make sure that commercial and generic industrial buildings are nearby as this will significantly reduce the time required to deliver goods from factories to commercial buildings. Goods have to reach commercial buildings because they are sold there, that is unquestionable.
Also, be careful when building roads because you do not want to create traffic jams on your roads due to delivery vehicles. And that’s it, if you have more tips on how to fix this problem, feel free to share them with us and other players!