Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a popular Japanese role-playing game that has 8 playable characters, one of which is Sylvando. Sylvando is a flamboyant and free-spirited performer. He is the group’s mood builder, as he is always cheerful and upbeat.
Sylvando uses his talents as a traveling entertainer, expertly wielding a diverse range of weapons and skills. Through his art, he hopes to put a smile on the faces of people all over the world.
This DQ 11 Sylvando Build and Equipment Guide serves to explain how to make the most of Sylvando’s skills to conquer this game.
If you are playing the Dragon Quest 11 game, you will want to be aware of Sylvando’s strongest skills, as well as where you can find all of his top equipment. That’s just what this specific Dragon Quest 11 of Sylvando Build and Equipment Guide can show you. I will show you how to achieve all of Sylvando’s finest equipment and what skills to invest into from start to finish.
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The Best Skills for The Dragon Quest 11 Sylvando
Sylvando has five skill trees accessible when he enters the party: Knives, Swords, Litheness, Whips, and Showmanship. The Swords is a bad game but put it out of your mind for now. Whips aren’t that useful either. Sylvando will be best off using a dagger & shield and concentrating on his Showmanship abilities.
Spending a few points in the Litheness to officially unlock the Fuddle Dance, which is the initial skill present in the official Showmanship tree. Then visit a holy church or save a monument and get a refund for your Litheness points.
Overall, Sylvando’s Showmanship abilities are his strongest skills. Hustle Dance is the strongest healing skill as soon as you have it until about the start of Act number 3, so get it as soon as possible. Get Charm plus 40, Kiss Me Deadly, That’s Amore & Pink Pirouette from there.
Then go to Knives and get everything you can. That should help you reach the finish line of Act two. If you desire to improve Sylvando’s synergy with Erik, you should go Knives right after Hustle Dance, but bear in mind that Kiss Me Deadly and That’s Amore all put in status effects which Erik can use.
Then, using Knives, go through Litheness and get the desired stat bonuses (you are looking for the Charm plus 30), along with Have a Ball. Move your way down low and grab Gold Rush.
Stop what you are doing and snatch Ladies First as soon as Sylvando’s 6th tree is unlocked in the Act 3. Sylvando will share his own turn with every single woman party member in case he plays Ladies First. If you are not using any of Sylvando’s help skills, switching to Jade or Veronica would almost often result in a more effective attack than just about anything Sylvando would do.
You are potentially nearing the game’s end and possessing all of Sylvando’s strongest skills. The single other item worth picking is Sylvando’s best single goal strike, Finger of Justice, but not as powerful as it is while trading turns with Veronica or Jade.
After that, simply use all of your extra points on filling the remainder of Sylvando’s tree, even though you are unlikely to use most of the other different skills.
Top Equipment – The Dragon Quest 11 Sylvando

Equipment Setup – The Dragon Quest 11 Sylvando
In Dragon Quest XI, you have to follow a specific equipment set up in order to excel in the game. You should use El Stupendo Plus 3 as your weapon. Next, we suggest using Tiara Tremendisima Plus 3 as a helmet. Whereas for the shield, you should use the Metal King Shield Plus 3. For armor, we recommend the Gladder Rags Plus 3, whereas you should use Suave Scarf Plus 3 for Accessory 1 as well as Accessory 2. This completes your equipment setup.
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Locations – The Dragon Quest 11 Sylvando
– El Stupendo
Big Hitters of a Battlefield, contained in a particular chest located in the Luminary’s Trial, can be used to make El Stupendo.
– Suave Scarf
Get it from Octagonia’s Golden Boy after the event held after the game.
– Metal King Shield
Metal King Shield is obtained by completing the 110 mini medal quest Making Things – with Metal Kings.
– Gladder Rags
The Gladder Rags is made with the Gladder Gear for Goer-Getterers, a reward for the ninety mini metal stamp.
– Tiara Tremendisima
The Tiara Tremendisima is created with the Gladder Gear for Goer-Getterers, a reward for the ninety mini metal stamp.
There you go. This was all you need to know about the best Dragon Quest 11 Sylvando build and equipment.