World of Warcraft (WoW) is a thrilling game commended for its wide-scale and uninterrupted content. In WoW, there are several raids mounts for players. Well, the iconic weapons of World of Warcraft are usually given a lot of attention.
Looking through the World of Warcraft, we unveil the top 10 best raid mounts in WoW. Let’s look at these top raid mounts starting from the least to the best.
1. Ironhoof Destroyer
The ironhoof destroyer is a masterpiece on its own. It is a monster mount that you will find raiding the suburbs of Thunder Bluff. The mount is available for players who want to play the Mythic Blackrock Foundry raid and has a supposed drop rate of 2.4%. We said supposedly because many players have challenges with the drop rate as it seems to be similar.
For most players, the drop rate should be fixed and should be at the right place. However, in a recent update, we have seen the drop rate getting fixed, even though you might want to stay alert as you might find some unusual drop rates. So get yourself rate for this ironhoof destroyer raid.
2. Astral Cloud Serpent
The Astral cloud serpent is the first flying mount on our list and is difficult for most players to beat. It has a sleek look when flying beneath a well-decorated night period. It comes with a star system that is pasted with a transparent body, giving it additional attention to the game, especially for anyone who loves a peaceful or spiritual look.
In addition, Roku role-players also like the dragon-like aesthetic of the raid mount. Interestingly the astral cloud serpent raid mount is available for players running the Mythic Mogu’shan vaults raid.
Immediately you get the Cache of Pure energy after completing the Elegon challenge; you can begin to see the astral cloud serpent dropping at a rate of 1%. In World of Warcraft, more than 17% of players have the astral cloud serpent mount, as it is easy to figure out.
3. Kor’kron Juggernaut
Unlike the first raid mount (Ironhoof Destroyer) we mentioned, this unique raid mount is plated with armor throughout its stinger and body. Its aesthetic is clearly descriptive as it perfectly fits the weapon bill and is suitable for any battle situation.
Indeed, the Kor’kron juggernaut raid mount is a deadly weapon you can acquire as you run the Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar. Furthermore, you have to kill Garrosh Hellscream before seeing the drop. It has a drop rate of 1% after killing Garrosh Hellscream.
4. Fiery Warhorse
If you haven’t found the raid mount you wanted, then the Fiery Warehouse. The Fiery Warehouse is among the most fabulous mounts that have been released. If you are a player that loves paying attention to details, then the fiery warehouse is a beast, which shows from its mouth.
The Fiery Warehouse is a vampire warehouse with fangs and is on fire. To acquire this raid, you need to complete the Mythic Raid of Karazhan. It has a drop rate of 1% throughout the game. Overall, the fiery warhorse is one raid mount you need to have as it offers unique firepower during the game.
5. Drake of the South Wind
There are four cataclysm drakes, and the south wind drake is one of them. It is a raid mount that offers a similar flying style to the astral cloud serpent. However, it offers fewer stars and more opacity. If you want to get a more beefy raid mount without going overboard, we recommend you try the drake of the south wind raid mount.
You can acquire the drake of the south wind by participating in the Mythic Throne of the four winds and killing Al’akir in the process. Furthermore, another way to acquire the mount is when it drops in an unclaimed black market container. While the chances are rare, it can be expensive if you purchase it. Overall, it is among the best raid mounts in WoW.
6. Felsteel Annihilator
Have you ever had this feeling that you want the titan to fall, but the weapons you have don’t provide the adequate power you need? Well, the felsteel annihilator is one important weapon that oozes enough from its exhaust. It comes out with a green flame at the back and the player’s sides. The raid mount also flies, making it the perfect component for any engineer.
You can get the felsteel annihilator with its powerful exhaust by killing Archimonde in the Mythic Hellfire Citadel. Like all the raid mounts we have mentioned in this article, it is possible to fight the boss alone if you have adequate gear and level. One important fun thing about the felsteel annihilator drop is boosting its drop rate.
Overall, the WoW community finds the Mythic raid less farmable when compared with other raid mounts in the game. If you want to take this raid mount, we recommend you ensure you build the character from the building. There are several ways to build a character from scratch. We will talk about this in another article.
7. Ashes of Al’ar
The Ashes of Al’ar is another flying mount in our list of the 10 greatest raid mounts in WoW. It boasts a beautiful pink and golden color pattern. It strikes a prominent ego with a phoenix design. The mount serves much more than a companion you need in WoW.
Starting with the history of WoW with Ezra Chatterton, a lot has taken place. If you are new and don’t know about Ezra, let’s take a brief about him. Ezra was a passionate WoW player who suffered a terminal sickness resulting in his death.
However, before this incident, he worked with Blizzard to create excellent content for the WoW game. These content include Elder Ezra Wheathoof, Kyle’s Gone mission, and the Merciless Gladiator’s Crossbow of the Phoenix.
These are just pieces of the content they created, which today is used to remember Ezra. However, he received the Ashes of Al’ar mount as a gift for his effort in creating such content. With this history, you can see how important it can be to possess the Ashes of Al’ar raid mount.
You must run your own mythic complex of the eye raid to acquire the Ashes of Al’ar. During this, you have to kill Kael’thas Sunstrider. According to legend, Phoenix can’t die but return in the form of ash after being reborn. When someone summons the Ashes of Al’ar, they see the rebirth of Al’ar.
8. Mimiron’s Head
A flying mount enables Helicopter Fanatic to destroy two birds using a single stone. In this, you fly in a helicopter while playing like a clown in the game. It is one of the funniest mounts you will see during the game. If you like playing a humorous role, especially in WoW, you might want to pick this raid mount as you grind out things in the Mythic Siege of Ulduar. Here, it comes at a drop rate of 1% with a sweet bonus as you can pick one of the top ten titles on the way.
9. Onyxian Drake
Even though it is the primary reason for guild break-ups, more than 30% of players in WoW have acquired the Onyxian Drake raid mount. It is among the iconic character you will find in the game, so it is not surprising that many players are fighting to have this raid mount. It is one of the most coveted raids available in WoW.
It has an appearance that looks like a dark color pattern with horns that makes it look like a beast. The raid mount allows players to role-play, which makes a lot of players farm it. It doesn’t take too much time to farm compared to other mounts on our list. If you think you have spare time, you can farm the Onyxian Drake and get yourself ready for WoW.
10. Invincible
Obviously, the best raid mounts in WoW that you can ever obtain. The name alone is quite descriptive, making it an infrequent item to possess. Before Arthus was crowned the Lich King, he already had a trusted ally on his aide. He kept his horse aside because of the terrible accident he had. In the game, you can see that he left the horse in his grave.
After becoming the Lich King, he returned to the grave, where he struck his horse through the ground. Due to this, Invincible was born. Invincible is a flaying death charger with bluish hues enabling him to compliment whatever background it finds. Besides the aesthetics, the lore behind this beast is good. More than 19% of the players in WoW have already acquired it because of the uniqueness of this raid mount. To obtain it, you have to participate in the Mythic Citadel raid and kill the Lich King.
The invincible raid mount is arguably the most iconic character you will ever find in WoW. The story reads well and looks fantastic. Notably, the experience of killing the Lich King is quite exciting and adventurous. For any gamer, it brings a lot of confidence that you can kill the famous Lich King in WoW. If you want to experience the best thing in WoW, you have to acquire the Invincible Raid mount. If you have never tried it, it is time to give it your best shot.
I hope you have read through our 10 top raid mounts in WoW. Indeed, the list comprises the best raids you can ever imagine. We do like to hear from you what you think about these raids. We have provided different raid mounts, including ironhoof destroyer, fiery warhorse, Ashes of Al’ar, Drake of the South, Onyxian Drake, and Invincible. Do you have any raid you think we have excluded from our list? We do love to hear your inclusion.
Finally, which of the top 10 best raid mounts in our list do you think is the best? The WoW game is a wonderful game that everyone should experience. You can also read our other posts about WoW.