An Auto Grabber is a piece of equipment that players can use to collect materials from their farm as well as coop animals in Stardew Valley. Moreover, you will also not be able to obtain the grabber immediately and would be required to complete a number of tasks in order to do so.
Getting an Auto Grabber in Stardew Valley is not an instant task. However, you don’t have to worry as in this article, we will tell you exactly how you can get an Auto Grabber in SV.
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In Stardew Valley, How Do You Get An Auto Grabber?

Once players have reached Farming Level 10, they can buy an Auto Grabber from Marnie’s Ranch for around 25,000 Gold. In the mail post, you’ll find a letter from Marnie informing you where you can access her ranch and buy a harvester for the barn or coop. When you’ve entered Farming Level 10, Marnie will invite you to visit her personal farm and buy the harvester for the barn or coop.
Located inside a coop or barn, the Auto Grabber would then instantly harvest materials from your farm animals. It should only be used on one farm. Its primary function is to save your time and energy by automatically harvesting cows’ milk, wool from the sheep, as well as a variety of other products. The number of grabbers you have is entirely up to you – provided, of course, that you also have the Gold to buy them. Be alerted that once you purchase something, you cannot sell it.
Players can easily collect a new batch of products from the barnyard animals every other morning by visiting the Auto Grabber, which can be found in the corner of your barnyard. It can hold up to almost 35 harvested items, each of which can be removed or viewed by right-clicking on the item in question.
However, by employing the grabber, the gamer will forfeit the opportunities to generate the +5 friendship points which would otherwise be received by manual process milking or shearing an animal. Therefore, this should take a slightly longer time for the animals to deliver the best results. As a result, several players are questioning whether or not the Auto Grabber is worthwhile. After all, it is a significant financial burden and prohibits you from receiving friendship points with the companion animals.
If you have a huge barnyard, the Auto Grabber is well worth the investment. When harvesting materials from every one of your animals, it will take a very long time, therefore having several grabbers in your barns as well as coops will definitely save you a great deal of time during this process. When starting out, it is usually better to just save up your Gold and develop a relationship with the animals before investing in a harvester.
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Final Thoughts
Investing in an Auto Grabber for your barn and coop is a wise decision because they save time and energy. An Auto Grabber is really beneficial but it can have its cons too so be mindful when getting one.