Alien Box is an event contained in the Stellaris 2.1 tease. It’s when, at a particular point, you’ll have to choose between three different colors of liquid for your race’s advantage: red, green, or blue.
Ultimately, the scientists successfully pierced the alien box’s outer shell. The box is holding three little liquid-filled bottles. The first is a red one, the second is a green one, and the third is a blue one. In comparison to their vessel, these liquids aren’t all that odd, and scientists have recognized them as prepared gene-modification fluids.
The chemicals are rapidly decaying without their alien vessel for unknown reasons, but there must be sufficient time to mix and administer either of these three to the race. It has been verified that it will have beneficial impacts, although it is unclear how.
Speed Demon Halted is a triggering condition for Alien Box Opened. This one can only be activated by completing the unique project Cracking Open the Alien Box.
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The Other Events
There are a number of chain occurrences in Stellaris. The Orbital Speed Demon includes Alien Box Opened. Other titles include Alien Box Contents, Speed Demon Halted, Genetic Modification Complete for the red solution, Genetic Modification Complete for the green solution, and Genetic Modification Complete for the blue solution. If you’re not acquainted with all of them, here’s a quick rundown of what they’re all about.

1. Orbital Speed Demon
An anomalous event chain is what Orbital Speed Demon is. This one is activated by looking into the anomaly using a name that is often seen on asteroids. You will have the advantage if you finish this event chain since it provides a permanent free characteristic to the primary species.
Attempts to examine the item in high-speed orbit were unsuccessful. The object slips below the horizon very instantly, and the equipment on the scientific ship is unable to keep up.
Even while the asteroid has a high gravitational attraction, it by itself does not justify the object’s tremendous motion. It might be because the item has some unusual features or because there is a gravity phenomenon at work.
Also, without outside intervention, the object’s velocity looks to be increasing every moment, and the Science Officer believes it will be flung out of orbit shortly.
The Orbital Speed Demon’s triggering condition does not contain Machine Intelligence. This one can only be activated by looking into the Orbital Speed Demon anomaly. The scientific ship scientists get 200 experience if you attempt to make it slow down, stop it, or get off from it.
2. Speed Demon Halted
The thing seems to be a box made of extraterrestrial material. The back of the neck seems to be a convoluted vein. All of it is collected in a sphere-shaped device at the summit. Just one thing that could be deduced is the contents.
Orbital Speed Demon is a triggering condition of the Speed Demon Halted. The average time it takes for anything to occur is 5 days. The problematic special project is bursting apart the Alien Box once you open it. The issue special project is exploring the Alien Box when you examine it. The scientists receive 300 experience if you destroy it.
3. Alien Box Contents
The scientists have been able to peer inside the alien box without sacrificing the box altogether. They were able to correctly identify its contents thanks to the use of modern sonar. The contents are really a little perplexing or surprising. Three little vials, each loaded with an unknown substance, are held by the box. The box seems to be openable, but further investigation is required to figure out how.
Alien Box Contents has Speed Demon Halted as a triggering condition. Completing the Study the Alien Box special project is now the only way to get this one. You’ll get 150 to 500 Physics Research once you open the Alien Box Contents. In addition, there is a special issue project involving the Alien Box being cracked open. You can get 120 to 350 Physics Research, 100 to 500 Minerals, and 100 to 500 Energy Credits if you sell it.
4. Red Genetic Modification Complete
The red gene modification solution, according to early findings of early participants, may make individuals more gregarious after administration.
Red Solution and Alien Box Opened are two of the red Genetic Modification Complete’s trigger requirements. The average time it takes for anything to occur is 5 days. The primary species acquire the Social Pheromones attribute if you get an exceptional outcome.
5. Green Genetic Modification Complete
The green gene modification solution, according to early findings of early volunteers, may help individuals increase their capacity to interact with the environment.
Green Solution and Alien Box Opened are two of the trigger requirements for the green Genetic Modification Complete. The average time it takes for anything to occur is 5 days. The primary species acquires the Bio Adaptability attribute if you get an exceptional outcome.
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6. Blue Genetic Modification Complete
The blue gene modification solution, according to early findings of early volunteers, may help humans extend their potential lifetime.
Blue Solution and Alien Box Opened are two of the trigger requirements for the green Genetic Modification Complete. The average time it takes for anything to occur is 5 days. The primary species acquires the Limited Regeneration attribute if you get an outstanding outcome.