So you’ve finally reached the snowy mountaintops of the giants, you’ve made your way through most of the game and all that separates you from reaching the end (or at least the level preceding the end) is committing the Cardinal Sin.
Before you depart on this journey, however, you are told something damming by your companion Malenia, who strongly implies that going through with this deed would result in her death.
This realization, coupled with you meeting another NPC who warns you of this beforehand as soon as you enter the Mountaintops of the Giants. All signs point to the fact that burning the Erdtree is a major turning point in the game. There are actions you will not be able to perform after burning the Erdtree. Here is what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring:
Burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring is an irreversible and major point of the story. Here is what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring:
- Explore the sewer areas in Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Interact with the NPCs in Roundtable Hold
- Grab the Bolt of Gransax
- Finish NPC questlines
- Do the Dung Eater’s quest for Seedbed Curses
- Get the Sanctified Whetblade
Curious to know more? We bet! We suggest you keep reading to find out what significance each of the aforementioned actions holds. This guide will ensure you do not miss anything before you commit the Cardinal Sin. Without further ado, let us take a look at what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring.
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What To Do Before Burning The Erdtree?

Burning the Erdtree locks out a major part of the game’s content so players tend to tread carefully and do as much as possible before they burn the Erdtree. We have compiled a list of what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring. Let us take a look:
1. Burning The Erdtree

You will need to commit a Cardinal Sin in order to progress the game’s story after a certain point in the game. This is mandatory for story progression. The Cardinal Sin in question is Melina sacrificing herself to burn the Erdtree after the Forge of the Giants area.
This is a turning point in the game and players are automatically teleported to Crumbling Farum Azula and a lot of the content becomes locked as you segue into the endgame. Here is all you need to know about what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden Ring.
2. Explore The Leyndell Sewers

Once you set the Erdtree ablaze, Leyndell, Royal Capital will become Leyndell, Ashen Capital. Several previous entrances and passages will now be inaccessible. One main area is the sewer area in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Once you burn the Erdtree, it is very tough and somewhat tedious to make your way back to the Leyndell sewers. We highly recommend you explore the sewer area beforehand and collect everything so you can save some time and frustration later.
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3. Interact with Roundtable Hold NPCs

The Roundtable Hold NPCs will either disappear or die after you have committed the Cardinal Sin and burnt the Erdtree. The only general exceptions to this are the merchant and vendor NPCs that were situated in Roundtable Hold.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that you interact with these NPCs to your heart’s content before you go ahead and set the Erdtree aflame. Otherwise, all of this content will be locked till your next NG cycle.
4. Grab The Bolt of Gransax

Description: Spear whittled from the weapon wielded by Gransax.
One of the legendary armaments.
A great ancient dragon, Gransax once rained calamity upon the Royal Capital – the only time in the historical record that Leyndell’s walls have fallen. This marked the dawn of the war against dragons.
The Bolt of Gransax is a Legendary Spear in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity. It is a fantastic Quality weapon that becomes inaccessible after you burn down the Erdtree. Therefore, you should get your hands on it before you commit the Cardinal Sin. This is crucial for the Legendary Armaments’ achievement as well.
5. Finish NPC Questlines

This is sort of a given, but the majority of the NPC questlines come to a halt upon burning the Erdtree. There are very few exceptions to that, so you should not take any chances.
An example is the Brother Corhyn and Goldmask questline which you cannot progress if you have committed the Cardinal Sin and burnt the Erdtree. Try to do as many NPC questlines as you can and finish them if the options present themselves. Elden Ring is loaded with fantastic content beyond the main story, and you do not want to miss out.
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6. Do the Dung Eater’s Quest

We mention the Dung Eater’s quest specifically because a lot of the Seedbed Curses cannot be obtained after you have gone ahead and set fire to the Erdtree. Therefore, if you wanted the Seedbed Curses, it is important that you finish the Dung Eater’s questline prior to setting fire to the Erdtree in Elden RIng.
7. Get the Sanctified Whetblade

Description: Sanctified whetblade with a cipher engraved. Can be used as a whetstone knife.
When applying an affinity using physical or golden-type ashes of war, an additional affinity of sacred or lightning can be chosen.
The Sanctified Whetblade is a key item in Elden RIng that allows you to add Affinity upgrade options to weapons. The Sanctified Whetblade adds Lightning and Sacred Affinities to the list and is an item you definitely want to get a hold of.
However, the item becomes locked after the Erdtree is burnt so it is suggested that you get it beforehand. The Sanctified Whetblade can be found in Fortified Manor, Leyndell.
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That concludes our guide on what to do before burning the Erdtree in Elden RIng. We made sure to include all of the missable actions after committing the Cardinal Sin to the best of our knowledge.
If this guide was helpful, let us know by leaving a comment down below. Your feedback is much appreciated. You have made it so far and the finish line is within reach. Pat yourself on the back for getting this far. Good luck, Tarnished!