Hello, everyone! How is the construction of the most modern cities going? Cities: Skylines never ceases to bring together new players who are thrilled with the myriad possibilities offered by this very successful and fun simulation. In Cities: Skylines, you have the opportunity to build a city to your heart’s content, populate people and provide them with a quality life.
In addition, you need to pay attention to your city’s budget, environmental protection, and spatial connectivity. Not to lengthen, this game is all you need if you are interested in becoming the most successful mayor and the most imaginative architect. In this article, we will explain the importance of canals for your city and how canals can improve the quality of your city. So, let’s begin.
As we have already said, Cities: Skylines is a simulation game where you have to show your skills to build a perfectly functional city and manage it. This game came out in 2015, but since it has been on the Steam platform, it has gathered an increasing number of active players. In addition to the PC version, this game was released on consoles (Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch) and thus secured even more tremendous popularity in the gaming community.
If you haven’t already, now it’s the perfect time to try your hand at building and running a city, and we’re here to help you with tips to be the best at it.
Cities: Skylines – Canals
One of the eternal dilemmas new Cities: Skylines players face is what are the canals for? Are they purely an aesthetic addition to the game or is there still some hidden purpose? Should they be part of construction in cities or can we do without them? We have no choice but to find out.
Well, let’s start over. In Cities: Skylines there is a Landscaping tool that was released in 2016 in a free update, and players can unlock this tool when they reach Tiny Town milestone. Basically, the Landscaping tool is used for inserting decorations, terraforming and what we are most interested in today – building water structures.
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Water structures
In the category “Water structures,” there are canals, flood walls, and quays. These water structures serve to improve the aesthetic appearance of your city. You can build flood walls that will prevent water from spilling over to the other side, and quays are walls on shorelines that help level the terrain.
Today we are interested in canals. Canals come in three forms: shallow canal, medium canal, and deep canal. Shallow canals can hold less water and help regulate water flow at the ends of canals. You can build medium canals in places where the shallow canals are not deep enough for a certain amount of water.
Deeper canals can hold the most considerable amount of water and are prone to flooding, so shallow canals must regulate them. Also, in the construction of canals, pay attention to the construction of flood walls that can prevent potential flooding by controlling the water level.
The water structures’ construction price is: ₡10/cell, ₡0.01/week/cell.
When we talk about the canal’s purpose, we can say that in addition to the aesthetic role, there is also one that really improves the quality of city life. The secret is in sewage – some players use channels as direct sewage to certain parts of the city. Direct sewage through town areas is functional to the extent that it increases cim health and, at the same time, reduces the value of the land.
Of course, you have to be careful in building water structures because as you can see you can easily flood a city, and we don’t want that. The canal system may require a larger amount of money to build but on the other hand it is profitable in the long run so it pays to invest in quality construction of water structures.
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How to build a canal?

You start building your canal by leveling the terrain for the canal; it must be on the same level and 100% flat. After that, you place the canal and put a 0.01 water spawner into it. You can do this with the Extra Landscaping Tool mode, which we’ll talk about a bit later. This 0.01 capacity will mean a successfully built canal; anything over 0.01 can cause flooding. Also, you can link up your canal to a river; that way, the river will be your water source that will maintain the water level in the canal.
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Extra Landscaping Tools mod
Longtime Cities: Skylines players will agree that one of the best mods for this game is this one – Extra Landscape Tools. This mode was updated a month ago and is compatible with the latest game update.
Basically, this mode allows players to inject natural resources into their city and use a new tool called the Water Tool. You can access the Water Tool through the main toolbar icon, and you can configure it from the “Water Options” toolbar. With a manual input field, you can set capacity values less than 0.01.
This mod makes it easier for you to build better and manage canals and other water resources. Find it on the Steam page associated with the Cities: Skylines game.
Cities: Skylines – Venice Canal Roads (and Grand Canal)
There is another mod that is related to canals in Cities: Skylines, and it is called Venice Canal Roads, including the Grand Canal. How exciting is that! With this mod, you can further increase the use of canals so that canals really will not only serve as an aesthetic decoration of your city.
For example, you can build residential properties on your canals and pick boats for your services. Also, you can choose the Grand Canal and place it along the road, and you just have to make sure that the height is 0 because the Grand Canal cannot be built sloped. Along canals, you can zone residences and build services that you can use only with boats. All in all, this mod will also enhance the construction of canals around your town, so feel free to download it also.
Warning: Mods are not part of the official version of the game so you download them at your own risk. By downloading the mods, you agree that your data as well as the data of your game console be known to the creator of the mod. So watch which sites you download mods from and read the comments of the players who used it to know if there is a potential risk of your game crashing due to the installed mod.
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Final Thoughts
As you can see, Cities: Skylines is genuinely a game where you can use many tools to make your city perfect. You have to take care of the city zones, the transport, the quality of the environment and the satisfaction of the citizens of your city. These are all qualities of a successful mayor. Do you have everything you need to make your city the most successful today?
If your answer is yes, go check the official Steam page of this game, install it on your favorite game console, and embark on this exciting construction adventure. And don’t forget to build canals, they can surely improve the quality of your city, just make sure you don’t flood the city.