Vertical Sync is a graphic based technological feature that helps to ensure that the image frame rate on your monitor is in alignment with your graphic processing unit to ensure that there is no screen tearing when gaming.
This implies that a PC with a 120Hz monitor will have its games frames per second limited to 120 frames per second. Your monitor is able to show a huge number of discrete images per second.
This can cause numerous visual glitches that may lead to a poor gaming experience.The smooth frames that Vsync offers helps enhance user experience especially for highly competitive games.
If you are wondering whether Vsync is good or bad for you, this article will help you decide whether to keep it on or off based on your needs and preferences.
Is Vsync Good or Bad?
Video gaming has become a very spectacular experience in these modern times. The need to have Vsync is crucial if you want to optimize rendering for your PC.
While Vsync does not enhance the graphic resolution or brightness levels , it plays a vital role in ensuring great game flow.
On the question of whether Vsync is good or bad , this can only be determined by your preference. It is however important to note that Vsync technology comes with some costs.

1. Minimise Visual Glitches
In cases where your monitor does not match your GPU performance, it is important to power on Vsync for fluid performance.
2. Lessens GPU Workload
Vsync helps reduce chances of overheating as it ensures that the GPU does not exceed your monitor’s frame per second. This is very cost effective and beneficial as it increases GPU life.
3. Indulge in Legacy Games
Most early games are not compatible with current PC systems. Vsync however affords you the chance to play and enjoy gaming without visual glitching.
1. Click Omissions
Vsync technology places huge focus matching a device’s display settings and ignores the clicks. This input lag can be the cause of you losing a game as it negatively impacts output latency. This creates a poor gaming experience for enthusiasts.
2. FPS loss
Frame per second highly determines the outcome of your game. This is because Vsync forces the frames to be rendered before display.Reduction in FPS is likely to cost you a win during gaming.
Types of Vsync
There are 2 main long standing Vsync forms in the market. These are the Nvidia G-Sync and the AMD Free Sync. It is worth noting that both Vysnc technologies have robust quality features to support gaming .
Nvdia G- Sync
This form of Vsync technology when applied results in a very smooth gaming experience. This is because it adapts your monitor image refresh rate to the gaming frame rate you choose to use.
Its only limitation is that to be able to use it, you will also need to invest in a G-Sync monitor and Nvidia graphic processing unit.
AMD Free Sync
Free sync offers amazing features that enhance your computer’s gaming capabilities.Whilst it is prone to ghosting, a problem that leaves shadowy images on the screen, AMD Free Sync offers competitive price advantage that makes the nuance bearable.
7 Things You Should Know About Vsync

The primary function of Vsync is to prevent screen tearing. If your monitor can seamlessly perform with your GPU then Vsync is not really necessary for you to power on.
If you want to have a great gaming experience and to enhance your PC gaming functionality then Vsync is for you.
Vsync performance is limited in that it lowers the FPS of the monitor. This causes significant output lag during gaming.
You can try and sort this issue by using the triple buffering setting. This is however not a guarantee that these issues will be effectively sorted.
The choice on which Vsync to use is mainly determined by your budget. New Vsync technology promises greater benefits but the AMD Free Sync remains the best budget friendly Vsync in the market.
Customer Support
Vsync prides itself in offering exceptional customer service and works to ensure excellent user experience. Though it is nowhere near perfect, it made the first step in ensuring that gaming was fun by preventing screen tearing.
Resolution and Brightness
It is important to note that Vsync does not offer any improvements concerning the resolution,brightness or color of the images. If you are in need of a technology that enhances these three features , you should not settle for Vsync.
Your choice of monitor influences the Vsync technology that you will use. It is not possible to use an AMD Free sync with a G-Sync monitor. Please keep this in mind to avoid suffering losses.
There are many alternative Vsync options currently available within the market. This makes it crucial to carry out in depth research on the best choice of Vsync for you depending with your budget, needs and preferences.
How to Choose The Best Vsync for Gaming in 2022

The choice of Vsync to use is very important when deciding the type of gaming monitor to purchase. There are distinctive pros and cons of the G-Sync and AMD Free Sync . In order to make the right choice, you should ask yourself these questions.
1. How Important Is Image Quality and Performance For You?
If you rather have low input lag and do not mind screen tearing , Free Sync is the best option for you.
If however you are keen on fluid game performance with no visual glitches and are okay with visual glitches then G-Sync Vsync monitor is one that you will enjoy.
2. What Is Your Budget?
Free Sync is more budget friendly compared to the G-Sync. Ultimately, if
price is not a point of concern for you then purchasing the G-Sync will be the
most ideal Vysnc for you to use.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vsync
Should I Power on Vsync?
It is recommended that you do so if you play high speed games and huge file rendering. This is because Vsync ensures that there is no screen tearing and reduces GPU workload.
Does Vsync Cause Input Lag?
Yes, Vsync may result in input lags because of click omission.
Why is Vsync Bad?
Vsync functions are limited to vertical synchronization. This function forces frames to wait before rendering resulting in input latency. This results in screen response delays impacting your gaming performance negatively.
Does Vsync Lower Your FPS?
Yes, This ensures seamless interaction between your GPU and monitor during gaming. This is caused by its resulting click ommisions.
Final Thoughts
Vsync can be very instrumental if applied correctly. Its role in ensuring that the GPU does not overheat cannot be understated. However, when misused, it can cause FPS loss and input lags that may ruin your gaming experience.
No matter your needs and preferences there are many Vsync options for you to explore within the market.
We hope that this article has provided you with vital knowledge that will help you to decide on whether to power your Vsync on or off . We hope that you apply it and enjoy your next gaming experience!