Apex Legends adds a new Legend every single Season. Each Legend added brings with them a unique set of abilities and skills that can impact the game in different ways. It is essential to understand how a Legend works and how to utilize their abilities to ensure you get the most out of them.
If you learn the ins and outs of a Legend, you can use it in tandem with other Legends and rack up the wins and climb up the ranks.
Revenant is a Legend that belongs to the Assault class. The Legend was released in Season 4 and could be unlocked using in-game currency or buying downable content. He brought up with him a unique set of abilities that can be used to change the game’s complexion entirely.
So, with the Legend being out for three years, the question arises Revenant good in Apex Legends? The answer to that question may vary based on your Legend preference and your playing experience with Revenant.
However, if you are looking for a more comprehensive answer, you have come to the right place. Let us look at the Legend in detail to see whether he is good.
Yes, Revenant is super powerful and highly regarded as one of the best in Apex Legends. He is an offensive first Legend who can use his abilities to get a jump on enemies and take them out. His abilities revolve around immobilizing the enemy and making them weak. If you pair him with Legends like Wraith, Bloodhound, or Octance, you can use a death ball strategy to destroy your enemies.
Silence is one of the best tactical abilities in Apex Legends. It can silence the enemy’s abilities and completely immobilize them. To get the most out of the Legend, you need to use the ability in pairing with your teammate’s abilities to maximize its effectiveness.
You can also use close-range burst fire weapons to remove the enemies.
We suggest you keep reading if you want to learn more about Revenant and how to use him and his abilities in the game. We will look at all his abilities and the different strategies you can implement while playing him. We will also discuss the best load-outs and pairings for the Legend to ensure you win every game.
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Revenant, the Synthetic Nightmare, is associated with the Assault Class. He was introduced in Season 4 of Apex Legends and since has had a low pick rate because most players avoid picking him.
However, if you learn to master his abilities, he can instantly impact any game. Revenant is an offense-based Legend that relies heavily on aggression and ambushing unsuspecting enemies.
Playing as a Revenant, your job is to hunt your enemies and take them out primarily. He is mostly played as an initiator responsible for locating and silencing the enemies. His abilities allow him to neutralize the enemies while his teammates can take them out. Speaking of which, let us take a look at Revenant’s abilities;
Stalker – Passive Ability
Firstly, we will talk about Revenant’s passive ability, Stalker. The ability increases his crouch movement speed, climbing speed, and the maximum height he can climb. When Stalker is active, Revenant’s crouch movement speed is the same as his normal walking speed.
Furthermore, Stalker allows Revenant to climb walls 6 times as high as any other Legend in Apex Legends. His climbing speed on shorter walls also increases by 25%. The passive is best implemented through crouching as you have a smaller hitbox and faster strafe speed while having similar movement speed when walking.
Silence – Tactical Ability
Silence is one of the best tactical abilities in Apex Legends. It allows you to throw a device that deals 10 damage and silences your enemy’s abilities for 15 seconds. The ability has two charges and a cooldown period of 25 seconds.
You can delay the launch of the device by holding the tactical button. The device can be thrown up to 75m in normal situations and almost 100m if you try to use it from high ground.
You can use Silence to cancel all tactical and ultimate abilities as well as some passive abilities for 15 seconds. The ability can be used as an initiation tool or a way to stop your enemies from coming toward you.
However, you always need to prioritize certain Legends and target them with the ability as you can completely immobilize them.
Death Totem – Ultimate Ability
Revenant’s ultimate is Death Totem. The ability when activated protects you from death. If you get killed or downed while the Totem is active, you will return to it automatically. The cooldown for Death Totem is 3 minutes and it lasts for 25 seconds when activated.
When the ability is active, you and your teammates need to interact with it for it to take effect.
Once activated, the totem will transform you and your teammates into a shadow. You cannot use healing items when you are in the Shadow state. If you die while you are a shadow, you will return to the totem with 50 HP. Death Totem can be a great tool to push your enemies and play aggressively. You need to make full use of the Totem and ensure that you get at least a single kill while the totem is active.
Tips to Play a Better Revenant

There are a plethora of things you can do to improve your gameplay as Revenant. These things can range from something as simple as your positioning on the map to the timing of specific abilities. Utilizing these tips will significantly improve your overall gameplay while ensuring that you get the most out of your Legend. These tips include;
1. Positioning Yourself Using Stalker
As stated before, Stalker gives Revenant improved crouch speed and climb distance. These buffs allow you to position yourself better and get close to your enemies. However, if you constantly stay crouched, you will be an easier target for your enemies.
So, you can constantly switch between the crouch and standing stance to confuse your enemies.
Additionally, you can use the improved climbing speed and distance to scout enemies. This can be useful in different ways. It can provide you with a way of protecting your team from an incoming attack or launching it yourself.
2. Starting Every Attack with Silence
Silence is the perfect ability to initiate a fight. You also have two charges with a relatively short cooldown period, giving you ample opportunity to land it perfectly. Most Legends in Apex rely heavily on their tactical and ultimate abilities.
They can perform different combos with their teammates and destroy your team in a fight. However, you can completely make them useless using silence.
Taking a player’s ability to use their Legend can cause them to panic and make mistakes. You can force your enemies into compromising positions and make them useless with Silence.
Legends like Seer, Bloodhound, and Crypto rely entirely on their abilities. So, if you can neutralize them at the start of the fight for 15 seconds, it can have a massive impact on the fight.
3. Knowing When and Who to Use Silence On
It is important to remember that Silence can only stop an ability preemptively. If a Legend channels an ability before you cast Silence, the ability will not stop. Silence will only do 10 damage and stun them. So, it is important to use the ability before the enemy gets a chance to use theirs.
Similarly. Strategizing which enemies you want to target with the spell is important. Not all Legends in Apex have equally powerful abilities. Some abilities do not matter as much as others in a combat situation.
For instance, you need to prioritize Legends like Wraith, Wattson, and Caustic more. Wraith can use her abilities to teleport behind your team and provide knowledge through Voices from the Void. So, you must target specific Legends to give your team an advantage.
4. Use Death Totem Effectively
Death Totem can be an extremely powerful tool when you’re pushing the enemies. The ability has a 30-second active time. So, you need to ensure you effectively use these 30 seconds. You can start by having your Med Kits ready so that you can immediately heal yourself after you respawn.
You also need to ensure that your team is ready when you put down the Death Totem so you can get the most out of it. It does not matter if you or your teammates die as long as you can take out as many enemies as possible in the 30-second window.
5. Layering Different Abilities
When you are playing Revenant, you can layer up different abilities in a short window. As you channel the Death Totem, you have a thirty-second window to dish out as much damage as possible to the enemies. So, you can use Stalker to get into a good position and start the fight with Silence.
This can also work with your teammate’s abilities. If you play with Legends like Octane, Wraith, Bangalore, or Pathfinder, you have a perfect window to combine your abilities. This will surprise the enemies and force them to make mistakes as they try to retreat.
All of this will help you not only in winning the fight but the game outright.
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Best Loadouts for Revenant
Revenants’ entire gameplay and abilities revolve around getting close to the enemies and dealing explosive damage. So, using weapons like an SMG, a powerful rifle, or a shotgun will always be the best way to go.
Guns like the L-Star EMG, the Peacekeeper, the Wingman, the Mastiff, and the R-99 are some of the best choices that complement Revenant’s aggressive and offense-first playstyle.
You can also use different LMGs and handguns but get require a lot of precision and accuracy. You need a weapon that is precise but also deadly and quick. That is why sniper rifles are also a bad choice.
Revenant’s abilities are close-combat oriented so you won’t get maximum efficiency while using sniper rifles.
Best Legend Pairings With Revenant

As stated before, Revenant’s entire gameplay revolves around fast-paced combat. So, you need teammates that can join Revenant to create a death ball and run down enemies. Every Legend with quick and offensive abilities can pair well with Revenant.
You can ask your teammates to pick Legends like Wraith, Pathfinder, Bloodhound, Bangalore, and Octane to create an offensive team that can instantly destroy enemies.
If you are looking to adopt a more defensive approach in a game, you can do that as well with a combination of different Legends. For a more defensive lineup, Legends like Caustic and Wattson can come in handy as they have abilities that defend the Death Totem.
This strategy can be useful if you want to ensure that you and your teammates are safe when they respawn on the Totem.
There are a plethora of Legend combos that can be perfect while playing Revenant. For instance, you can use Revenant’s Totem with Octane’s Launch Pad or Wraith’s Dimensional Rift to pounce on enemies quickly.
Deathly combos like this will ensure that they can surprise the enemies and take them out before they even realize what is happening.
Ideal Role While Playing Revenant
Revenant needs to get close to his enemies and attack them quickly to be effective. So ideally, you should pick Revenant to play that role exclusively. Revenant is almost useless if you are in large, open areas where you cannot close the gap between you and the enemies.
The Crawler ability also makes Revenant perfect in areas where he can get a high-ground advantage on the enemies. Using the Death Totem in such areas protects it and makes it difficult for enemies to get close to it and attack it.
So, Revenants is at his best when he can surprise the enemies and take them out without them even realizing what happened.
Is Revenant Actually Good?

Yes, Revenant is a fantastic Legend if you utilize his strengths. He is a highly fast-paced Legend whose game revolves around taking down enemies at a swift speed. You need to play him in offense first lineups to get the most out of Revenant.
He can provide you with great scouting against enemies, and his abilities provide all the tools needed to launch a quick and deadly attack.
Similarly, the correct Legend pairings and weapon choices also matter when playing the Legend. If you make the correct choices, you can turn Revenant into a deadly killing machine that will destroy all enemies and help you win games.
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This concludes our guide on Revenant and whether he is a good Legend. By now, you’ll have learned about his different abilities and what he brings to the table, including strategies to implement in the game and the legend pairings to make the best out of the game.
We hope our guide helped answer all your questions about Revenant, like his gameplay, effectiveness, and overall impact on any game. Let us know what you think about the guide in the comments below. Good luck, and have fun!