In addition to playing in a matchmaking or standard match, Dota 2 allows you to create your own custom game lobby in which you can play with bots and your friends. They are generally for private use, as opposed to a public match such as Dota 2 fun maps.
Custom Games are unique experiences developed by the Dota 2 community which can be enjoyed by anybody who has access to the game. Games can range from massive combat among ten Invokers to a story-driven cave adventure to something completely unique that has never been seen before. According to many users, Custom Games are a continuation of the history that gave birth to games such as Dota, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, and many more.
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Dota 2 Custom Settings Explained
You have the following options if you are the host of a Dota 2 lobby:
- Firstly, two categories will emerge on top of the sidebar: radiant and dreadful. Choose aside!
- A Dota coaching column will show underneath the team separation. If a team has more than five players, one of them can function as a coach and manage the group.
- Two choices will appear below the Coaching column: equitable shuffle and switch team.
- An equitable shuffle will result in a squad of equal ability.
- Simply click the button at the bottom to view the Dota 2 lobby’s settings! This window of options will emerge.
- Game name (lobby name), Game Mode (Mid only, All Lanes, etc. ), Lobby Password (to avoid having random players on a team), Server Location (Local Host), Lobby Exposure (Noticeable to Public or not), and Enabling Cheats are the six choices that will show.
- There is an advanced lobby setup option below these six choices. That option does not require any modifications.
- Some Dota 2 players like live-streaming their games. Equitable shuffle and swap team if you need to do the same thing. Toggle Broadcast Channel is an option. Choose one channel by clicking on it.
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Features That Allow Players To Quickly Evaluate New And Untested Custom Games
Spectate Custom Games
Custom Game matches allow for spectator participation in the same way that any other game does, providing you the opportunity to watch your friends play or to observe a fascinating game in action and determine whether it is appropriate for you.
Pages For Launching
Each Custom Game has its own launch page, which includes a Play button that directs you to the lowest ping lobby with just enough space to accommodate your whole party of players. If there are no open lobby slots, a new one will be established. A variety of valuable information may be found on this page, such as patch notes, videos, and information on your friends’ activities.
Create and Search Lobbies
Create a private lobby for a Custom Game to provide you and your friends with a secure environment in which to play. To attract even more gamers from the community, you may always make it available to the public at any moment. Setting your lobby to be accessible to the public will also allow it to be utilized immediately whenever someone clicks on the Play game button on that Custom Game’s page, assisting you in filling your lobby as quickly as possible once you make it public.
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How To Make Custom Games In Dota 2?

Follow these steps to make custom games in Dota 2:
- Open Dota 2 and press the “Play Dota” button.
- Select the Custom Lobbies option and then “Create.”
- Your Dota 2 custom game lobby would be built immediately. You may alter the lobby’s name by clicking the edit wheel button at the bottom.
- Invite your buddies and let them know what the game’s name is.
- You can begin the game as soon as all of the spots are filled!
Which Custom Game Modes are available for Dota 2 Lobby?
Many custom game options are available when you click the Play Dota button. When picking a mode, such as practicing with bots, you can play solo or in a co-op mode! These are both subcategories of Practice with Bots, although they are completely distinct. Both strategies are important since one mode can result in five abandons for a Dota 2 player. The following are the custom modes for Dota 2 lobby:
- Friends & Clanwars Lobby
- Experiment with bots (Solo Mode)
- Experiment with bots (CO-OP Mode)
These custom lobby matches can’t be rated and aren’t as balanced as official matches; it’s up to the host to strike a good balance; the balance button can assist. Dota 2 custom games are frequently used for clan wars and leagues such as the Join-Dota-League, but you may also host games to play with bots and friends and, most importantly, to play Dota 2 offline if you don’t have access to the internet!