The Canterbury Cathedral so-called Gear Chest in AC Valhalla enables you to unravel the desired Brigandine Armor in the course of traveling around the Cent zone. Nevertheless, the Canterbury Cathedral Gear Chest is easy to access, unlike some of the gear you find in the Londinium Bureau area. However, for you to scale through, you must understand how to open barred doors. With this, the challenge will be an easy ride for you to get the Gear wealth chest.
The Assassin’s Valhalla Canterbury Cathedral AC Gear wealth is aimed at counts that get 100% in a cent. In this guide, you will learn how to acquire it. To get things started, let’s begin with the place to find the gear.
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Gear Location – AC Valhalla Canterbury Cathedral

You can view the particular gear we are talking about on the map. It lies inside the Canterbury Cathedral. Interestingly, it is not underground or underwater, which makes it something good. However, you can find it in a chamber, which can’t be directly accessed since it has a locked door.
Another advantage of the gear location is that you can easily access the Canterbury Cathedral since you have several entry methods. One aim of the game is to deliver you to the location. Peradventure, you certainly want to acquire the armor earlier than expected in the game.
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How to Acquire the Cent of Cathedral Gear in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Once you gain access to the Canterbury Cathedral, you will come to a large room with vast space. To get the cent Cathedral gear, you need to enter the primary room, observing several interest points. On the left side is the barred side that must be unlocked. In the middle, you will see a tiny church throne. However, on the right side lies the balcony.
The balcony has a locked door, which you must unlock. If you open it, you can access the hallway, which will take you to the locked room at the left. If you succeed, you have to move towards the little throne in the middle. From the small throne, you must turn right where you will locate a library.
You need to climb the library and shoot one arrow directly within the grates. You should aim at the door’s red locker. After doing this, you must return to the central room. To do that, you must return to the balcony before passing through the locked door that you unlocked.
You will find the room containing the gear on the opposite side of the corridor. However, it is beneath your feet. Watch out for the wooden candle holder that has a lock. For your final obstacle, you must shoot the wooden chandelier to open the hidden gear chest. Besides, it is an Opal, which you can’t miss easily.
With this, you have successfully acquired the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Gear inside the Canterbury Cathedral in Cent. It is very straightforward to get the gear if you follow our guide carefully. Take the easy way with this guide.