Advanced Components are crucial in Rimwrold as they are used for high-tech construction, crafting of ships, and charge rifles. There are few ways of acquiring them, and the existing ones are slow except for crafting. Unfortunately, crafting requires Components; Components are more accessible to farm than Advanced components, and Components can also be crafted.
Components are used to craft Advanced components, firearms, ship parts, armor, and repair electrical devices. Components are a basic necessity, and Advanced Components are helpful. Both require Steel, and Advanced Components require many other resources, which makes these an expensive choice when acquiring in bulk. Luckily though, mods are a thing, and they can be taken advantage of.
Advanced Components can be acquired in Rimworld through various means. Crashed ship parts provide a great source of these components and can be quickly salvaged with the right tools. Traders also provide an alternative source for acquiring Advanced Components, although they may be more costly than salvaging crashed parts. Crafting Advanced Components requires the right materials, such as 1 Component, 3 Gold, 10 Plasteel, and 20 Steel, as well as a Fabrication Bench and a high skill level in crafting from colonists. With the right resources and knowledge, players can easily obtain Advanced Components in Rimworld.
Also Read: How to Get Plasteel in RimWorld
How To Obtain Advanced Components In Rimworld?

Advanced Components can be obtained from crashed ship parts or purchased from traders. These are the only two typical ways to obtain Advanced Components, but luckily they are craftable. The crafting recipe for Advanced Components requires one Component, 20 Steel, 10 Plasteel, and 3 Gold.
As a requirement, your colonists must have crafting skill eight or above. Advanced Components can be crafted at Fabrication Bench. Components are essential in obtaining Advanced Components, and many efficient ways exist to collect them.
The Best Ways To Obtain Components In Rimworld
Components are the essential resource for getting Advanced Components, and here are some of the best ways to grind them.
1. Compacted Machenirey
As you explore your map, eventually, you’ll stumble upon something that looks like orange-browny-rock called Compacted Machenirey. Mine it, and you’ll get Components.
2. Trading
When traders decide to show up to your colony, buy Components from that trader if they have any. If you don’t want to wait for a trader to come by whenever they want, order one from the comms console from an ally for 15 Goodwill. But there is no guarantee that the trader will have Components to trade.
3. Disassembling & Destroying
You’ll get five to six Components per chunk when disassembling ship chunks, but only once the Mech Cluster is defeated and their building is destroyed. Then collect the Components once the dust has settled.
If you’re brave enough, open up the Ancient Dangers, where you can often find components. Opening up Ancient Dangers is easy since the enemies inside have to be defeated.
4. Long Rage Scanner
You can use the Long Rage Scanner to find the location of Components on other tiles. Ensure to get to the Components in 30 days; otherwise, enemies will use them to destroy you. There is one more way to get components, and that is raiding.
To do so, just raid your enemies to steal their Components.
5. Make Your Components
Before making your Components, ensure you have the Fabrication Research, which allows you to build a Fabrication Bench. Crafting the Fabrication Bench takes 200 Steel, 12 Components, and two Advanced Components.
Making 1 Component from a Fabrication Bench costs 12 Steel, and crafting 1 Advanced Component costs 1 Component, 20 Steel, 10 Plasteel, and 3 Gold.
Also Read: How to Get More Colonists In RimWorld?
Two Mods To Ensure Creating Components Is Cheap

Here are two of the best mods to ensure crafting components are cheap.
1. Rimefellers
Rimefellers allows you to create Components for 4 Steel and 12 Synthylene; you can make Components in a group of 5. Advanced Components costs 1 Component, 40 Synthylene, 10 Plasteel, and 3 Gold. Synthylene is a cheap material produced from Chemfuel using this mod.
2. Reasonable Components
Reasonable Components reduce the cost and work required to make Components. It also adds bulk recipes for Components and Advanced Components. The work needed for bulk recipes has been reduced by 50% for the first recipe and 5% for each after that.
The skill requirement is still the same as vanilla but is increased by two for each bulk recipe. Advanced Components no longer require Components to make them. Instead, they have a higher Steel cost.
Final Thoughts
Obtaining Advanced Components in Rimworld is challenging, and it gets tiresome eventually. There are only two natural ways of obtaining them, making mass-collecting challenging. The crafting of Advanced Components is only possible with Components and Steel. Steel isn’t the hard part, but Components are, though luckily, Components can be obtained in many ways, including crafting.
There are various mods to ensure components and Advanced Components are cheap. Some mods make acquiring Components so easy that you need to type how many you want, and they’re here. However, many players don’t use these mods because it ruins the game’s pleasure.
It is better to play the game without any mods or using mods that make it easier.