Putting a “what if?” component to past events is a source of amusement for many gamers. While your personal actions may have a significant impact on events in your immediate environment, genuine success requires an awareness of history and the ability to use it to your advantage.
A good illustration of this is the Renaissance. In reality, the Renaissance had been a millennium-long cultural upheaval. One of the most effective methods to grow your kingdom in EU4 is to embrace the growing Renaissance.
It is, however, more complicated than it sounds to really embrace the Renaissance. But there’s nothing to worry about as this article will teach you how to get involved in the growing Renaissance in no time.
Institutions and How to Embrace Them
To assist you with embracing the Renaissance, we’ve put up a detailed guide. But first, let’s talk about the various institutions and what it means to embrace them.
In the EU4, “institutions” denote significant cultural advancements. During 1450-1750, there were eight distinct institutions that took place per 50 years.
A particular institution’s chances of spawning in one of your owned provinces are little to none. If this doesn’t work, you’ll have to wait to catch on to the institution and embrace it when the time comes.
If you embrace the institutions, it may assist you in furthering your technological development. However, if you do not embrace an institution, it may result in a 1% annual technology penalty (which goes up to a 50% penalty).
You may save 5% on construction and development expenses by adopting the Renaissance. If somehow the Renaissance begins in your region, you will benefit from a 5% decrease in development expenses.
Let’s go into how to accept the Renaissance, knowing that you’ll have a better understanding of institutions and how to embrace them.
When Did the Renaissance Begin?

In EU4, when does the Renaissance begin? It should come as no surprise to history students that it takes place in Italy. In addition, Malta would be the only place in Italy where it cannot be found.
Other prerequisites include: the Renaissance should start in a country, not some island. Moreover, the Renaissance would only happen in the capital or a region that has a minimum of 20 developments if your game has historical or regular countries.
Aside from these stipulations, the Renaissance’s actual beginnings are mostly unknown. How soon you can accept it or how much it would cost you depends on where it starts.
How Does The Renaissance Spread
As previously stated, there is a slim probability that the Renaissance may start in your own region (if you are fortunate and are also able to meet the criteria). You’ll have to wait around for the Renaissance to fully spread before you can do anything else.
But how does the Renaissance actually spread? The growth of the Renaissance, like many other aspects of Europa Universalis 4, is influenced by a variety of circumstances.
Once the overlord of a colonial country’s capital embraces the Renaissance, it spreads in the most evident manner. If the proprietor of a non-Trade Company territory adopts the Renaissance, it might also spread.
It might naturally expand to provinces like Venetia, Tuscany, and Flanders. It might even spread to neighboring provinces. The Renaissance can expand in European areas that have a minimum of five developments preceding 1500. By growing such provinces more, you may marginally boost your chances of expanding.
The Feudalism Factor

There are numerous complicated variables to consider when accepting an institution. Thankfully, some of the standards are easier to meet than the rest.
The Renaissance cannot be embraced until you embrace Feudalism first, for instance. If you’re playing a game where embracing the Renaissance is your goal, ensure that you have embraced Feudalism first.
The Foundations of Renaissance Acceptance
We’ve gone through a number of variables that influenced the Renaissance’s expansion. But, whenever the time is right, how can you accept the Renaissance?
The technology menu is where it all begins. You may watch various institutions and assess how they have been spreading by selecting that option.
The same option will inform you of the extent to which your nation has embraced the institution. Embracing the Renaissance is only possible when a minimum of 10% of your nation has embraced it.
The cost of accepting the institution largely depends on the percentage of your nation that has embraced it. Embracing the Renaissance requires just one ducat if the entrance nation has approved it. Having said that, given the large expenses, there are advantages to adopting early rather than afterward.
Make Friends With Your Neighbors

This should be very obvious: if you wish to profit from the Renaissance’s spread, you’ll need to get along with your neighbors.
That’s since in this situation, “spread” actually means “to spread.” Throughout time, the Renaissance will shift from one location to another. You may increase the chances of such an institution entering your nation if you have strong interactions with your neighbors.
Although it may be enticing to be antagonistic to your neighbors, you should think about the long-term advantages of embracing the institution.
The Advantages of Embracing The Renaissance Early
Nothing beats waiting for your whole nation to accept the institution when it comes to saving funds. Yet, there are several advantages to joining the Renaissance as soon as possible.
Firstly, you’ll avoid the tech penalties we outlined before. It makes no sense to preserve money for the coming years by foregoing technical advancement in the present.
Second, you’ll have easier access to the resource benefits we stated before. The 5% decrease in construction and development expenses will allow you to save a significant amount of money. Rather than waiting for 100 percent of your nation to adopt the institution, you’re more likely to arrive at the top with these savings.
Lastly, embracing early allows you to go on with your other growth plans. Most gamers, to be honest, would save some time for their ambitions instead of saving some virtual money.