Grab yourself a bow, because it is hunting time in The Forest!
The Forest is a survival horror simulator, which features you as the lone survivor of a passenger jet crash, and you find yourself in a mysterious forest battling to stay alive against a society of cannibalistic mutants. Fun, right? It sure is! The game is as realistic as it could be, where you enter a living, breathing world, in which every tree and plant can be chopped down, and the underground can be explored through a vast network of caves and underground lakes.
In this simulator, the players can chop down trees to make shelter, weapons, and fire. They have to scavenge for food and have to lay down traps to guard their parameters. The players may build camps during the day, and defend themselves during the night. They have to keep themselves safe from a clan of mutants so that the players may survive.
Getting a ranged weapon like a bow in The Forest will help the player gain a huge advantage during the starting stages of the game. Unlike a spear, a bow kills the animals, and the cannibals with a single headshot, which helps the player to complete their fight much faster and safer. To make a bow and arrow, the player will need to collect some sticks, cloth, ropes, and feathers from the vast forest area around them.
Need more on how to actually craft a bow? Continue reading below. We will be diving into the topic in detail and by the end of your short read, you will be ready to impale some cannibals with your newly-crafted arrows. Without further ado, here is how to craft a Bow in the Forest.
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Crafting a Bow in The Forest

While players can sometimes find modern bows in the game, acquiring one will be a huge challenge. With some practice, players can still get headshots and may inflict a lot of damage on their targets with a crafted bow. In The Forest, the crafted bow is usually favored because of how few material components are required to make one or even multiple bows.
The bow is an essential weapon for your survival in The Forest, and the knowledge of how to craft them is especially important because this game encourages your demise at every waking turn (Cruel? We think not!). Crafting a bow is relatively easy, but you need to have certain crafting materials in your stock before you can start crafting these beauties.
Materials Needed to Craft the Bow

To make a bow in The Forest, you will need to find at least one stick, one piece of cloth, and one piece of rope. Sounds easy enough, right? Sticks will be the easiest raw material to find, for the reason that they generate near trees throughout the game planet. On the other hand, you can also chop down smaller trees and plantlets when there are no sticks on the ground.
Cloth can be recovered from an assortment of scenes. The fabric can be found on beaches and in cannibal villages, as well as in suitcases. Cloth crates can also be found in caves and effigies can sometimes include cloth. Cloth is located all over the map, but there are these specific locations that you really need to keep an eye out for. As for the rope, players can find pieces of it in caves, in cannibal villages, and on boats throughout the area. On the other hand, you can also craft your own rope by combining 7 Cloth. Obtaining rope at the beginning of the game is quite an easy feat if the players just visit the stranded Yacht near the southern shore of the peninsula.
It is critical that the players must be efficient while gathering these raw materials so that they may be able to craft a bow in no time!
Crafting the Bow

A crafted bow has its advantages over the modern bow. Although a modern bow does more damage, has easier headshot potential, has a faster arrow speed than a crafted bow, has easier aiming, and has a longer arrow range when compared to a crafted bow, yet the crafted bow has its perks as well. A crafted bow has a faster rate of fire (Duh! It is made of wood and cloth and rope!), has a faster draw speed, and is fairly easy to craft. How easy, you might ask? Let’s see.
The Bow is crafted in the inventory screen (Rucksack) by merging Sticks, Cloth and Rope. It is not a buildable element from the survival book, which some players commonly mistake for the crafting screen (It is okay, we are not here to judge anyone!)
Combine all of the essential items in your backpack by right-clicking them. Once you have them all in the middle, right-click the cogwheel and you will have yourself a bow. Yes, it really is that easy!
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Using the Crafted Bow

Now that you have your bow crafted (Well done!), all you need is to figure out how to use it. Don’t be scared. It is not that hard, we promise! Here is how to do it. It seems a bit perplexing, but we have a guide down here for you on how to use your own crafted weapon.
The Crafted Bow can shoot arrows, but on the downside, it does not have a crosshair or a zoom feature. When pressing down on the attack button the player will stretch the bow and strive for the arrow forward (without a crosshair). Letting loose the attack button will shoot the arrow forwards. Hitting the right mouse button while the bow is stretched out will free the arrow without shooting it.
The longer the bow is held before firing (up to a maximum), the farther the arrow will go. The arc of the arrow is a tad above the arrow rest on the bow. While looking down at the bow while it is in hand, press R to go through the arrow type. The player can also opt for the default arrow by merging the bow with the chosen arrow type on the crafting mat.

It is essential to note that aiming your bow involves a lot of exercises. It is not prudent to aim your shots with the center of the screen as the arrow is bent at an angle. As an alternative, it is safer to watch your arrow and imagine how it will fly through the air while keeping its position and gravity in mind.
There is a small piece of wood sticking out of the right side of the bow. The arrow looks as if to travel close to where the end of the stick is on the screen, so this may be used as a “sight.” It is possible to get headshots with arrows, which are an instantaneous kill for all regular cannibals.
The Bow also has another drawback in that it involves two hands to use, making it all but impractical in dark caves and at night. Without ample light, it is almost impossible to see where the player is shooting. But on the other hand, the bow is highly advantageous because it is a ranged weapon, and thus is a beneficial weapon when you are aiming from high ground or a vantage point.
Useful Information
In order for you to craft a bow by yourself in The Forest, the players will need three materials; the stick, the cloth, and the rope. One each of these three materials, and you have crafted yourself a bow! Although a modern bow is preferable over a crafted bow, due to it being faster and more reliable, the crafted bow has its own advantages. Even though a modern bow will provide an easier headshot potential and more damage, a crafted bow will give you a faster draw speed and a faster rate of fire. What more do you need, right?
Even though a crafted bow is not the best weapon to possess in a dark cave or during the night because the player will be unable to see where they are shooting, and they require two hands to be used, the crafted bow is very useful when the player is aiming from higher ground.
The Forest is about survival, and you will need food to defend yourself in order for that to happen. You might even need to hunt (either for food or your enemies) for your survival in this simulator. For this purpose, you will need weapons. And one of the weapons which you might find useful in the game is a bow. Now you can either acquire a modern bow, or you may craft a bow by collecting some raw material by yourself.
We genuinely expect that this article assisted you in figuring out how to craft a Bow in The Forest, and how this crafted Bow can in fact be favorable to you in particular times of need. If you found this article helpful and you enjoyed figuring out how to craft a Bow from raw materials that you collected all by yourself, then be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is always appreciated by our team. Happy crafting!