The life of fantasy and adventure in Black Desert Online is packed with fun and exciting activities. You get the chance to excel in war and the opportunity to excel in trade and creativity. As a BDO player, you may need rough stones to engage in different crafts. This may force you to look for ways to get as many rough stones as possible.
Based on the usefulness of rough stones in BDO, many players have wondered if the workers can help them in gathering more rough stones. The simple answer to that question is NO. Workers in the Black Desert Online cannot help you in gathering rough stones.
This now leads to the all-important question: “how can I gather rough stones in BDO?”
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How To Get Rough Stones in BDO?
To gain access to the quest for rough stones, you will have to visit the Loggia farm west of Velia. Camellia Logia will hand you the daily quest of up to 50 rough stones. Rough stones are extremely helpful in BDO. You can get them in any of these ways:
Through Mining: It is easy to obtain rough stones in the black desert. It would be best if you have your pickaxe for the mine. The next step is to look for the rock to mine for rough stones. Any rock in the desert that is not iron will yield a good amount of rough stones. You can mine Feldspar or any other rock in the black desert. The good news is that there are so many rocks you can drill in BDO.
Get Rough Stones in Powdered Form: You can get your rough stones in powdered form by grinding cheap magical crystals, Press L, and use the grinding options in your processing screen. You can even estimate the amount of rough stone powder you will get by grinding crystals. To calculate the amount of black powder you get from grinding crystals, take the amount of the crystal and divide it by 2000.
How to Get the Pick-Axe Used in Mining Rough Stones?

A good pickaxe makes your quest for raw stones an easy one. If you do not have any pickaxe by default, all hope is not lost. There are various ways to get a pickaxe in the Black Desert Online. Let’s consider some of the significant forms of acquiring a pickaxe.
You can get the pickaxe crafted by workers in the tool’s workshop: To craft your pickaxe, you will need to use one Ash Timber and four copper ingots.
- You can find some pickaxes naturally as part of the game
- You can buy it in towns from material vendors
- You can get a pickaxe as a reward for engaging in different quests
- You can obtain it as a gift package
What Are the Uses of Rough Stones in Black Desert Online?
Once you have acquired your rough stones through mining, you will find them helpful in several ways. Let us enumerate some of the uses of rough stones below.
Rough Stones are used in Utensil Creations: You can show your class and creativity by crafting different utensils in the black desert. Some of these utensils may be helpful to homewares.
It is used in forging tools: The cost of buying some tools used in farming or other purposes might be prohibitive. Black stones make it easy for craftsmen to form some of these valuable tools and save some costs.
It can be refined by alchemists and used in forming other functional equipment: Alchemists can add some chemicals to these rough stones, thus making it easier for other items to be included from them. You can grind them into polished stones and use them to repair your fort.
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You have various opportunities to engage in multiple crafts in the black desert. Rough stones serve as raw material for repairs and crafting different valuable items in BDO. Based on the rules of the BDO game, you workers cannot mine rough stones for you.
Rough stones are available in large quantities from rock mining. You will need an excellent pickaxe to be effective in mining. There are different ways of obtaining Pick-Axe in the black desert. You can buy the pickaxe, forge them in the tool shop or get them through other means. You will be grateful for your ability to acquire rough stones in BDO because it can help you conquer the black desert. So, what are you waiting for? Jump into the game right now!