Are you having some trouble getting a boss armor in BDO (Black Desert Online)? Well, worry no more as we will walk you through the entire process in this article. Everything is discussed in detail in this guide to help you get a Boss Armor in Black Desert Online. First, we should see the reason behind getting a boss armor and its benefits.
Why Do You Need to Get a Boss Armor In BDO?
In BDO, the best type of armor is the boss armor. This armor is basically a set of four armor pieces that, when combined, provide the greatest potential DP for every upgrade tier and a good set of bonuses. If you take three separate boss armors, you’ll gain +200 stamina, and if you take all four, you’ll gain +1 casting and attacking speed. While gaining boss armor isn’t necessarily endgame content, working on improving boss armor most surely is. Enhancing a boss’s armor comes at a high price. Before continuing on this quest, I suggest having a Grunil set (or whatever combination you want) to TRI or TET. It would be good if your weaponry is prepared for TET or TRI.
Enough said, let’s continue showing you the different ways of getting a boss armor in the game Black Desert Online.
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Boss Armor Can Be Obtained Through Field Bosses

There are around three different kinds of field bosses from which you can get boss armor. These field bosses include:
- Dim Spirit (Tree)
- Red Nose
- Dastard Bheg
Each of the dropped armor is named after these fields. For instance, Red Nose’s armor is dropped by the Red Nose field. It’s worth noting that you cannot be sure of getting a boss armor after killing a boss. In general, to loot a boss armor on your own is uncommon, and the procedures for looting bosses are a little hazy.
To get the boss armor, you must first be in the best twenty groups of players, whatever you take from that (some claim it’s based on damage, while others believe that it is far more complicated), and even if there is a chance that you somehow do that, you still have a minimal chance of getting it.
Field bosses usually drop the armour pieces in different places, and their time of spawn is random. Whenever you kill a boss, it goes in a shut window that usually lasts for thirteen hours. After thirteen hours, the boss could usually spawn into an opened window, and its time of spawn is random.
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Boss Armor Can Be Obtained from Scrolls
After reaching a definite level, you will get certain offers from the black spirit every day in the form of quests, and later, you will get weekly quests. The reward of completing these quests is calling scrolls for your bosses or reward you with some scrolls that can help you get a woken summoning scroll for your boss.
In contrast to stones (Black) and hunter seals, several bosses can usually drop a single set of boss armor. As mentioned earlier, Red Nose usually drops armor, and Dastard drops certain gloves. Scrolls can also be obtained for Giath, who drops a helmet, and then there is Muskan, who drops certain shoes. After killing the boss, communicate to the Black Spirit as he would reward you with a couple of bundles for your efforts. These bosses are somehow difficult to kill at minor levels, so it is suggested that you create a party before attempting to destroy them. The usual bosses could be soloed at upper levels. The awakened kinds can be soloed too, but it is significantly more difficult and time-consuming.
Boss Armor Can Be Obtained from Night Vendor

There is a night vendor in every main town in BDO. He is generally found in a remote spot, and is only seen at night. You can give fifty energies to talk to him and gain a chance to buy some unusual items at a certain price that varies from lower than market value to considerably over it. The night vendor has a slight chance of giving you some portion of boss armor, but it may take some time due to the high energy cost.
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Other Options for Obtaining Boss Armor In BDO
There are a few different options for getting boss armor. To begin, you can always try your luck in the market and purchase a part of it. You can also gain the armor of Dim Spirit (Tree) or the shoes of Muskan by collecting fifty seals of Shakatu. Though, the only way I’m aware of to obtain those specific seals is through the everyday attendance reward, which awards 10-15 per month. Finally, if you are lucky enough, a piece of boss armor could be found in the event chest, like the gift box of Lauren Family.
So that’s everything that you need to know about getting a boss armor in BDO (Black Desert Online). Although, these steps are a little outdated as the new update has several other new ways to get a piece of Boss Armor. However, the procedures described in this guide remain valid.
If, after reading the article, you still face any trouble in getting a piece of boss armor, feel free to leave a comment below. We will try our best to solve every problem related to Black Desert Online.