Hades, the popular rogue-like game developed by Supergiant Games, offers many distinct and exciting weapons, including the Stygius blade. It is a blade that Zagreus uses to take on many enemies. Each Aspect of the game has its own abilities, providing many benefits if used correctly.
Pairing the sword with the correct Boons and Aspect will make a build that’ll shred through enemies. Additionally, Aspects are also upgradeable through the use of Titan Blood. Titan Blood is a rare resource obtained by defeating bosses in the game.
The best Aspects of Stygius in Hades are Aspects of Arthur, Zagreus, and Nemesis.
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What Is The Stygius In Hades?

The Stygius is a robust weapon player can use to fight through many challenges in the game. It is a sword balanced with a combination of speed and power. Because of its speed and power, the weapon becomes versatile and suitable for most players.
The weapon is popular among players because of its versatility and easy handling. Players can customize the weapon in many ways, including Aspects. Aspects are special versions of weapons that grant them unique abilities and bonuses.
For example, Aspect of Arthur transforms the Stygius into a holy sword, increasing its damage and providing special effects when certain conditions are met. There are a total of 4 Aspects for the Stygius blade. Two other Aspects, like the Aspect of Zagreus, increase the sword’s speed and critical hit chance, and the Aspect of Nemesis increases the sword’s damage.
Additionally, players also upgrade the Stygius by using various enhancements like Boons. Boons are obtainable from the gods of Olympus and provide extra benefits and special attacks. These Boons create unique and impressive builds that suit the player’s playstyle.
Some of the Boons available for the Stygius blade include Zeus’s lightning strike, which causes the sword to emit a powerful bolt of lightning that damages enemies.
Other Boon, like Dionysus’s Hangover, causes enemies to take damage over time. The unique ability of the Stygius blade is its ability to charge up its special attacks. When the player holds down the attack button, the Stygius starts to charge up.
After fully charging, it deals massive damage in a wide area upon releasing its attack. This ability makes the Stygius a potent weapon that deals enormous damage.
As players progress through the game, they gain the power to unlock various upgrades for the Stygius blade. These upgrades improve the sword’s damage, speed, and special abilities. For example, players can upgrade the Stygius to increase its critical chance or allow it to fire projectiles that home in on enemies.
All these upgrades are unlockable by spending resources earned by defeating enemies or completing objectives. Like its combat abilities, the blade also has an exciting backstory tied to the game’s narrative.
The Stygius is a powerful artifact associated with the influential god Hades. Hades’ son, Zagreus, uses this sword to fight against his father’s army and escape the underworld. Overall the Stygius is an essential and versatile staple of Hade’s gameplay.
Its ability, such as to be customized with distinct Aspects and boons and its unique charging attack makes the blade a robust weapon that is easy to handle.
The Best Aspects of Stygius In Hades

Here are the best Aspects of Stygius In Hades. These Aspects are ranked from the best to the worst.
1. Aspect of Arthur
The Aspect of Arthur is the most popular and influential Aspect of Stygius in Hades. It is unlocked by obtaining the Guan Yu Aspect, and then the player must invest five Titan Blood into it. This Aspect is inspired by King Arthur and his sword Excalibur.
When equipped with the Aspect, it grants Zagreus a powerful slam attack that deals massive damage and knocks enemies back. The ability to clear out large groups of enemies is why Aspect of Arthur is well known. Its slam attack has a large radius and hits multiple enemies simultaneously.
The knockback effect is also beneficial as, in many cases, you’re stuck between enemies and want to move out quickly. The Aspect of Arthur is also excellent for dealing significant damage to bosses and more formidable enemies. Players also can upgrade this Aspect to increase the damage and radius of the slam attack.
2. Aspect of Zagreus
The Aspect of Zagreus is the default Stygius Aspect in Hades. It’s one of those Aspects that offers balance. The Aspect of Zagreus provides damage and mobility. When equipped, it grants Zagreus a dash that deals damage and allows him to move quickly.
What makes the Aspect of Zagreys perfect is its versatility. Players can use the dash attack for offense and defense, which makes it ideal for any play style. This Aspcet is also helpful to quickly close gaps between enemies and deal damage while maintaining your safety.
The Aspect of Zagreus is unlocked after defeating the game’s final boss. It allows players to imbue the Stygius blade with the power of the game’s protagonist.
Additionally, the Aspect can be upgraded to increase the damage and range of the dash attack. Players can also invest in Titan Blood to unlock additional abilities for the Aspect, which unlocks chaining multiple dashes together. This Aspect is associated with Zagreus’s ability to dodge and dash quickly. One of the essential bonuses the Aspect of Zagreus provides is increased mobility and speed.
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The Stygius blade is already a fast and versatile weapon, but with Aspect of Zagreus enables players to move even faster. Another crucial aspect of the Zagreus is the ability to provide extra damage and critical hit chance.
3. Aspect of Nemesis
The Aspect of Nemesis is unlocked by investing five Titan Blood into the Stygius. This Aspect is inspired by the Greek goddess of Revenge. It grants players a powerful charged attack that deals impressive damage to enemies.
The charged attack can also be aimed, implying players can line it up and hit more enemies. The thing that makes the Aspect of Nemesis effective is its power to deal significant damage quickly. Players can also upgrade this Aspect to increase the damage and the speed of the charged attack.
This Aspect is not impressive like the others in this list, which is why it is suited for the final spot.
Final Thoughts
The weapon Stygius in Hades offers a unique and exciting experience for players. It provides various abilities, and the easy-to-handle feature makes it a versatile weapon. When paired with the Aspect of Zagreus, Stygius becomes a powerful and more fluid weapon than it was before.
The Aspect of Arthur is also beneficial with its knockback abilities because it allows players to create an opening and escape the heat of battle. The aspect of Nemesis also provides the ability to deal massive damage to enemies and face more formidable foes.
Stygius is an excellent weapon and a versatile one. It becomes a behemoth of a weapon when pairing it with distinct Aspects.