In the Stardew Valley game, you have to interact with many villagers. There are different types of villagers in the game, and Linus is one of them.
When you first meet him in the game, he will be collecting waste food from the trash. Then, he will ask you whether there’s something wrong with what he is doing. If you want to know how to answer his question, continue reading this article.
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Who is Linus in Stardew Valley?
Stardew Valley game features unique characters, each with its own secrets and backstories. One such character is Linus. He lives alone on the outskirts of town and refuses to accept any help he receives, which makes him an intriguing figure.
As a curious character, Linus is an elusive figure that has created a sense of mystery in the Stardew Valley community. You can learn more about Linus’ past and current circumstances by befriending him.
It’s possible that he’s not as down on his luck as he seems and that he’s actually rich. That’s just one of the many mysteries that await you in Stardew Valley.
Though he’s a mysterious character, Linus is helpful in some parts of the game, such as the mines. He’ll teach you how to make recipes and scavenge for a variety of resources. But, many players still wonder about Linus.
In order to gain friendship with Linus, you must first acquire a friendship heart. By doing so, you will unlock the opportunity to complete other quests, which can earn you gold as well as affinity points.
Also, you can gift items to Linus for his birthday, which has an 8x effect and unlocks unique NPC dialogue. If you have the ability to give Linus gifts, this is a great way to make friends in the game.
Stardew Valley Do You Think There’s Something Wrong with What I’m Doing – Explained

Linus is a villager in the Stardew Valley game. He lives alone outside the villager and doesn’t have many friends. He appears to be poor but can be very important in the game.
When you play the game, you will find him collecting waste food from George’s trash can. When you come across him, he will ask you a question, “Do you think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing?”
He will explain to you that the food is still fresh and hot. If he doesn’t eat the food, it will go to waste. Once he explains to you why he is picking the food from someone else’s trash can, he will ask you the question.
In order to answer the question, you will get four options. You can choose from any of the four options to answer him. In the first option, A will state that he is doing something wrong and it is disgusting.
The second option B will state that you are supporting him, and it will be a shame for the food to go to waste.
The third option, C, states that what he is doing is illegal as he is stealing from someone else’s property. In the last option, D will state that he is not doing something wrong, but still, it will be best if he stops picking up waste food and looks for a job instead.
To reply, you need to choose from options A, B, C, and D. If you think that Linus is not doing something wrong, you can choose options B and D. But if you don’t support him, you can choose option A or C.
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What to Say When You Catch a Homeless Guy Linus Collecting Wasted Food?
When you see the homeless guy Linus collecting trash, he will ask you a question. It is hard to know how to react when you see someone collecting trash and wasting food. There are several ways to react. One of them is to guide him. If we guide him, he can become your friend.
First, you need to find out how Linus lives. He lives in a tent north of Stardew Valley, and you can spot him rummaging through the trash at night.
If you give him food, he will thank you for it, and it will increase your friendship. You can also find him behind Robin’s house if we visit during festival hours.
The best answer to Linus picking food from trash is option D. It will show that you are not apprehending him but still guiding him to get a job so that he doesn’t have to steal again.
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So, if you come across Linus stealing food from George’s trash can, he will ask you if what he is doing is right or wrong. You will get 4 options to answer the question.
If you want to befriend him, you can choose options B and D. However, if you don’t like his behavior, you can choose options A and C.