The Godskin Duo was one of the most annoying Elden Ring encounters for us. We were glad when the fight was finally over, Nonetheless, it was still an enjoyable experience and we had fun, even if we lost some hair and whacked our controller on the table once or thrice.
If you were wondering what to do after Godskin Duo in Elden Ring, you have come to the right place. Elden Ring lets its players explore the vast open world however their heart desires, but this step into the end game changes things.
Still wondering what to do after Godskin Duo in Elden RIng? Once you are done with the (exhausting) battle against the Godskin Duo, you should make your way through Crumbling Farum Azula. Here, you have two choices. If you wish to progress the story, you should go ahead and fight Maliketh, the Black Blade. Otherwise, you should explore Crumbling Farum Azula and take on Dragonlord Placidusax for a proper thrill.
If you want to know more about what to do after Godskin Duo in Elden Ring, we suggest you keep reading to find out all you need regarding the matter. We will be discussing story progression and other appealing options. Without further ado, let us take a look at what to do after Godskin Duo in Elden Ring.
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What To Do After Godskin Duo?
Once you are done with the Godskin Duo, you are ready to take the plunge into the endgame content. Give yourself a pat on the back because you have come so far! You should have enjoyed a good amount of content by this point. You are no strangers to the Lands Between by that point. Here is what to do after the Godskin Duo, skilled Tarnished:
Godskin Duo

A complementing pair of creatures extremely well versed in dual-battling. These beings achieve an exceptional balance in combat, resulting in a devastating synergy.
Godskin Duo is a mandatory boss fight in Elden Ring. In this fight, players simultaneously take on the Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble, each with their own individual strengths and weaknesses.
The Godskin Duo can be found in Crumbling Farum Azula and the boss fight is necessary for story progression. The Godskin Apostles were led by the Empyrean Queen and were able to cast and wield black flames strong enough to slay a god.
Once you manage to defeat this annoying pair of bosses, you might be wondering what to do next. You have two options, which are discussed below.
Make Your Way Through Crumbling Farum Azula

For either of the two paths that you may choose to walk down, you will need to proceed deeper into Crumbling Farum Azula. This area is arguably the most unique in the entire game and holds immense significance from a story and lore perspective.
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Explore and Take On Dragonlord Placidusax

Your first choice is to simply enjoy the music and the aesthetics as you make your way through Crumbling Farum Azula. If you want to squeeze Elden Ring for every last drop of content that it has, this is what you should do.
Venturing deeper into Crumbling Farum Azula will prove to be beneficial due to the great rewards and materials that enemies may drop. Moreover, you should go ahead and defeat Dragonlord Placidusax.
Placidusax is one of the game’s most difficult bosses, but he is also insanely fun to go against. If you are in search of thrills and some cool equipment, this is what you should go for after Godskin Duo.
Story Progression: Kill Maliketh, the Black Blade

Next up, we have Maliketh, the Black Blade. For those who simply wish to progress the story further, Maliketh is for you.
In the first phase of his fight, he will be cloaked and hooded and appear as the Beast Clergyman. Maliketh is a very challenging boss fight, so be sure to prepare both mentally and also pour in a few levels into your character.
Maliketh likes to go ham and remind you who’s boss. He is quite punishing and likes to put us in our place. Stay patient and beat this mandatory boss to progress the story. Good luck!
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That concludes today’s Elden Ring guide on what to do after Godskin Duo in Elden Ring. The open-world design can sometimes prove to be a double-edged sword when you find yourself lost in Elden Ring.
We hope our guide helped you learn more about what you should do after defeating the Godskin Duo in Elden Ring. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, Tarnished!