Elden Ring is a lot of things, but it is not a hand holder. Miyazaki’s latest creation introduces us to the wondrous Lands Between, where nightmares and beauty marry each other in pure FromSoftware fashion. The game is a brilliant treat in today’s saturated market and has the potential to keep players occupied for hundreds of hours with its superior combat, worldbuilding, arsenal, and narrative.
Okay, that establishes that Elden Ring is great and all, but even players who have been putting in their hours have some mysteries they cannot figure out, like the gate symbol in Elden Ring that you might have seen at the side of your screen while playing. Well, thanks to us, that is one less mystery you have to keep trying to crack.
Elden Ring’s iconography can be frustrating when you are just starting out. The blue gate symbol that you find at the side of your screen means that you have the ability to summon Spirits in that area. This is much like finding an NPC summon sign in Souls or Bloodborne. To summon spirits, you need the Spirit Calling Bell, which you can get by talking to Renna the Witch at Limgrave’s Church of Elleh.
If you are curious to know more, it is suggested that you keep reading to find out all there is to know about the gate symbol in Elden Ring and how it can benefit you throughout the course of your playthrough. Without further ado, let us get right to it.
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Blue Gate Symbol in Elden Ring

While we appreciate the innovative elements of Elden Ring, there are some aspects that could use improvement. The game places a significant amount of trust in the player, which can result in frustration when encountering unexpected events or items early on without a clear understanding of how to utilize them effectively.
This is particularly true for items like the blue gate arch symbol that appears on the side of the screen and other icons and objects that only become meaningful much later in the game. We hope that in future games, FromSoftware will include clearer explanations or hints to help players better understand and take advantage of these elements from the start.
What Is the Gate Symbol in Elden Ring?

The blue gate symbol displayed on the left side of the screen in the game signifies that players can summon spirits to aid them in combat in those specific areas. To successfully summon spirits, players must meet specific requirements and possess specific items.
It’s important to note that the blue gate symbol does not actually represent a gate but rather a Rebirth Monument. Players can summon any spirit in their possession by using Spirit Ashes near these monuments. The blue gate symbol serves as a warning that the upcoming area may be challenging and that spirit assistance could be advantageous. However, players will need the Spirit Calling Bell in order to summon any spirits.
Spirit Calling Bell

A bell capable of summoning various spirits from ashen remains. It usually requires FP to use.
Spirits can only be summoned in the vicinity of a rebirth monument. When summoning is possible, the monument icon will be visible on the left side of the screen.
Only one type of spirit may be summoned at once, and none may be summoned during multiplayer.
The Spirit Calling Bell is a key item that you need to acquire before you even have to start worrying about the rebirth monument symbol on the side of your screen. This is a highly useful item, especially when you stumble across some challenging areas later in the game. With the help of a Spirt Calling Bell, you can make use of the Spirit Ashes and summon them to fight alongside you.

First and foremost, finding the Spirit Calling Bell is of the utmost importance. More often than not, the Spirit Calling Bell will be given to you by Renna the Witch at Limgrave’s Church of Elleh.
All you need to do is return to the church after you have acquired the ability to summon your Spectral Steed using the Whistle from Melina. You will find Renna sitting by the ruins at night time. She will then hand you the bell.
Renna the Witch will gift the player the Spirt Calling Bell in addition to the Lone Wolf Ashes, but in the off case that you do not get those from her, she will stop frequenting the church of Elleh, but it is still possible to obtain the bell.
What you need to do is wait for nightfall and then make your way to the Chuch of Elleh. If she is not there, teleport to Stormhill Shack and travel back again. She should be waiting for you.

If that does not work either, then you can purchase both the bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold.

That rebirth monument symbol will do you a lot of favors in your playthrough, especially if you are a new player who has yet to get the hang of Elden Ring or its difficult nature in general. There is no shame in seeking assistance because the game purposefully places rebirth monuments to help you deal with difficult areas if needed.
In fact, there are some areas of the game, including the main story, where summoning NPCs and Ashes is advised and encouraged for a more natural gaming experience.
In the end, it is totally your decision, but take it from some seasoned Elden Ring players: summons do not mean that you are bad at the game, especially if not using them interferes with your enjoyment of Elden Ring.
That concludes today’s guide on the gate symbol in Elden Ring and why it is significant to your gaming experience. While the game is very enjoyable solo, quite a few parts feel like they would be better with some summons.
A prime example is the Radahn boss fight, which is doable alone, but in the context of the story and enjoyment factor, summons triple the fun! Plus, there is no shame in seeking extra help every once in a while.
We sincerely hope our guide helped you learn more about the gate symbol in Elden Ring and how to make use of that. If it did, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, Tarnished!