The triumphant music in the background marks another boss slain in style. Aside from the adrenaline rush and the bragging rights, Elden Ring rewards the courageous Tarnished with a Remembrance that can be traded for some cool items.
However, some Remembrances are better than others, catering to the general public instead of specialized builds. The less-useful Remembrances can be consumed or sold if the player deems fit. Let us answer the famous question: Should you sell Remembrance of the Grafted in Elden Ring?
It would be wise to sell Remembrance of the Grafted in Elden Ring for the 20,000 Runes. The Axe of Godrick and the Grafted Dragon armaments are nothing remarkable. The Remembrance is only worth 20,000 so there is no point in duplicating it either when far more valuable Remembrances await you in the game. As such, you should go ahead and sell Remembrance of the Grafted in Elden Ring.
Is selling the Remembrance really the best use of your hard-earned reward for defeating a boss? We suggest that you keep reading to find out exactly how we reached our conclusion. We will be taking a closer look at the Remembrance of the Grafted and everything that it has to offer. Without further ado, let us take a look at the question: Should you sell Remembrance of the Grafted in Elden Ring?
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Should You Sell Remembrance of the Grafted?

Remembrances are rare rewards that the player receives after defeating the main bosses in Elden Ring. The rarity of these items can lead to confusion when deciding what is really worth bringing along on your journey through the Lands Between. Fortunately, we went ahead and did exactly that, so you would not have to. Let us take a look!
Remembrance of the Grafted

Description: Remembrance of Godrick, the Grafted, hewn into the Erdtree.
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.
Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.
A feeble man sought power through the grotesque act of grafting. “One day we’ll return together, to our home, bathed in rays of gold.”
Remembrance of the Grafted is a Consumable item in Elden Ring that can be obtained upon defeating Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil Castle. Remembrance of the Grafted can be used in a handful of ways. The first option is to consume or sell it for 20,000 Runes. Alternatively, it can be given to Enia at Roundtable Hold to unlock its power.
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Obtainable Items
If you decide to hand over the Remembrance of the Grafted to Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold, you can get one of the following two items as a reward:
Axe of Godrick

- Physical Attack: 142
- Weight: 11.0
- Scaling: STR -D, DEX – D
- Required: 34 STR, 22 DEX
- Description: Greataxe wielded by Godrick the Grafted. This golden battleaxe is emblazoned with the figure of a beast, representing the strength of Godfrey, First Elden Lord and patriarch of the golden lineage.
“I command thee kneel! For I am the lord of all that is golden!”
The Axe of Godrick is a Greataxe in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity. It is a decent quality weapon, but nothing to write home about. This is one of the two items players can obtain by trading the Remembrance of the Grafted.
The special weapon skill is I Command Thee, Kneel. This skill is exclusive to the Axe of Godrick and slams the weapon into the ground to produce two to three shockwaves.
Grafted Dragon

- Physical Attack: 89
- Weight: 2.5
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D, FAI – D
- Required: 20 STR, 14 DEX, 16 FAI
- Description: The embodiment of the power that still remained in the dragon’s head that was grafted to Godrick’s left arm.
The wielder’s arm will take the form of a small dragon, sprouting sharp dragon fangs at the fist.
This weapon cannot be two-handed.
The Grafted Dragon is a Fist in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith. It is the dragon’s head that was grafted to Godrick’s hand when you encounter him in-game.
The weapon is pretty mediocre considering that it is a boss weapon. The weapon skill Bear Witness! Is unique to the Grafted Dragon fist and allows the player to perform a Fire AoE attack in front of them.
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Should You Sell It?

The answer is yes, you should sell Remembrance of the Grafted because it is not, particularly of any value.
Neither the Grafted Dragon nor the Axe of Godrick is weapons that the players generally favor in Elden Ring. There are better options available in their respective categories that players can obtain without sacrificing their Remembrances.
Moreover, it is not worth duplicating the Remembrance of the Grafted either, considering that it is only worth 20,000 Runes. There are 15 total Remembrances and only 7 Walking Mausoleums in Elden Ring, so it makes more sense to duplicate the Remembrances that yield better rewards or are worth more Runes.
Keeping all of this in mind, you should go ahead and sell Remembrance of the Grafted without any hesitation!
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That concludes our guide where we answered the question: Should you sell Remembrance of the Grafted in Elden Ring? Our guide listed everything that you should know before making your decision, so there is no room for second-guessing later on.
We hope that our guide was comprehensive enough for you to make a sound decision. If it helped, be sure to leave a comment down below and let us know. Your feedback is much appreciated. Good luck, Tarnished!