EXPs! Experience points! A gamer’s sustenance, gamer`s will to live, divine ladders that guide you on your way to the top, leveling up with each step. The thrill and excitement that fuels the desire to keep on playing is all thanks to EXPs, and for one, the MapleStory game does not come up short at all.
MapleStory is one of the earliest games to open the door to a multiplayer experience for decades and it is warming its way back into our hearts in this new gaming age, catching the attention of new users and old users alike.
This article has its focus primarily on unlocking the pocket slot.
The first step to take for you to unlock a pocket slot is, you would need to be upgraded to a level 30 first and after that complete the quest; “Excessively Charming,” and you’ll get a pocket item tagged rose.
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How Do I Get Upgraded to Level 30?

As an active user of MapleStory, there are numerous ways of getting upgraded to level 30. One of which is the easiest way is by getting Trait potions. These potions can be obtained via events or by acquiring daily gifts, of which the upgrade would come at the end of day 20, with the criteria being that you must log on for 20days within one month.
After this, you’ll be given a Trait upgrade potion that will sufficiently raise the Traits level. If the potion is utilized when you are at the least in possession of a level 5 charm, you will automatically jump into level 30.
Trait potion can also be gotten from events. Events happen regularly in the MapleStory game, and each event promises rewards.
Right there in the shops for rewards, there sometimes is a Trait Potion up for sale. Buying a potion spares you the trouble of having to farm for charm experience points.
An alternative way to increase your Charm is equipping the items that initially award you charm EXPs.
You should note you will only get the Charm EXP once you first equip the item that gave you some.
Suppose you’re looking to get some extra charm, EXPs fighting bosses and equipping the items obtained from them to prove handy and boosts your charm EXPs to a sufficient degree. Look out for items like Black bean marks, Von Leon gloves, Zakum helmets, amongst others.
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Unlocking the Pocket Slot

Getting to level 30 charm is criterion number one. After that, you can proceed to unlock the pocket slot.
After getting to level 30, a quest would pop up requiring you to complete. The quest titled “excessively charmed” requires you to deliver a rose clipping to the NPC big headward.
The rose clipping can be obtained from harvesting herbs. This requires learning the herb harvesting skill.
If you haven’t mastered herb harvesting, you can find Saffron on the ardentmill.
The rose clipping appears as an unexpected drop while harvesting herbs. If you don’t find any, keep harvesting. Sometimes fatigue can set in, wait another day and try again. Herbs around the game usually hold prospects for hiding rose clippings.
How Many Experience Points Do You Have to Get To Move Up Your Charm to Level 30?
Getting your charm level to 30 in the MapleStory game, you would need to have about 11,040 charm trait experience points.
The game allows you to earn a maximum of up to 5,000 charm EXP every day, while you are allowed to earn only 500 trait EXP for any other trait every day.