Nidus is an Infested Warframe that utilizes a variety of powers related to its kind.
Nidus is a one-of-a-kind Warframe, as he is modeled on the infested and has most of their abilities. His gameplay needs minimal ability to win, but smart play makes him unstoppable.
The best Nidus build focuses on maximizing his abilities’ potential by combining strength, range, duration, and efficiency mods. Augment mods like “Larva Burst” and “Parasitic Link” can increase Nidus’s crowd control and survivability. Additionally, using a melee weapon with high critical chance and damage paired with the “Hunter Adrenaline” mod can provide a reliable energy source. Keep reading for a more detailed breakdown of Nidus’s kit and build options.
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How to Obtain Nidus

Players can gain nidus’ blueprints by fulfilling The Glast Gambit’s mission, while his parts can be rewarded during Rotation C by accomplishing the Oestrus Task on Eris.
Nidus can be bought for 225 Platinum on the Ingame market rather than farming for his parts.
Nidus can utilize his infestation freely, causing it to erupt in a pattern to inflict damage, releasing a larva that may disable enemies, latching his parasite leash on potential enemies, and unleashing an outbreak of infestation with maggot to fight his enemies.
Nidus’ specific passive, Adaptive Mutation, needs assimilation with opponents, then he performs parts of the ability, unlike most other Warframes.
Nidus will accumulate mutations by fusing with enemies because he will grow stronger with every mutation stack. It’s a pleasure to play him since he’s so well-rounded. He has the passive ability ‘Undying,’ which prevents him from dying when he has 20 mutation stacks just at the time of death.
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Nidus stomps his foot, causing the infestation to inflict damage in a straight line. Enemies hit shall mount up, and five will provide him a mutation stack. Once he has sufficient mutations, it’ll become one of his most potent attacks, and it may be utilized to clear countless enemies quickly.
Teeming Virulence provides Nidus with a 15-second boost that enhances the critical probability of his primary weapons.
It tosses forth a larva that grows and starts to drag and grip enemies until its duration runs. This ability complements Virulence well if used before Virulence to ensure that more enemies are killed.
The larva is an essential ability since it not only allows Nidus to strike opponents with Virulence more quickly, but players can also utilize it against enemies encountered throughout The Index, Rathuum Arenas, and other places. In the Augment Mod, Larva Burst will inflict a level of area damage that grows with the number of opponents captured, and this will explode to inflict that damage if reactivated after deploying it the first time.
Parasitic Link
When Nidus connects to an opponent or ally, Nidus, with his partner, gets massive damage. When Nidus connects to an enemy, that enemy receives damage equal to the damage Nidus should have been receiving.
This ability helps avoid death on challenging missions since enemies will bear the damage. You can use the parasitic link to avoid keeping an opponent in place until the rest of the party has been dealt with, allowing Nidus to fight with them afterward.
When Nidus performs the ability, it will release a Virulence on almost any target Nidus has connected to. It will travel in the same direction as Nidus is aiming it.
Nidus infects an area, curing himself and his friends while letting maggots proliferate and destroy his enemies.
Enemies that are harmed by maggots would also contribute to Nidus’ mutation stacks. When Virulence hits maggots, they explode, delivering areas with adverse damage. When a stack is obtained through the Augment Mod, the insatiable increases the probability of receiving two mutation stacks rather than one.
Suggested Builds

Viulence Larva
This build tries to improve the reach of Virulence or Larva so that you may cast larva to attract enemies from far away. Subsequently, Virulence be doing damage and earn stacks instantly.
The build’s duration has been decreased; however, players may still utilize ravenous and Parasitic Link. Hunter Adrenaline works well with Parasitic Link because when Nidus latches on to an opponent, he takes minor damage but gains energy.
Pull Build
This build is used to gather and hold numerous enemies, allowing you and your teammates to attack them quickly while the larva is capturing them. Enemies in challenges like The Index or the Rathuum Arena would also be pulled, resulting in an impressive victory.
Balanced Build
This build is designed to enable Nidus to use most of his powers and abilities without experiencing any downsides, such as short duration or excessive energy usage.
The damage delivered by this build is effective, and the ability to perform several abilities will be pretty helpful if mutation stacks are obtained.
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Nidus may be difficult to get at first, or it may take some time to learn how to utilize his powers or use his one-of-a-kind passive ability. Nidus is among the most popular Warframes throughout the game, with a strong skill set, an engaging playstyle, and a unique concept.
Nidus is a fantastic Warframe with a skill set that makes him suitable for every task. He also excels in nearly every position as a powerful tank, an intense damage dealer, as well as a crowd-control master. Nidus can easily withstand hundreds of opponents with his powers alone while constantly increasing in strength. Thus everything is worth it if you understand how to utilize him.
Based on the user’s build and game style, Nidus may be utilized in various ways, including healing, burst damage, crowd control, and much more.
He is among the game’s most powerful damage-dealing Warframes, capable of surviving lengthy missions and effortlessly killing opponents with his abilities. His skills are excellent, he can be used in various ways, and he’s had some appealing powers.
The fact that he lacks a shield may be a hindrance at times. However, you usually don’t bother (as you always choose to have a proper build).