Land value is a significant contributor to the improvement of buildings in Cities: Skylines; it helps them upgrade to their maximum levels. If there is no sufficient value, the city would be short of funds, which means that it will not generate as much profit as it should from landed property taxes.
Explained in this article are ways to improve your land value in Cities: Skylines.
1. Improve the structures
In Cities: Skylines, improved structures raise the value of the land you build. The value increase also affects lands around them. This implies if you situate a park, university or mall in a location, you can create an accelerating growth in that area. So, ensure to upgrade your structures.
2. Waterfront Zoning
In Cities: Skylines, when you zone a property around a water body, you are indirectly helping it to upgrade with ease. This method of value increase is instrumental when you do not have enough money to build large structures and make huge investments.
This zoning technique also works for canals in Cities: Skylines. You can allow the city to have water, then create boats for water transport. Voilà, you have accrued an enormous value for yourself.
3. Parks and Recreational Centers
In Cities: Skylines, building parks, and recreational centers are a profitable way to increase land value, although, the costs and maintenance of these city setups differ.
You can set up basketball courts, tennis lawns, playgrounds, and skate grounds. They are beneficial in terms of size, design, and expenses. As more activities go on in these places, the soil values remain high.
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4. Community Service Structures

Community service structures like cemeteries, police posts, educational centers, hospitals, and firehouses aid surrounding lands in increasing value. Other facilities like yoga gardens and crematoriums are instrumental. You can cite them in your city so that your land value can appreciate.
5. Reduce Noise
In City: Skylines, noisy structures, and environments negatively affect the value of lands within their vicinity, irrespective of how important they are. These noisy places include overpopulated commercial areas, heavily trafficked highways, and unwalled roads. Industrial sites also emit noise, but you can mitigate their adverse effects by citing them far from residential locations.
Also consider setting up trees and bushes to reduce noise. You can place them in noisy areas to lessen noise pollution and maintain your land value. This means that you can cite houses close to commercial sites and still have a good land value.
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6. Special Structures
In Cities: Skylines, special structures like stadiums are beneficial to the city and erecting them can increase land value. However, knowing that they offer immense value, their goods may be covered by the noise they cause.
7. Organized Roads
Large roads in Cities: Skylines that contain massive traffic can cause a reduction in land value. However, you can reduce their harmful effects by setting up trees along the roads to reduce noise. Thus, organized roads are positive contributing factors to increased land value in Cities: Skylines.
8. City Regulations

In Cities: Skylines, city regulations can raise land values. For instance, when you reduce cargo trades in a location, you can lessen the noise in that area.
9. Desolated Structures
Desolated buildings in Cities: Skylines can be detrimental to land values. The adverse effects they cause do not only affect them, but also affect surrounding lands and buildings. In Cities: Skylines, every structure has a particular land value specification, depending on its size. So if a structure’s value level reduces below its requirement, its inhabitants will vacate the premises. A desolated structure can be a sign and reason for other desolated buildings. Thus, try to ensure that you do not have abandoned buildings in your city.
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10. Pollution
Pollution in Cities: Skylines pose considerable disadvantages to the environment and land value. Things that cause pollution in Cities: Skylines include coal plants, industrial structures, power plants, and incinerators. Recycling houses are better, compared to other sources of pollution. However, traces of their pollution can still be found. You can stop pollution in Cities: Skylines if you eliminate the source. After eliminating the source, the breakdown would fade off after some time. Then, the soil can be helpful again and not emit danger.
11. Project Eden
Project Eden is a big bang. After unlocking and erecting every necessary structure, you can access Project Eden. Once developed, every land in Cities: Skylines will be optimized to their highest value. All squares will turn green. The green color signifies that you will encounter any troubles with land value.
Increasing land values in Cities: Skylines requires different intelligent considerations. Busy areas can be advantageous, while the noise they cause can be detrimental. Thus, you need to carefully select the kind of structure and detail every location should have, so you can continually increase your land value.