Most players know that you can earn medals in Animal crossing. But new players do now know how to do that. So in this article, we will show you how to get medals in Animal Crossing: New Lead.
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How to Get Medals in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
There are a lot of ways to get medals in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. You can get them for completing minigames.
You can complete the island tours and earn more medals in this way. You can complete each of these tasks alone or with your friends. The most important way to get the most medals is to complete every level.
The fastest way to get 16 medals is by participating in the elite scavenger hunt. This is the quickest way to unlock the game’s achievement system.
Each minigame requires you to check your inventory, collect items from houses, and complete tasks for four minutes. However, the faster way to get medals is to play with multiple players and on harder levels.
Crafting is a major feature of this game. By crafting certain items, Cyrus can earn extra rewards in the form of presents.
The most popular items crafted in Animal Crossing: New Leaf include Music Boxes. By crafting these items, you can earn more medals and unlock special furniture. This is how you can easily increase the number of medals in the game.
What Are Island Tours in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
There are different types of island tours in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Some of these are easy, and others are harder. In these cases, a person needs to complete a certain amount of fruit or talk to Tortimer to finish the tour.
This mode also includes multiplayer. There are three types of tours: fixed tours, reoccurring tours, and timed tours. In multiplayer mode, a player must talk to the other player to finish a tour.
To access the island, players need to collect 1,000 bells. By exploring the island, players can also earn medals, which they can use to buy items at the shop. Another way to find items is to go on a boat tour.
Kapp’n is an old sailor in Animal Crossing New Leaf, and he’ll take players on boat tours for 1,000 Nook Miles. This option is limited to just one per day and can only be used if you have the latest update of the game.
This mode is not the easiest, but it’s still fun and incredibly addictive. It’s possible to spend hours on it and still not find all the items that you need.
The different types of islands could even make the game more interesting and rewarding. In addition to the usual collecting, you can earn extra rewards and goals through the game.
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Island Tours for Earning Medals in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you can earn Medals by completing island tours. The tours vary from easy to difficult and reward different amounts of Medals.
Tours are rated from 1 to 3 stars, with higher difficulty meaning more Medals. Tours are categorized based on difficulty and begin with “Easy,” “Official,” or even “Expert.”
The first type of island tour is known as a “fruit ninja” tour. To complete this tour, you have to collect a specific number of different types of fruit.
Some tasks require you to dig up bushes or pick a specific kind of fruit. You must complete each location to proceed. Once you’ve completed all the tasks, talk to Tortimer and earn a medal.
The second type of island tour is the “Tortimer’s Island” tour. You can take a solo tour, with friends, or with a group. These tours reward you with items and minigames.
Unlike other Animal Crossing games, Island tours are essential for collecting medals. The coins that you earn by completing island tours can be used to purchase special clothes and furniture.
In the game, you can also buy items for your house from Grams, such as wetsuits for deep-sea diving. Each tour has a different difficulty level. As you play and earn more medals, you’ll be able to complete more challenging tours.
So, if you want to get medals in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you have to complete different types of minigames and go on island tours.
By going on these tours and completing each level with the most number of medals, you can earn the medals. You can also craft items to get more medals and unlock special kinds of furniture.