When you play the Stardew Valley game, you have to carry various items with you. As you progress, you will get a backpack to store multiple items. However, sometimes you have to drop a few items so that you can pick up other important things.
You also need to drop items in the multiplayer game so that your partner can pick another. So, in this guide, we will show you how to drop items in Stardew Valley.
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Dropping items in Stardew Valley
Originally released on the PC through Steam, the concept of dropping Items in Stardew Valley was a novel one. It helps you to easily drop items to make space for new ones. For example, if you are on a foraging adventure, you can drop regular items to pick up rare ones.
When you’re playing Stardew Valley, you can collect various items in the game. Most of these items are used to craft different types of things. You open the inventory and click on the item you want to drop. Once you have dropped it, you can drag it away and restack it to use it again.
How to Drop Items in Stardew Valley?
Stardew Valley allows you to carry a lot of items, but if you have too many, you might need to drop a few. For example, if you’re playing multiplayer, you’ll want to drop a few items to make space for new ones.
It is quite simple to drop items in the game, but you need to follow different steps. For example, the steps to drop items on a PC are different from console gaming. Here are the steps you need to follow.
Dropping Items on PC
Dropping items in Stardew Valley on PC requires that you’re next to the item you’re trying to drop. If you’re far away from the object, it won’t drop. Thankfully, there are several ways to drop items in the PC version of Stardew Valley.
First, you need to equip the item you’re looking to drop. Go to the inventory and select the item. Use the right control stick to drag the item from the inventory panel. After that, you need to click left to throw the item on the ground. You can also walk towards the item to pick it up. Alternatively, you can simply leave it there.
While Dropping Items on PC in Stardew Valle is simple, it’s important to know that you can lose items that you’ve collected. This is one of the most common mistakes that new players make when they first start playing the game.
Dropping an item in the wrong location can cause a large amount of damage, so be sure to take precautions and keep your tools safely in their bags.
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Dropping Items on PlayStation and Xbox
Dropping items in the PlayStation and Xbox versions of Stardew Valley can be tricky. The game’s inventory keeps the cursor inside the box rather than in the trash can, so it can be hard to navigate and drop items.
To get around this, try turning off the controller-style menu. This will remove the auto-locking of the cursor and make navigating the inventory menu easier.
Now to drop the item, you need to press the button to open the inventory. After that, you need to press the X or A button to select the item you want to drop.
Once you have selected the item, use the control stick to drag the item off the inventory panel. Lastly, press the X or A to drop the item on the ground. You can also pick the item back up.
Dropping Items on Nintendo Switch
One of the most frustrating aspects of multiplayer games is figuring out how to drop items. The game requires you to open the inventory and drag the item you wish to drop off the screen.
When playing Stardew Valley on Switch, you need to first turn off the “Controller Style Menu.” After that, you need to open the inventory by using the + or B button. Now, select the item and use the cursor to drag it from the inventory. Lastly, use the A button the drop the item.
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So, if you want to drop items in Stardew Valley, you just need to go to the inventory and select the item. After that, you need to drag it from the inventory panel and press the select button again to drop it on the ground. This way, you can easily drop the items that you don’t need on the ground.