Black Desert Online is a true oasis, a breath of fresh air in a highly conservative and largely free-to-play game. Well, that’s still an MMORPG, replete with the lovely fantasy settings and lots of suffering that you’d anticipate from a Korean MMO. Below it all, though, is a host of intricate, interwoven mechanisms that give fresh life to things like commerce and discussion that are frequently neglected.
Black Desert Online is now a massive game with such a wide range of play styles that appeal to a wide range of players. This game’s primary flaw is a shortage of official guidance on how to play it. Many things may appear weird or illogical when you first start.
In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know regarding what to do with Golden Coelacanth in Black Desert Online and how to sell it. Continue reading for more information.
Also read: How To Separate Stacks Of Items In Black Desert Online
What Is Black Desert Online, And What Content Does It Have?

Black Desert Online has a lot of material to discover. You can do a number of other things. Hunting, fishing, gardening, chopping down forests, teaching horses, and other activities come to mind.
Despite being an MMORPG, BDO’s combat design makes it feel like an ARPG. It’s really action-packed, and the battle mechanics are very fluid. BDO fighting seems like a whole generation in MMORPG when compared to the clumsy action of Elder Scrolls Online.
BDO features a large map that you may explore at your leisure. The game gradually introduces you to a map, one sector at a time. However, there is a vast world to discover. You may play the game over months, if not years, and still discover new places.
BDO features a wide range of characters, or categories, to fit any player’s preferences. The best aspect is that BDO’s producers, Pearl Abyss, are constantly introducing new characters.
This means that even if you’ve completed the game, you’ll frequently receive a new character with which to begin a new playing and experiment with new skills.
BDO’s complete license was previously re-acquired by Pearl Abyss out of its former publisher, Kakao Games. This implies that the game is now under the control of the creators. This is a positive move that will undoubtedly contribute to the game’s expansion and improvement.
Developers are frequently required to obey the publisher’s regulations. That’s why games like Destiny 2 have struggled to gain traction.
Also Read: How To Get Jarette’s Armor In Black Desert Online?
What To Do With Golden Coelacanth In Black Desert Online And How To Sell It?
A golden coelacanth could only be captured on rare occasions, and the odds of catching one are little to none. Seeing the fish would bring you good fortune. Every character can buy it.
The King Clam drops a Golden Coelacanth, which may be earned through tasks, encounters, or chests.
Main Things You Need To Know About Black Desert Online
- No Fast Travel
Before you go, keep in mind that there will be no quick route. Don’t be put off by this; the universe of BDO is bustling with activity, making walking a hectic and seldom dull experience.
You’ll ultimately be able to obtain a horse which will drastically reduce your trip time. There isn’t a “magical load box” way of traveling in BDO. If you’re searching for an MMO that will help you do the laundry when the characters auto-runs to a task mark, this really is the game for you.
- The Game Plan Progression
BDO will be a bit of a shift for people who are used to “amusement park” MMOs, but somehow it won’t be too much of a shock. The post-game gameplay in theme park MMOs is generally designed to be challenging enough to keep the players engaged, including one or more raid monsters at a time until the next content release or expansion. In addition, gearing and ability caps rise at frequent intervals but are quite simple to attain.
- Explore BDO
If you’ve played previous MMORPGs, walking about in BDO’s fully accessible feels just as you’d expect. Despite the fact that the main towns and cities receive a number of visitors from other players, the game looks less sociable than most other MMOs. On the surface, this isn’t a bad thing; if you like a sniper strategy to your RPG experiences, BDO seldom forces you to interact with other people.
However, you could still establish guilds as well as meet individuals via the chat log, which is essential if you want to try out all the considerable PvP scenarios.