Traditions are special powers or advantages that may be obtained by using the unity resource. Traditions may be seen as a depiction of an empire’s socio-cultural growth as it grows and expands. Traditions aid in the definition of an empire by permitting the acceptance of traditional trees that fit the empire’s specific playstyle. After finishing a tree, the empire might choose an ascension benefit to improve themselves even further.
There are seven Tradition trees, each with its own theme.
Themes of empire expansion include conquering quicker, increasing population quicker, and generally extending the empire.
The expansion tree has a tradition called Galactic Ambition. It is similar to the tradition “reach for the stars.” Galactic Ambition lowers the cost of maintaining a starbase by 20%.
A starbase is the major space station as in the game, which is used for establishing who owns a certain star system, building, repairing, and maintaining spacecraft, collecting and transporting Trade Value, and serving as a strategic fortification during battle.
In principle, an empire will have as many starbases as its economy allows, but it can only sustain a certain number of modified starbases that are larger than outposts. The amount of upgraded starbases each empire can maintain is limited by its starbase capacity, and surpassing that capacity will raise all starbase maintenance costs by +25%. It’s an empire-wide modification, therefore it impacts all of the empire’s starbases. This modifier also has an impact on the upkeep of any equipment and structures on the starbases. Every starbase larger than an outpost takes up just one capacity space, irrespective of its level, and empires may always degrade current starbases to outpost level to keep their number under the maximum limit.
There are several modifiers that affect different starbase parameters. These modifiers include Devouring swarm, Fanatic xenophobe, Determined exterminator, Xenophobe, Interstellar Dominion, Expansionist, Reach for the Stars, Machine Empire, Exceeding starbase capacity” modifier, The Great Game, Corps of Engineers, Fortifier, Home in the Sky, Fortress Proclamation, and lastly, Galactic Ambition.
The modifier Galactic Ambition affects the starbase parameter of upkeep costs, reducing it by 20%.
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Galactic Ambitions and Surveys

Galactic Ambitions is a social study that offers you a helpful 20%+ border range, and so it’s required for various border technologies.
It also allows you to view survey data of many other civilizations, allowing you to examine minerals and other resources inside their boundaries.
When you acquire Galactic Ambitions, you will be able to view the resources of other civilizations’ planets. Those planets are deemed surveyed if they are taken, either by vassalizing or simply seizing the planets.
It makes sense because you’d want to capture enemy systems with resources and planets and resources you can utilize.
That isn’t entirely bad, but when civilizations have taken 99 percent of the galaxy, you can’t locate any further anomalies. Except for garbage and aiding planets, science vessels become somewhat worthless.
It also implies you won’t be able to scan again, which means zero anomalies, which are the game’s best feature.
Some players make a concerted effort to avoid investigating this, opting instead to travel into alien space under civilian accords and conduct scans for profit and fun. Borders, on the other hand, are a major concern for a fledgling space empire.
Anomalies are distinctive to each player, which means you may locate an anomaly in a region that has previously been examined by another emperor.
Trading star charts, on the other hand, continuously inspect the system for yourself. This implies you won’t be able to survey it any further, and any potential anomalies won’t be identified.
Galactic ambitions function in a unique way. It conducts temporary surveys of systems as far as they are under the sovereignty of another empire. The planet is no longer investigated and may be scanned by your scientific ships if you acquire the region.
Never swap star charts if you’d like to prevent missing anomalies. Galactic ambitions are fine unless you wish to play peacefully, in which case you should definitely not accept it but instead investigate systems in other planets by gaining civilian access rather than invading them.
Galactic Ambition is a bonus that reduces the cost of keeping the base running. It was only the way they stated the advantage on the tooltip that seemed problematic. Every module you add to a starbase requires +1 energy to sustain, therefore that additional perk affects every module.
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Galactic Ambitions and Fallen Empires
The vestiges of millennia-old, highly strong civilizations that are now chronically moribund and decrepit throughout time are known as fallen empires. A Fallen Empire, unlike other empires, is firmly established at the beginning of the game, and must not be roused unless your technology and fleet strength are equivalent.
When a Fallen Empire rises, it will not halt until it achieves its galactic ambitions or is crushed by a coalition of smaller species. Only a few situations, such as the appearance of an endgame catastrophe or the commencement of the War in Heaven, will compel them to rethink their plans.