Split stacks aims to allow for a non-contiguous stack that grows instantly as needed. This implies that you should always run numerous threads, beginning with a tiny stack and allowing the stack to expand and reduce, as the program needs.
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Splitting Stacks in the Hanger
If you’re like me and want to establish courier agreements from the “Market deliveries” facility, you’ve probably run into the issue of going to divide stacks in this facility.
The benefit of placing courier agreements from the “Market deliveries” facility is that it counts as a corp facility, so when carted, it’ll be supplied to the “Market deliveries” facility in the intended station, which is useful to any participant of your corp.
This is a better option than establishing the delivery contract of your own “Item facility” and then having to “item exchange” from the ash to either the corp or any char once it is conveyed – all very time-consuming.
Moreover, unless you want to divide objects in the facility, you won’t be able to do so easily. Assume I want to divide my Plex into two stacks of 34 and 60.
For example, I cannot divide my 94 Plex in the “Market Deliveries” facility – if I use the basic shift+Left click to divide the pile/stack, I get the “Access Denied” alert.
Technically, the “Market Deliveries” hangar is not a corp blimp. Only one way to get objects into the facility is to either purchase from industry with corp financing or establish an “item exchange” connection from your own company (and even then, you’ll require another carbon (preferably on a different account to do fast) to recognize the objects into the corp and thus into Market dispatching hangar).
Courier agreements can be created from the “Market Deliveries” facility and supplied to the “Market Deliveries” facility in the terminal hauled to.
Luckily, I figured out how to divide stacks inside the “Market deliveries” facility.
- Right-click the object and Make a Contract
- On the fourth page of the Generate Contract window: Choose “Item Exchange” and “My Corporation” from the drop-down menus.
- Right-click the object on Section 2/4 and choose “Split Stack,”.
- The pile can then be split as needed, and the Generate Contract window can be closed by pressing Cancel.
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Split Stack of Ammo – Eve Online

While holding down the SHIFT key, drag the objects. A screen will open, asking how often (of that stack) you want to move. You don’t have to relocate it to another container/hold/facility; stacks can be split inside a container/hanger/etc.
Another Way to Split Stacks
First and foremost, I anticipate that one inventory screen is already available.
This is how I’d go about doing it:
- Set a pause for the shift key because I’m not certain that eve customer will snap it up as destined when the key and cursor source are too near.
- Drag the product to be divided to an appropriate location in the list box to bring up the “Divide Stack” box.
- Turn on the shift key.
- If “Divide Stack” is still not started opening, return an error.
- Specify the details to be divided off and press the comeback key.
Selecting a proper location for pulling was more difficult than it should have been; I ended up using the tag in the bottom right of the stockpile window because it seemed easier than locating a point inside the list viewfinder that was not populated by an object.
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Final Words
Splitting stacks between Eve online is an easy job. To split an item, you can hold control and click on the item. For example, click on aged wood, and we will see that the split stack thing will pop up, and it shows that a split stack is 536 of this aged wood.
Now simply click on the aged wood bullet and split it and drop it on the floor and simply just pick it back up, but when you split an item, just push control and then left-click and that’s it; you split an item.
You also have the opportunity before you grab the stack on the circle and drag it out. You have the opportunity to change the value of the items, i.e., the number of items you want to take.
This is how you can split a stack of items in the Eve Online hanger and ammo. I hope this article will help you split stacks of items in your inventory very easily.