Black Desert Online is a true oasis, a breath of fresh air in an extremely conservative and completely free game. It is an MMORPG replete with the lovely fantasy settings and loads of grinding which you’d expect from a Korean MMORPG. Beneath it all, are a host of intricate, interwoven mechanisms that give fresh life to things like commerce and discussion that are frequently neglected.
Black Desert is now a sandbox MMORPG with a live planet. Players can explore quick, action-packed gameplay, hunt creatures, and massive bosses, team up with friends to attack nodes and capture castles, and learn life skills like fishing, trade, cooking, as well as culinary!
Accuracy is a distinct attribute, whereas DR and evasion are the metrics that are used to calculate the DP of the gear. These statistics will improve when the armor’s enhancement level improves. A primary weapon, for example, features accuracy, so TRI: Kzarka has a greater accuracy over DUO: Kzarka. Also, as the enhancement level increases, defensive gear will also have better evasion and DR.
TRI Kzarka weapons have an accuracy of 194 for best weapons. The accuracy of TRI liverto weapons is 152, while the accuracy of the greatest elsh weapons is the same as that of Kzarka weapons. All those other superior green weapons feature 149 accuracy, whereas maximum azwell weapons feature 175 accuracy.
When emerald primary weapons are reassembled, they get higher accuracy. Ordinary emerald Yuria weapons, for instance, also have a 96 accuracy rating, whereas Dark Yuria weapons have a 140 accuracy rating, and Maximum Yuria weapons have a 145 accuracy rating. Therefore, before continuing on to Kzarka, if you’re utilizing green primary weapons, you’ll need to reform them to the maximum.
TRI kutum has 11 accuracy with off-hand weapons, and its 21 DP is made up of 8 evasion and 13 DR. Sharpness green off-hand weapons have 87 accuracy TRI edition whereas nouver and awaken weapons have 0 accuracy.
All evasion and DR numbers are given on the description for defense gear, while boss gear of the same kind giath’s helmet/helmet, griffon’s trees soul’s armor/red eye’s armor, as well as muskan’s shoe armor urgon’s has almost the same evasion and Rh value. The lone boss gloves and bheg’s vests will provide 42 accuracy for TRI.
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Accessories Evasion In Black Desert Online

Apart from blue accessories, only a handful of distinct Accessories have accuracy. Tangrad necklace, goblin ring, laytenn’s strength gem, serap’s bracelet, ancient herald’s seal, bensho’s pendant, scarla pendant, as well as toma necklace all have a basic accuracy of 8 and gain an extra 3.5 accuracy with each enhancement level. Schulz, the dragon’s necklace includes two extra accuracy with each enhancement level, whereas Sicil’s necklace has none.
Several bracelets and earrings have a basic accuracy of 5, especially mark of darkness, rings of moon guardian, magicians earring, as well as Tangrad earring. Nert rings, on the other hand, has little base accuracy and now has +4 accuracy as either an item effect.
Several belts have a basic accuracy of 5, especially basilisk’s band, tangrad band, or belt of schultz the warrior. Besides the accuracy previously listed as an equipment effect, tree spirit belt provides no extra accuracy. Therefore, accuracy stays the same even though the gear is enhanced.
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What Is Evasion And How Does It Work?
Evasion is the same as the armor category in DnD: the greater the evasion, the more likely you are to take no harm at all. Thus, it may be quite powerful, but if you are stuck, the damage prevention, as well as DP, come in to minimize the amount of damage you receive. In the end, DP and HD will always be the most trustworthy. However, the opportunity to handle zero damage on a regular basis is quite powerful.
You will never have zero evasions because every armor includes evasion on it. However, the same could be true for accessories. By switching to rocaba and inserting the parentheses for the 4 – 6 evasion stones, its value is converted to DP. In regards to armor DP, you won’t achieve any evasion, perhaps about 10-15. So you’ll probably have to play quite consistently, as well as the bosses can be even derpier sometimes.
Finally, evasion may be rather powerful if you build a bunch of it. It’s something you’ll never do pre-boss since you’ll lose quite enough AP/accuracy, yet most players have bheg+Kzarka, which is costly due to its strength. Sicily and chiron are the two most costly pure evasion accessories.