Elden Ring lays out many choices and a world of possibilities in front of its players regarding builds, weapons, and playstyles. The diversity in Elden Ring’s combat system paired with the densely-packed and scenic open world makes it one of the best games to come out in recent years.
While players can approach Elden Ring in several new ways, the FromSoftware veterans still have a soft spot for their infamous Quality builds. Let us take a look at the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring.
Here are our top well-rounded picks for the best quality weapons in Elden Ring:
- Bloodhound’s Fang
- Lordsworn’s Greatsword
- Cross-Naginata
- Nightrider Glaive
- Bloodhound’s Claws
- Bolt of Gransax
- Claymore
- Flamberge
- Great Stars
- Starscourge Greatsword
If you would like to know more about the weapons mentioned above, we suggest you keep reading. We will look at each of these top picks individually and list out what sets them apart. That way, you will be well on your way to creating an epic Quality build. Without further ado, here are the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring.
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Best Quality Weapons

What exactly sets a Quality build apart, and why is it sought after so much? Are Quality weapons the ‘right’ way to approach a game such as Elden Ring or its sibling Souls games? Let us take a closer look at Quality builds and weapons to answer the lingering questions in your mind.
What Are Quality Weapons?

Quality weapons in Elden Ring are weapons that maximize damage output and performance by tapping into the sweet spot of both the Strength and Dexterity stats. This not only boosts damage dealt greatly, but it also means your character is not too bulky.
Swift and hard-hitting is the way to go. This Strength and Dexterity balance is ideal to shred through the game without ruining the experience and many players consider Quality builds the default in these games.
Having said that, here are the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring.
10. Bloodhound’s Fang

- Physical Attack: 141
- Weight: 11.5
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – C
- Required: 18 STR, 17 DEX
- Description: Curved greatsword with a gently undulating blade wielded by Bloodhound Knights.
A fearsome blade capable of brutal airborne attacks.
Kicking off our list with one of the most obvious mentions, we have the Bloodhound’s Fang. This is an elite Quality weapon and one of the best weapons in the game overall. The Bloodhound’s Fang is dropped by the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil, in Limgrave.
This curved Greatsword is an absolute beast of a weapon. On top of great damage output and fantastic Blood Loss buildup (55), the Bloodhound’s Fang has the Bloodhound’s Finesse weapon skill, which can decimate foes in the blink of an eye!
The Bloodhound’s Finesse launches you forward with an upward strike and then your character somersaults to gain some distance from foes. This can be followed up with an additional strike. It is like a brutal yet enticing dance, where you always emerge victorious!
9. Lordsworn’s Greatsword

- Physical Attack: 136
- Weight: 9.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D
- Required: 16 STR, 10 DEX
- Description: Well-crafted straight sword with an illustrious design, wielded by regulars of a lord’s army.
Through blackened and damaged by years of use, it appears to have otherwise been kept in a serviceable condition, despite the soldiers having long since lost their minds.
Next up, we have the Lordsworn’s Greatsword. This is a fantastic Quality weapon for high damage without compromising speed. The Lordsworn’s Greatsword can be looted from a chest in the back of a Carriage, located along the western road leading out of Gatefront Ruins.
The Lordsworn’s Greatsword is an overall balanced weapon with a low Dexterity and Strength requirement which make it a good fit for a Quality weapon. Moreover, the damage output is great. You can infuse this weapon with Ashes of War for even more power to obliterate anything that dares stand in your way.
The Stamp (Upward Cut) weapon skill is the cherry on top. Players can absorb one hit from an enemy and deal out a massive strike in return that is capable of staggering enemies and dealing high damage to bosses.
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8. Cross-Naginata

- Physical Attack: 122
- Weight: 8.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – C
- Required: 16 STR, 20 DEX
- Description: Weapon consisting of a three-pronged blade affixed to a long pole.
The long central blade closely resembles a katana.
A weapon of the Land of Reeds, known for its ability to be wielded as a spear while still being capable of performing slashing attacks.
If a Greatsword is not your thing and you would rather poke menacing enemies with a pointy stick, we have you covered. The Cross-Naginata is a Spear that fits phenomenally well in a Quality build. It has high damage output, good scaling, and a fun moveset to play around with. The Cross-Naginata can be found on a corpse inside a cavern with a Giant Land Octopus hanging from the ceiling at Gael Tunnel.
The Cross-Naginata is great if you want a Quality weapon with some flash to it. Compared to other Spears, the Cross-Naginata has a unique moveset and can perform both Thrust and Slash attacks. This versatile moveset makes it handy for a number of situations.
Moreover, the Impaling Thrust skill allows you to charge an attack and break through an enemy’s guard and shield. Check it out for a solid Quality weapon to complete your build.
7. Nightrider Glaive

- Physical Attack: 129
- Weight: 12.0
- Scaling: STR – C, DEX – E
- Required: 25 STR, 10 DEX
- Description: A jet-black glaive with a blade as weighty as a bludgeon. Weapon of the Night’s Cavalry who ride funeral seeds.
This glaive excels at weighty slash attacks that crash into foes, making it a powerful weapon even on horseback.
The Nightrider Glaive is a spectacular Halberd with an awesome design and great stats. If you prefer to use Halberds and intend to do a Quality build, it does not get better than this. The Nightrider Glaive is dropped by Night’s Cavalry wandering the road between East Raya Lucaria Gate and Bellum Church.
Once you get your hands on this sweet weapon, you are pretty much set for the entire game if you felt like it. It has a different R2 Heavy Attack as compared to other Halberds. It performs an overhead slash that helps to deal with a small number of enemies ganging up on you.
A little on the heavier side, the Nightrider Glaive comes with the Spinning Slash skill which performs a… well, spinning slash, followed by a devastating overhead slam to trivialize even the largest of foes.
6. Bloodhound Claws

- Physical Attack: 93
- Weight: 3.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D
- Required: 10 STR, 15 DEX
- Description: Large curved claws used by Bloodhound Knights.
The curve allows the weapon to slip through an enemy’s guard.
The Bloodhound Claws are fierce and get the job done! These lightweight claws mercilessly dig into even the most menacing of foes until they have ripped and torn their way to victory! The Bloodhound Claws can be dropped by a Lesser Bloodhound Knight in the basement of the Volcano Manor.
These claws are a dexterous weapon meant to be used with agility and a certain brutal elegance. What makes this such a great Quality weapon is the scaling paired with excellent Blood Loss buildup (60) and the awesome Bloodhound’s Step default weapon skill which will have you zoom in and out of heated encounters like a pro.
Put on your claws and rock your Quality build by digging into some nightmares from the Lands Between.
5. Bolt of Gransax

- Physical Attack: 98
- Weight: 8.5
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D
- Required: 20 STR, 40 DEX
- Description: Spear whittled from the weapon wielded by Gransax.
One of the legendary armaments.
A great ancient dragon, Gransax once rained calamity upon the Royal Capital – the only time in the historical record that Leyndell’s walls have fallen. This marked the dawn of the war against dragons.
The next pointy stick on our list is the Bolt of Gransax. This Spear is a personal favorite Quality weapon due to the awesome design and reliability as it shreds through foes. The Bolt of Gransax can be found in Leyndell, Royal Capital, after beating Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade).
Additionally, the Spear can be obtained upon first entry of Leyndell, Royal Capital, without having killed the Godfrey shade: However, the Bolt of Gransax cannot be acquired in Leyndell, Ashen Capital. You must get it before defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade at Crumbling Farum Azula.
What makes this Spear so good? Well, for starters, it is one of the nine Legendary armaments in the game and it absolutely shreds Dragon and Ancient Dragon-type enemies.
The Ancient Lightning Spear weapon skill is flashy and phenomenal as it imbues red Dragon lightning in your Bolt of Gransax and throws it at foes, destroying their HP and will to live. It is also an overall balanced weapon for Strength/Dexterity Quality builds.
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4. Claymore

- Physical Attack: 138
- Weight: 9.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D
- Required: 16 STR, 13 DEX
- Description: A large sword with a long, straight blade. This heavy sword is usually wielded with two hands, but for those with enough strength, one is sufficient.
In addition to the heavy sweeping attacks, it can also make a heavy piercing thrust making this a versatile weapon.
People seem to love this weapon and for good reason. The Claymore is a well-balanced Greatsword in Elden Ring that might just be what your Quality build is missing. It can be found in a chest inside Castle Morne.
The Claymore does fantastic damage, as expected of a classic Greatsword such as this one. It has a special Heavy Attack which does a poking thrust, great for lunging at enemies and staggering them for an easy critical. The Lion’s Claw weapon skill is great for covering distances and striking your foes with pure Quality force. Check out the Claymore if you want to feel like an early 90s manga protagonist.
3. Flamberge

- Physical Attack: 129
- Weight: 10.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – C
- Required: 15 STR, 14 DEX
- Description: Greatsword featuring a flame-like undulation.
Shreds enemy flesh, inducing blood loss.
Scarlet rot is kept at bay with flame at Redmane Castle, and as such, this beloved sword of Jerren’s eventually became the symbol of the castle itself.
This fantastic Greatsword definitely deserves to be on our list of the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring. The Flamberge can be obtained in Redmane Castle.
What makes this such a solid Quality weapon is the good scaling, heavy damage output, the Stamp (Upward Cut) weapon skill, and the Blood Loss buildup (55).
The Flamberge is a beast when it comes to inflicting the Blood Loss status ailment which is excellent against the biggest and most frightening of foes. The weapon skill allows you to absorb damage while utilizing this Greatsword’s power to maximum efficiency. Play around with this and fall in love! This is a must-try for a good Quality build.
2. Great Stars

- Physical Attack: 135
- Weight: 10.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D
- Required: 22 STR, 12 DEX
- Description: Huge bludgeon with three stars at the striking end. Though primarily a striking weapon, the stars’ spikes cause blood loss.
A blood-stained star is an ill omen, a fact not lost upon those against whom this weapon is brought to bear. Landing attacks slightly restore HP.
Of course, we had to mention Great Stars when talking about some of the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring. The Great Stars is a Great Hammer in Elden Ring, which is capable of trivializing huge foes. It is located on a guarded Carriage being towed by two Trolls in Altus Plateau, traveling on the road southwest of the Road of Iniquity Side Path Site of Grace. Great Stars is also dropped by Magnus the Beast Claw upon defeat.
Great Stars is a fantastic weapon overall and an even better fit for a Quality build for a multitude of reasons. The weapon skill Endure allows you to increase your poise and damage absorption temporarily to tank incoming hits. Moreover, the Great Stars is excellent for inflicting Blood Loss buildup.
However, what truly sets Great Stars apart is the ability to regain some HP upon each hit, even if it is blocked and even if you do not meet the requirements for the weapon. With a Quality build, you will be taking foes head-on, unlike Magic users who can play it safe from a distance.
Therefore, acquiring extra HP on each successful hit is amazing, so you do not burn through your Crimson flasks.
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1. Starscourge Greatsword

- Physical Attack: 129
- Weight: 20.0
- Scaling: STR – D, DEX – D, INT – E
- Required: 38 STR, 12 DEX, 15 INT
- Description: Curved greatswords of black steel wielded by General Radahn. A pair of weapons decorated with a lion mane motif.
Radahn earned considerable renown as the Starscourge in this youth, and it is said that it was during this time he engraved the gravity crest up these blades.
Ending off our list with a bang, we have the Starscourge Greatsword. This is a Colossal Sword in Elden Ring which deal devastating damage to any unlucky beast foolish enough to stand in front of it. It can be obtained by trading Remembrance of the Starscourge with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Using this beast two-handed will result in you dual-wielding them, akin to how Radahn does it. While this is not a pure Quality weapon, the Intelligence stats mostly deal with the Starcaller Sky weapon skill and damage to Gravity-type enemies. Therefore, we decided to give it the participation trophy.
The Starscurge Greatsword decimates foes with its high damage output, and brutal moveset that we guarantee you is a lot of fun! Upgrading the weapon melts practically everything in the game, and the Starcaller Sky skill brings enemies in to be grouped and ended in a single strike. This is the perfect fit for your Quality build!
That concludes our list of some of the best Quality weapons in Elden Ring. In a game like this, a Quality build is extremely fun and still leaves a ton of room for combat and build variety. Compromising neither speed nor power, try these Quality weapons for yourself and have the time of your life playing FromSoftwares latest treat.
If you enjoyed this article, leave your feedback in the comments below and enjoy the rest of the game. Good luck, Tarnished!