In Dragon Age Origin, the best dragon age origins Morrigan build is determined by your character’s playstyle and class. Morrigan is better used as a spirit healer or an AoE elemental help if you decide to play the Dalish or Circle mage as a Blood Mage. Morrigan will be an incredibly powerful 2nd DPS team member if you select either of the other mage specializations, knight, or rogue.
Morrigan can rack up the DPS of Blood Mage, cast AoE spells, and also change into Flying Swam to resume damaging and restore enough strength to return to becoming Blood Mage with this Shapeshifting Blood Mage build.
Shapeshifting has a poor reputation, but that is because of the players’ lack of understanding of how to do it. Support, disable, and obliterate are the three primary duties of mages. Shapeshifting will never be great at all of these things, but it’s only used in conjunction with a concentrated mage playstyle.
Any generalized mage who has spent all of her mana will shapeshift into a different tank. A mage whose focus is Primal spells would be able to cope with aggro effectively. In the form of a spider or bear, a mage intent on Creation will dish out massive DPS. Shapeshifting, when used properly, will enable you to resume blood spells by the Blood Mage.
As Blood Mage doesn’t use mana but uses health instead to fuel her spells, your first goal must be to put the fight to an end until Morrigan’s health falls extremely low to support her spells. Blood Wound will shine here the most, and it has the potential to transform the war around. It causes a surprising amount of harm and can make any opponent paralyzed. It often strikes several opponents without causing harm to the group members, unlike other AoE spells.
Morrigan transforms into Flying Swarm if her health falls too much. Swarm is an AoE spell that does not consider spell resistance and is a live spell. In addition, being a Master Shapeshifter, she can regain health when doing nature harm to her foes. By itself, this ability places Morrigan’s build on par with every DPS warrior. You can go back to being the Blood Mage when she’s fully recovered.
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During your first gameplay, you will be unable to use this Dragon Age Origins Morrigan build. When your main character is a mage, you can activate the specialization of Blood Mage. It would, though, remain unlocked for upcoming games until it is unlocked.
To cast continuous spells and gain the value of higher spell power as a Blood Mage, you must stack points through willpower and sorcery. Morrigan’s types utilize spell power to assess their strengths and combat power as Shapeshifters.
After starting at level 7, the following are the attributes of Morrigan at level 25:
● Willpower: 25
● Cunning: 16
● Strength: 14
● Spellpower: 50
● Dexterity: 16
● Magic: 60
● Health: 231
● Constitution: 20
● Mana: 190
● Physical Resist: 10
The Master Survival skill necessitates the use of 16 cunnings.
The summary tells it all for Master Combat Training: Mages will suffer more serious damage with an assault before their spellcasting is interrupted.
Morrigan begins by studying combat tactics and herbalism. In any of these sections, use the last point.
Spell Trees
● Primal: Earth 1-2, Fire 1-3, and for Cone of Cold, Cold 1-3
● Arcane: For permanent spell power bonus and arcane mastery – Master 1-4
● Entropy: For entropy, the spell is Sleep 1-4
● Spirit: Mana 1-4
There should be four spell points left over.
Master Shapeshifter needs Shapeshifter1-4 to maximize harm and assault.
For Blood Wound, use Blood Mage1-3. This is undoubtedly among the most useful spells of the game.
Armour and Weapons
The Morrigan Build’s suggested arms, armor, and accessories are listed below. All of these elements can be included in the base game without the need for additional DLC.
Main Weapon: Magister Lord’s Staff
Though mana regen isn’t essential for Blood Mage, the additional attributes are:
● Spellpower: 7
● Range: 58
● Damage: 4.8
● +6 Willpower
● +6 Spellpower
● +10 percent spirit
● +10 percent fire
Ser Jory’s Balanced Greatsword is the second-best weapon. It is the sole sword that does not necessitate a high level of power. Your weapon determines the attacks can be made in changed shape.
● Armour Penetration: 3
● Damage: 11
There are two robes, including Archon Robes that regenerates health whilst fighting, and Robes of Possession which is only for Morrigan.
The Silk Weaves Gloves are the Morrigan Build’s gloves. These gloves possess 20 percent damage when in the form of Flying Swarm. The Magus War Boots are the boots for Morrigan, providing an additional 12 defense.
Finally, the hat is the Reinforced Magus Cowl that gives 20 additional mental resistance and +2 willpower while eliminating 1 dexterity.
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● Lifedrinker (+4 spell power) amulet
● Lifegiver (in and out of combat health regen, +3 Armor, +10 Con, 20 percent healing effects) is the first ring.
● Blood Ring (decreases health costs by 25% during the active state of the Blood Magic) is the second ring.
● Belt: Magister Lords’ Belt (+3 spell power)
● Arcane Methodology +1 magic from tome
Advantages and Disadvantages
● Morrigan Build alternates between Flying Swarm and Blood Mage in combat, keeping her living and allowing her to cast spells.
● She’s a more flexible partner, capable of casting or tanking AoE, depending on the situation.
● When Swarm is struck by an opponent, he loses mana rather than hit points.
● Take Haste if you have extra spell points. As she moves around enemies to get as many hits and possible, Hasted Swarm brings true joy to the game.
● Morrigan’s level 7 specialty is Shapeshifter. As a result, she, similar to others, won’t be able to use Blood Mage as a secondary specialty before she reaches level 14.
● As Morrigan shapeshifts, her sustained spells disentangle.
● If Morrigan is the sole mage in a group, and she doesn’t take Heal, you may be in trouble.
● To avoid Morrigan dying from a lack of health, this build requires precise Tactics customization. When her mana reduces to 10%, set another operation to Deactivate Flying Swarm. This should hold her in the Shapeshifting loop in Blood Mage for the far future.
Morrigan’s best build is Shapeshifting. Morrigan uses a Blood Wound or AoE spell as she first enters the battle. She casts Flying Swarm and does harm and recovers when she runs out of health or attracts too much focus. She’ shapeshifts back to Blood Mage form and wreaking more havoc until she’s healed. It’s a breeze.