Factorio is a popular and addictive game that hooks players to its gameplay. While the base game is sealed with hours of gameplay mods, enhance that to another level. The most popular and notable mod is Bob’s mod.
This mod adds various resources and technologies to the game. Another mod is Angel’s, which is often used with Bob’s mod. Angel’s mod adds new ores and types of the refining process.
The most exciting mod is Space Exploration which packs the game full of content. It adds planets, asteroids, and even galaxies to the game. It adds a fully space-based process like satellites and rockets to explore the game.
The best mods in Factorio are Bob’s, Angel’s, Industrial Revolution, AAI Industry, Logistic Train Network, Void Works, Max Rate Calculator, The Quality of Life Research, Water Well, Automatic Train Fuel Stop, Auto Deconstruct, and Space Exploration.
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The Best Mods In Factorio

Here are the best mods in Factorio ranked from the best to the worst.
1. Bob’s Mod
Bob’s mod is a popular mod for Factorio, which adds various new features and mechanics to the game. This mod was created by the user “Bobingabout” in 2015.
The mod is a comprehensive overhaul to the gameplay of Factorio and has become very popular. Bob’s mod adds new technologies, buildings, resources, and items to the game, providing great depth in the gameplay.
The mod adds resources, including uranium ore, titanium, and tungsten, which all require different mining techniques and processing methods. Apart from the resources, Bob’s mod adds new production chains which allow players to create complex items.
The mod adds a new refining process allowing players to extract more valuable materials from raw ores. It also adds new assembly machines that produce multiple items simultaneously.
Another factor Bob’s mod introduced is new buildings expanding the game’s existing infrastructure. For example, the mod adds newer power generation facilities like solar panels and nuclear reactors. These new power resources provide more efficient and powerful energy sources to the game, far superior to standard boilers.
One of the most significant changes the mod introduces is new types of enemies and combat mechanics. It adds new alien creatures, each with its unique abilities and weakness. Another prominent feature of Bob’s mod is the ability to customize game settings and difficulty.
The mod allows players to customize the rate at which resources are generated and the strength of enemies. This allows players to tailor the game to their liking and make it more challenging or linear as they see fit.
To summarize Bob’s mod, it is a comprehensive and complex mod expanding the gameplay significantly. Its features are fit for experienced players or beginners.
2. Angel’s Mods
Angel’s mod is another popular mod created by “Arch666Angel” in 2016. Like Bob’s mod, Angel’s mod introduces various features and mechanics to the game. The primary focus of Angel’s mod is on resource processing and refining.
Angel’s mod introduces new ores and resources with unique uses. These new resources require new processing and production methods, so players must create complex factories. It overhauls the game’s smelting and refining processes.
A new fluid processing system is introduced, combining raw resources with liquids to create refined materials.
In addition to the new resources and refining processes, Angel’s mod introduces new buildings & technologies. The new buildings consist of chemical plants that create various liquids used in refining and advanced assembly machines.
Its new technologies allow players to research new ways of processing and utilizing resources. Like Bob’s mod, Angel’s mod adds new enemies and combat mechanics. Angel’s mod introduces alien creatures that require different strategies to defeat and new weapons.
It also adds new customization options in which players can adjust the difficulty level and the rate at which resources are generated. Overall, Angel’s mod is a comprehensive mod that expands the complex gameplay of Factorio.
This mod is a handful of resources for experienced players allowing them to experiment with the game.
3. Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution mod for Factorio was created by “Klonan” in 2019. It is a significant overhaul of the game’s gameplay and mechanics. The mod is designed to stimulate the industrial revolution. It introduces technologies and production chains replicating the industry development during the 18th and 19th centuries.
The new types of power generation are the primary change in this mod. Players can now build coal-fired power plants, steam engines, and waterwheels that provide their factories energy.
These power resources require newer fuels and infrastructure, which adds even more complexity to the game’s production chains. Another change introduced by the Industrial Revolution mod is overhauling the games research system.
Instead of the old standard technology tree, this mod introduces a research system based on historical events. With the new power sources and research system, the mod also introduces new resources & production chains.
Players can now mine resources like coal, copper, iron, and some new resources like limestone. These new resources require newer processing methods. Industrial Revolution also introduces new buildings and structures, including steam engines, waterwheels, and brick kilns.
Another significant change introduced by the Industrial Revolution mod is the new transportation method. Now players can also build railroads and trains to efficiently transport goods and resources across their factories.
Overall, the Industrial Revolution mod is a challenging mod that overhauls the mechanics and gameplay of Factorio. It focuses on historical accuracy, and the mod is ideal for players who indulge in industry development during the 18th and 19th centuries.
4. Space Exploration
Factorio is a game that allows players to build and manage their factories using resources and technology. One of the many possibilities within Factorio is the Space Exploration mod which enhances the game by adding space travel.
The Space Exploration mods add various features to Factorio, including the ability to build and launch spacecraft and explore new planets. It also adds new challenges and gameplay mechanics like radiation and life support systems.
After installing the mod, players begin on a planet rich in resources but limited in space. As they progress, they research and develop new technologies which allow you to construct a spaceship to travel to other plants in their solar system.
The crucial components of the Spacee Exploration mod are the ability to construct a spaceport. This spaceport is where players build their spaceships and manage the logistics of their space program. To build a spaceport, you must gather iron plates, steel plates, electronic circuits, and rocket fuel.
Once the spaceport is established, players begin researching and developing new technologies. The primary step in space exploration is the development of a satellite. Satellites are small spacecraft that is launched into orbit around your home planet.
These satellites serve various purposes, like mapping terrain, monitoring resource deposits, and tracking enemy movements.
Satellites are also used to provide a source of power for the players’ factories because they convert sunlight into electricity. After a satellite is launched, players begin to explore other asteroids and planets in the solar system.
After satellites are launched, players craft rockets. Rockets are large and expensive to build, but they are a necessity for travel. When arriving at a new planet or asteroid, players must establish a new base of operations.
One of the critical challenges of space exploration in the Space Exploration mod is the limited amount of resources available on planets. Unlike the player’s home planet, other worlds do not have an abundance of iron, copper, or coal.
This means players must carefully manage their resources and develop technologies that allow them to extract resources from other resources like oil. There is another challenge to face in space exploration, and that is you must manage radiation and life support systems in order to keep your astronauts alive.
You also have the ability to develop space suits and radiation shielding to protect your astronauts. Overall the Space Exploration adds so much content the mod itself becomes a game.
It requires planning, resource management, and the development of various technologies. By exploring other galaxies and planets, players expand their empires.
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5. AAI Industry
The AAI Industry mod for Factorio was created by user “Earendel” in 2017. It is a comprehensive mod that overhauls the game’s factory automation and management systems. This mod introduces new technologies and production chains.
These new technologies and production chain allows players to automate their factories and make them efficient. One of the primary focuses of the AAI Industry mod is the development of advanced automation systems. This mod introduces new machines and equipment, allowing players to manage their factories more efficiently.
Another significant change this mod introduces is new types of robots and drones. The new robots and drones are used to perform tasks such as mining or constructing buildings; they help automate many aspects of players’ factories.
This new automation system requires planning and management since players must design and build networks of drones & robots. In addition to the new automation systems, this mod introduces new resource management mechanics.
AAI Industry also introduces a new system for resource collection where players must manage their resource stockpiles and carefully maintain them. The resource management system adds complexity to the game and requires players to balance their production chain and logistics in order to maintain their factories’ efficiency.
Another change the AAI Industry mod introduced is new enemies and combat mechanics. It introduces new alien creatures that require different strategies to defeat and new weapons, allowing players to defend themselves effectively against these new creatures.
All this adds more challenge and entertainment to the game. Like other mods in Factorio, the AAI Industry mod includes various customization options, such as players can adjust their difficulty levels or increase the rate at which resources are generated.
The customization is flawless, allowing players to manage the game to their liking. As some players enjoy more complexity and more peace because of customization, the choice is yours. Overall the AAI Industry mod is a comprehensive and challenging mod that expands the deep gameplay of Factorio.
Veteran or beginner players can enjoy its many excellent features and mechanics.
6. Logistic Train Network

The Logistic Train Network, aka (LTN) mod for Factorio, was created by user “Optera” in 2017. It is a popular mod that significantly enhances the game’s transportation system to a reasonable extent. The mod allows players to create helpful and efficient logistic networks which automate the transportation of resources between their factories.
Because of this, many players widely use the mod in the game. The primary use of this mod is its advanced train scheduling and routing systems. It allows players to create and manage train schedules automatically, making moving resources and goods between distinct locations easy.
Players can now specify which resources or goods must be transported and to where, as well as even the desired inventory level at each station. After selecting resources and locations, the trains automatically follow these schedules, picking up and dropping resources off as required.
The trains even optimize their routes to ensure the most efficient use of resources. Another crucial feature of the LTN mod is its ability to support multiple train networks implying players can create and manage multiple networks simultaneously, each with its stations and schedules.
This mod feature can be used for many creative ideas, including creating specialized networks for different resources or goods, even separate networks for different areas of their factories.
The LTN mod also presents new train stations and signals designed to work with advanced routing and scheduling systems. These new stations include LTN depots, central hubs for managing train schedules, and logistics.
LTN provider stations are another station used to supply resources and goods to the network. This mod also introduces new signals like the LTN requester signals allowing players to specify which resources or goods are required at a particular station.
The most significant advantage of the LTN mod is its ability to streamline and automate logistics management. By automating the transportation of goods and resources, players save the time and effort required for managing their factories or bases.
Automating these processes is especially useful for larger bases or producing chains where managing logistics manually is time-consuming and tedious. This mod is highly customizable, with many configuration options available for the players.
These options allow players to customize the mod’s behavior to which suits them better. For example, players can adjust each station’s minimum or maximum inventory level, set priorities for different resources or goods, and even configure the LTN mod to support multiple languages.
Overall the LTN mod is beneficial and a well-designed mod that significantly improves the game’s train transportation system. Its advanced scheduling and routing systems and support for multiple networks are advantageous for many players and allow them to save time and effort.
7. Void Works
The Void Works mod for Factorio was created by user “ssilk” in 2018. It is a unique and challenging mod transforming the game’s traditional resource gathering and production mechanics.
The mod Void Works replaces the games’ typical resources nodes with “void” nodes accessible by using specialized drills requiring players to carefully manage their resources and production chains to succeed.
One of the Void Works mod’s main features is its “void” nodes, which are the only sources of resources in this mod. Unlike the game’s standard nodes, which are finite and deplete over time, void notes regenerate resources slowly.
Void Works also presents specialized drills called “void drills,” which are essential to access and extract from the void nodes. The mod also introduces various new production chains and technologies crucial to process the resources extracted from the void nodes.
These new production chains include specialized refineries for processing void sulfur and many other materials. Another critical feature of the Void Works mod is its increased difficulty. With the game’s standard resource nodes removed, players must rely on the void nodes only and use them to meet their resource needs.
In addition to everything, the mod also comes with new challenges, such as managing power consumption and avoiding environmental hazards, making building and maintaining factories difficult.
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The best advantage of Void Works is its ability to force players to think creatively and adapt to unexpected situations. Because the traditional nodes are removed, players must experiment with the new void nodes to find efficient ways to extract and process resources.
All this leads to a more engaging and rewarding experience. Even for your mind, it is good because you think open-mindedly and imagine possibilities that didn’t exist before. Like any mod for Factorio, this one also has a high configuration available to players.
Like many options, the mod allows you to adjust the regeneration rate of the void nodes and the difficulty level of the mod. It even configures the mod to support multiple languages. Overall the Void Works is a unique and impressive mod that transforms the game from typical mechanics to special ones.
Its use of void nodes and specialized drills makes the players engage in fascinating gameplay and enjoy Factorio more. While this mod makes the game more challenging and complex, transforming from the standard mechanics to more complex ones pays off with your brain’s increased creativity and adaptability.
8. Max Rate Calculator
The Max Rate Calculator mod for Factorio was developed by user ‘Strontium.” It is a powerful tool that is used to help players calculate the maximum output rates of their production chains.
With the mod’s instinctive surface and comprehensive features, it became a popular choice for Factorio players who strive for efficiency in their factories. The primary ability of the mod is to calculate the maximum production rate for any item in the game.
Players input the recipes for the items they want to produce with the inputs and outputs of each recipe; then, the mod calculates the maximum rate at which items can be produced based on the availability of resources in the production chain.
It also consists of various advanced features which allow players to fine-tune their calculations. For example, players specify the desired output rate for a particular item. Then the mod adjusts the production chain accordingly to produce that given rate.
Players can also specify productivity modules, beacons, and other production modifiers to optimize their calculations to find the most efficient production setups. This mod also provides visual representations of the production chains, making it much easier for players to understand the flow of resources in their factories.
The mod generates visual diagrams showing the recipe’s inputs, outputs, and intermediates with the production rates and the machines required for each step. The visual representation generated by the mod allows players to identify bottlenecks, optimize their production layouts, and make decisions to improve their factories.
One of the significant advantages of this mod is its versatility and flexibility. The mod supports many production setups, including multiple recipes with different inputs and outputs using productivity modules, beacons, and other production modifiers.
All this allows players to calculate their maximum production rate for many scenarios and production configurations; this helps them optimize their factories for different goals. Another valuable feature of the Max Rate Calculator mod is its ability to save and load production setups.
Players can now create and save different production setups, which are quickly loaded and modified later. This allows players to experiment with distinct production configurations to compare their efficiency to find the most optimal production chains for their needs.
The Max Rate Calculator mod supports multiplayer gaming making it a valuable tool for cooperative play. Players also use this mod to coordinate their production chains, plan joint projects, and optimize their factories.
The collaborative aspect achieved from this mod enhances teamwork and communication among players, which leads to more efficient and effective factories.
To conclude, the Max Rate Calculator mod for Factorio is a potent tool providing players with a comprehensive and intuitive way to calculate the production rates of their factories.
Its advanced features, visual representations, versatility, and multiplayer support are why this mod has become popular among Factorio players. Whether you’re planning a new factory or optimizing an existing one, this mod significantly aids players in completing their quest.
9. The Quality of Life Research

The Quality of Life Research (QoL Research) mod for Factorio is a community-created mod that aims to enhance the gameplay experience by adding various QOL (quality-of-life) improvements to the game.
Quality-of-life mods are designed to streamline gameplay, reduce repetitive tasks, and enhance the game’s overall experience to make it more enjoyable. The QoL Research mod specifically focuses on providing players with additional tools, features, and optimizations to enhance the gameplay of Factorio.
The critical features of this mod are it focuses on automation and efficiency. It introduces various new technologies and research options, allowing players to automate many tasks and processes and reducing manual work.
This includes research options like auto-deconstruction, auto-research, and auto-upgrade; all these enhance the streamlined gameplay and reduce the management players must do to a considerable extent. All this saves time for the players because now these tasks are automated, meaning your time can be spent in other better ways.
Another great feature of this mod is its focus on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) improvements. It enhances the game’s interface, making it more friendly and easy to navigate. For example, it provides improved tooltips, information displays, and visual cues, which help players navigate.
The mod also presents keyboard shortcuts, quick filters, and many other UI (user interface) optimizations which speed up the gameplay and reduce the need for unnecessary action. The QoL Research mod adds various convenience features that make playing Factorio more efficient.
This includes features like blueprint management tools allowing you to save, organize, and share blueprints to easily replicate complex structures. The mod also includes quality-of-life (QOL) improvements for managing inventory, logistics, and trains, like the automatic train station assignment, customizable filters, and improved logistics management tools.
In addition to the automation, UI/UX improvements, and continent features, this mod also focuses on balancing and optimizing the gameplay of Factorio. It includes recipe technologies and game mechanics changes to improve balance and make gameplay more enjoyable and challenging.
These balance changes include changes to resource requirements, production ratios, research costs, and other changes that ensure the game remains engaging and challenging while providing a streamlined player experience.
The QoL Research mod is known for its active community and regular updates. The mod developer is known for listening to player feedback and incorporating suggestions and improvements into regular updates.
All this ensures that the mod remains up-to-date and relevant to the needs of the Factorio community. Overall, the QoL Research mod for Factorio provides players with widespread QOL (quality-of-life) improvements enhancing the gameplay experience.
Its focus on automation, UI/UX improvements and convenient features, regular updates, and active listening to the community makes it the reason why it is popular among the Factorio community. Its ability to reduce manual work and versatility make the mod ideal for any player.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer. The QoL Research mod enhances the game and provides a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
10. Water Well
Factorio forces players to automate resource extraction and management on an alien planet. As players progress through the game, they encounter many challenges, including the need for water to power their factories.
This is where the Water Well mod plays in. It offers an innovative solution for players to extract water efficiently and sustainably. The Water Well mod presents a new gameplay mechanic allowing players to extract water from underground reserves using specialized structures called water wells.
These water wells are crafted and are placeable anywhere on the game map. They tap into the underground water sources to provide a steady water supply for the player’s factories.
The best thing about this mod is that it offers realism. Like in real life, water wells require careful planning and strategic placements. Players also need to do the same. They’ll need to consider factors such as proximity to water sources, the geology of the area, and potential interference with other game elements.
This adds even more complexity to the already complex gameplay of Factorio. The Water Well mod also provides new challenges for players. Water wells may have limited capacity or replenishment rate, implying players must monitor and manage their water supply.
Players might also need to defend their water wells from enemy attacks or protect them from environmental hazards.
In conclusion, the Water Well mod for Factorio is an innovative addition to the game offering players realism and challenging ways to extract water for their factories. The mod encourages players to think creatively and critically to solve problems.
Whether you’re a veteran or a beginner, you can never go wrong with this mod because it adds depth to the gameplay.
11. Automatic Train Fuel Stop
Factorio challenges players to build and manage automated factories on an Alien planet. One of the crucial aspects of Factorio is transporting resources and products via the help of trains which requires fuel to keep these trains running efficiently.
To enhance the gameplay and streamline the fueling, players utilize it by using the Automatic Train Fuel Stop mod, which is a famous mod adding automation and convenience to the train fueling process. The Automatic Train Fuel Stop mod is a user-created mod that extends the capabilities of transporting system by presenting automated fueling for trains.
The mod provides a comprehensive solution to manage the fueling needs of trains, implying it eliminates the need for manual refueling and optimizes transportation. When the mod is installed, players can create designated fueling stations that automatically supply fuel to passing trains making the transportation process more efficient.
The key feature of this mod is its ability to detect trains that require fuel. Players set up fueling stations near railway tracks and use smart circuit technology to detect trains needing a refuel. When a train approaches the fueling station, the mod detects its fuel level.
It automatically refuels it up, ensuring the trains are always ready. This fueling automation saves players time and effort because they no longer need to put manual effort into each refuel, allowing them to focus on more time-worthy aspects of Factorio.
Moreover, this mod allows players to customize fueling rules based on their liking. Players can now set up different fueling stations to cater to different types of trains or specific fueling requirements.
For example, players create stations that only fuel trains with certain types of fuels like solid fuel or rocket fuel. It all depends on their factory and production capability and the resources available.
This customization power that players gain is great since they now control their train operations allowing them to optimize their transport system based on their factory’s needs.
The mod also provides options for players to set up refueling stations with multiple fueling points allowing multiple trains to be fueled at once. This feature enhances the efficiency of the transportation system by reducing bottlenecks.
It ensures that multiple trains are fueled quickly without any delay. Players can also configure the amount of fuel loaded onto each train, allowing them to control the fuel consumption rate and manage their fuel resources more efficiently.
In addition to its automation capabilities, the Automatic Train Fuel Stop mod enhances the gameplay by introducing a visual interface that displays the train fuel level.
The interface allows players to monitor the fuel levels of trains at a glance, making it easier to identify trains needing a refuel.
Overall, the Automatic Train Fuel Stop mod is a valuable addition to Factorio’s complex gameplay because it enhances the efficiency of to train transportation system. Its visual interface is also excellent, saving players hassle and manual work.
Whether players are managing small factories or mega-factories, the Automatic Train Fuel Stop mod is a must for Factorio players looking to optimize their train operations and enhance their overall experience.
12. Auto Deconstruct

Another crucial aspect of Factorio is resource management which involves constructing and deconstructing various structures to optimize factory operations. To simplify this process, players use the Auto Deconstruct mod.
This mod is a user-created mod that automates the deconstruct of unwanted structures. The Auto Deconstruct mod is a potent tool extending the capabilities of Factoiro by allowing players to automatically deconstruct useless structures freeing up resources.
When the mod is installed, players can mark structures for deconstruction. The mod automatically deconstructs them based on predefined criteria, saving players time and manual effort for useless structures.
The key feature of the Auto Deconstruct mod is its flexibility and customization options. Players define the deconstruction criteria specifying which types of structures are to be removed then the mod automatically deconstructs them.
For example, players can set up the mod to automatically deconstruct power poles no longer required or miners that have depleted their resources. Players also can configure the mod to automatically deconstruct structures obstructing their building plans or structures within a specific range of a new construction project.
This customization provided by the mod is excellent as it allows players to tailor the mod to their specific needs and playstyle, making it a valuable tool.
Likewise, the Auto Deconstruct mod also presents options for players to specify what should happen to the deconstructed structures’ resources. Players choose to either have the resources automatically picked by construction robots and deposited in the inventory or set the mod to automatically place the deconstructed resources into nearby storage chests.
This resource management feature adds a layer of convenience and efficiency to the gameplay as players quickly recover resources from deconstructed structures and put them to good use. The Auto Deconstruct mod also offers a visual interface displaying the status of deconstructed structures, making it easier for players to manage the deconstruction process.
Players see which structures are marked for deconstruction. This visual feedback helps players track their resource management activities to ensure that structures are being deconstructed without delays or issues.
In addition to its resource management advantages, the Auto Deconstruct mod simplifies the construction process in Factorio because it removes unwanted structures. Hence, players clear up space and ensure new constructions are built without obstructions.
This saves players time and manual effort, allowing them to focus on building and expanding their factories rather than wasting time on unwanted structures.
Overall the Auto Deconstruct mod is a valuable addition to Factorio since it simplifies resource management and construction efforts allowing players to optimize their factory operations and enhance their experience.
The available customization options are also great. Its ability to provide visual feedback saves players time and streamlines the deconstruction process.
Whether you’re a veteran who manages mega factories or a beginner who just has a small one, this mod is still helpful for either of the players. It is an excellent addition to the gameplay of Factorio.
Fluid Wagon Color Mask Mod
Players can enhance the visual clarity and ease of identifying different fluids transported using the Fluid Wagon Color Mask mod. This mod is a user-created modification that adds color-coded masks to Fluid Wagons.
The Fluid Wagon Color Mask is a simple yet effective mod enhancing the visual clarity of Fluid Wagons in Factorio. By default, Fluid Wagons in the game have a neutral color that does not indicate the type of Fluid being transported.
With this mod installed, players can apply color-coded masks to Fluid Wagons, making it easier to identify the type of Fluid being transported just by a glance.
Final Thoughts
To summarize, Factorio is a game that has captured the hearts of many, and the modding community enhances that. There are many mods to take advantage of and use to your liking. Many mods are quality of life, and some are total overhauls.
From Bob’s mod to Angel’s mod to the Space Exploration mod, all these mods add many features to the game. One of the most incredible things about the modding community is the sheer creativity and effort put into mods. Whether you’re a veteran player looking for a challenge or a beginner, mods are available.