If you are a Dragon Age Inquisition fanatic, you must know that there are three main classes. Each class comes with a multiple build design to suit and perfect the personal style of every player. But how do you know which class to pick? Because eventually, you will have to pick one and the characters you would want in your party. Choosing the right class is essential to form a robust party skilled at melting dragons and progressing through the game.
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Sub-Class or Class Specializations
BioWare has made a huge effort in creating the three major classes to choose from- Rogue, Warrior, and Mage. These classes have further sub-classes offering the players character-customized play styles. They can choose from a plethora of options to enhance the combat experience. The player may not achieve a perfect character with the class they choose. But over time and growing levels, they can choose new skills from the skill tree to further enhance and tailor their character’s combat style.
Companions usually gain their specializations the first time when they become a party member and on the inquisition reaching Skyhold. Indeed, the Inquisitor can learn by inviting the trainers from the war table in order to teach them their specialization. But then, they have the option to learn only one specialization.
Only after the first set of repairs is made to Skyhold, you unlock the specializations; when the Inquisitor’s specializations are available.
The downside to choosing a class is you can’t have it all in one package. For instance, Rogues can only use weapons like bows, daggers, or short swords. Warriors can only use armor and heavy weapons, and Mages have access to only the staff to channel their energy.
Let’s take you through the specializations of the three main classes.
Rogue Specialization

The Artificer’s craft lies in laying deadly traps on the battlefield and is equally capable with both offense and defense. If you see an Artificer taking a stance at a distant end of a battlefield, you may want to rethink your path. And if you see them smiling, you might want to check your play.
Like the very name, Assassins can make the dying look much better. An Assassin is quick with deadly kills making use of dual-wielding daggers. You can be sure of a precise-kill and lurking back into the shadows or indirectly killing when safely away with an Assassin.
The Tempest has the leverage to use certain flasks and elixirs on the battlefield. They are quick, chaotic, and insane as they confront and dare enemies to fight. However, they can only use one potion at a time. A Tempest is unpredictable and highly skillful with using sorcery blends.
Warrior Specialization
The Champion’s skill is to defend and protect, and a warrior can get unstoppable if they train in the Warrior’s tradition. Champions wave of incoming attacks using their armor and weapon. They hold crucial positions on the battlefield, shielding their allies.
A Reaver goes about being deadly and vicious, taking risks along the way. Playing defense may be out of the question here, but you wouldn’t want to hurt a Reaver. That will only make them more aggressive. A Reaver tends to get more savage and become ruthless warriors as the battle gets fiercer and more violent.
A Templar strengthens the allies and weakens the enemies. They have the power to dissipate the enemy’s spells while giving the allies a damage boost whenever necessary. Templars, as warriors, are relentless and skillful at fighting demons and mages.
Mage Specialization
These mages can make feeble warriors battle-ready by summoning blades from the Fade. They specialize in the protection and defense of allies. Also, the Knight Enchanter can even help allies by calling down a healing spell.
As the name suggests, a Necromancer can bind spirits, summon the dead, and scare away whoever opposes you. The best part is, death is not the end. Even if you die, your spirits will carry on with the battle for you.
Rift Mage
Rift Mages are masters of the Fade, and with such mighty power, they can summon anything. It could be fire-storms or giant fists to overwhelm the enemies. They can even twist the Veil into a weapon to attack the enemies.
Besides the Specializations, every class has the leverage to access a selection of fixed skill trees that come with their respective powers and weaknesses. All the classes have a sense of balance with their traits, and one can incorporate a minimum one of one class on the team. However, all specializations or sub-classes aren’t equal- some are WINNERS while some LOSERS.
And that’s why; it’s only fair to differentiate the best Inquisition classes of Dragon Age from the worst. And that is where this tier rank comes into play to aid you with a better understanding of which classes are typically OP and those that are usually are underwhelming.
Best Dragon Age Inquisition Classes- Tier S

The Artificer
Talk about Dragon Age Inquisition classes, and Artificer is the ultimate crème de la crème and the best character in Dragon Age Inquisition. The Artificer has the leverage to a power that can reduce cooldowns whenever anyone from your party knocks up a griping hit. Rogues, Archers, in particular, have an array of manifold hit moves with high-level crit-rate. Getting your equipment good crit is not tough, yet it can lead to Artificers having practically no cooldowns at all.
Now merge this ability with the Looked-Like-It-Hurt power, which all rogues can retrieve from the Sabotage tree. It will result in reviving stamina for each crit, and you can even culminate with boundless stamina eventually.
That’s not all. Hail of arrows, an Artificer’s Prime Ability, is one-of-a-kind dominant power, verging on becoming even more powerful. The Artificer’s endless abilities, severe damage, and Herculean focus skill allow you to breeze across the high dragons within 20 seconds once your build precisely gets online about level 16.
If you have to choose a weapon for the Artificer, you might want plump for Archery. Archery helps you attack from a range, and this trait is highly useful in Dragon Age Inquisition. The skills of an Archer can overpower dagger skills while keeping yourself at bay from harm.
The strategy to play an Artificer goes by abusing the Explosive Arrows and especially Leaping Shot skills in the Tree of Archery. Leaping Shot can lash a horde of arrows at a time, hitting more than tenfold if you’re in close range. It instantly refreshes and Artificer’s cooldown, further qualifying you to wield Leaping Shot repeatedly without ever ceasing.
If you get a little too distant, you can apply Hook-and-Tackle the Sabotage tree provides to reclaim range and resume from the beginning. Tempest is the only one to come in close competence to what an Artificer is skilled at, yet for a short time on a relatively long cooldown.
Best Dragon Age Inquisition Classes- Tier A
The Champion
A Champion may definitely not be as effective with damage output as the Artificer, but nothing compares to a Champion with tanks. Having a tank is incredibly handy because Dragon Age Inquisition inspires somewhat conventional party roles in the lines of RPG.
A Champion that takes support from a tree of the Champion and other trees of the Warrior tied up with tanking is almost unbeatable. It’s unlikely that a champion in such a case will go down below 90% while dying is far-fetched.
The only instance when you should be worried about the Champion in peril is when they are at odds with a monster dominant enough to wipe your team in a matter of seconds. Nonetheless, your Champion will still manage to pull through five times more than the rest of the feeble, dead partners from the team.
In Dragon Age Inquisition, the only close counterpart to a champion is the Blackwall. It is competent with the AI handling champion skills quite aptly. You may not want to roll out a champion unless your playstyle is tanking.
The bottom line is, you would want to include a Champion in your party in Dragon Age Inquisition classes, whether it is Blackwall or your own Inquisitor.
The Tempest
For penultimate DPS supremacy, only the Archer Tempest from the Dragon Age Inquisition classes can defy an Artificer for penultimate DPS supremacy. It can get you to easily breeze through the lion’s share of enemies in the game just as fine as the Artificer. The Tempest is certainly weaker between the two.
Nonetheless, the strength of the Tempest lies in its kit, which is universally more interesting. And unlike the Artificer having only one OP skill, the Tempest’s entire talent tree is relatively attractive. It also amounts to a much better Dual Wield Rogue compared to an Artificer, provided that interests you.
A Tempest also has the leverage to use various abilities of the “Flask” that have severe impacts. The Fire Flask lets them employ abilities without having to do with stamina or cooldowns for 6-8 seconds. This power enables you to handle equal and parallel damage to an Artificer for that time. Lightning Flask ices all of the enemies, and Ice Flask turns you almost invincible.
The Ice Flask is the downside with Tempest. It is almost useless for the Archer Tempest, yet you need to add it in your orbit rotation to earn your other Flask abilities a duration bonus. However, Rogues with Dual-Wield get an awful lot of advantage from the Ice Flask. But then again, you’re applying it comes out of your rotation in intervals; it’s not really available at the beck of your call. You can say that Ice Flask makes the whole playstyle for a Tempest a little more inept than it ought to be.
That doesn’t take away the fact that it is still incontestably the second-best when it concerns damage dealers out of all the Dragon Age Inquisition classes.
The Reaver
Reaver has the capacity to deal piles of damage, less than that of Rogue but more than any other variant of a warrior. And if it is under maneuver by the player, it is almost as dubious about dying as the Champion. That is because it can revive its health on command anytime.
The Reaver’s shtick is it can deal greater damage t lower HP. It has a damaging prototype skill, Dragon Rage, which needs health to wield. Another distinct power of the Reaver is Devour, which can deal damage and refill its HP.
In this case, the AI is not very competent at maneuvering this playstyle, considering you’re applying Iron Bull in your party. It tends to guzzle all your potions in every fight, except when you restrain him from using them. On the other hand, if the Inquisitor is a Reaver, it’s a best class Dragon Age Inquisition specialization in the game due to its potent mix of severe damage and high endurance.
Reaver is your choice when deciding on the best Dragon Age Inquisition class if you’re creating a Warrior and don’t plan to act purely as a tank.
Best Dragon Age Inquisition Classes- Tier B
The Assassin
As with all Rogues, Assassin also has the potential to dish out maximum damage giving it an edge with Dragon Age Inquisition best class to play.
Unlike other rogue specializations, assassin falls under B Tier because incrementing its damage needs relatively more focus. It doesn’t come anywhere in close comparison to an Artificer or the Tempest’s capacity even when it’s on its highest damage potential.
Yet, it still makes a compelling companion for the Artificer or Tempest. It is actually sensible to have a Tempest /Artificer and an Assassin in the same team. The reason is Mark-of-Death, the zenith Assassin skill, accelerates all damage at odds with a target for 9-12 seconds. It means that the Artificer, along with an Assassin, can take more damage all-in-all than an Artificer and a Tempest or two Artificers would.
Apart from that powerful ability, Assassin Rogues have the skill of attacking with stealth for great crits. Thus, splashing out in crit damage pays in the long run for this specific specialization.
Given the right set-up, the Archer Assassin Rogue can smoothly handle over 10,000 damages with Long Shot and Full Draw and every ten seconds. That is between the stealth and the stealth skill.
With regards to other specializations for Rogue, the Archery is a viable option. That’s because it is more powerful with not having to deal with positioning. And that’s how the gross combat MO of Best Dragon Age Inquisition Class works.
The Knight Enchanter
Knight Enchanter can take medium damage, yet it’s more or less immortal. It primarily specializes in two things; It can drastically increase the potency of the Barrier spell from Mage and give two fairly powerful close-range spells.
The central power of a Knight Enchanter is the close-ranged spell, Spirit Blade. It builds up the strength to hex other spells, which you can release by slicing a few times from the close combat.
Another one of its abilities is the Fade Cloak. It grants short-lived invulnerability and handles colossal damage when it dwindles in close vicinity to an enemy.
Additionally, the Barrier spells of the Knight Enchanter last long and revive as you take damage, something unique that none of the other Mage’s best Dragon Age Inquisition classes possess.
These traits make a Knight Enchanter a great support mage while still able to take in with moderate damage. It seldom dies, and its survivability strength matches with that of a Champion.
But, two prominent shortcomings put a Knight Enchanter at B Tier placing. First off, it only sustains moderate damage. It may not die quickly but rarely make any sort of notable impact during combats.
Secondly, the AI doesn’t bear the somewhat complex Knight Enchanter skills very well. That means only in case you’re making a Knight Enchanter for the Inquisitor, Vivienne, the Knight Enchanter party companion, cannot live up to a Knight Enchanter’s full power.
Keeping all the faults aside, Knight Enchanter is the best from all the Mage specializations amongst the best Dragon Age Inquisition classes.
The Rift Mage
Rift Mage is not far behind the Knight Enchanter when it comes to utility. It is a distinct playstyle and a lot in coherence with a conventional mage. It possesses general Mage skills such as Ice, Fire, and Electricity. But it also has the backing to several extra damaging abilities that use debuffs and knockdowns.
If you have Rift Mage on your side, regular enemies spend most of their time immobile between the crowd control skills in the Storm and Winter trees and generic Rift Mage skills.
Moreover, Rift Mage damage is relatively high. There is no specialization from Mage that is able enough of ejecting the damage the Rogue capacitates. But Rift Mage takes on enough damage that you will heed throughout the fight.
For the Mage Inquisitor, when it concerns the best class in Dragon Age Inquisition, the Rift Mage can be quite fun. That’s because you can pound monsters all over constantly, yet take decent impact, typically in a rather huge AoE. If you were to be practical, the Knight Enchanter is possibly wholly better. However, there is a minor difference between them both, and both are equally fun.
Similar to Knight Enchanter, the party companion for Rift Mage, Solas, is not perfect. The reason is Solas is tangled in the story and may not often be available.
Best Dragon Age Inquisition Classes- Tier C

The Necromancer
Although it’s not a dreadful class, Necromancer isn’t entirely memorable either. Dorian, the party companion for Necromancer, is possibly the most likable and exciting of the Mage team members. Thus, if you aren’t a Mage, you’ll likely end up having a Necromancer in your party anyway, which is okay.
The major trouble with Necromancer it deals damage just as same as a Rift Mage does. But it doesn’t get the bonus crowd control skill that the Rift Mage has. And even its core power of raising corpses isn’t quite useful during trash face-offs. It is rather entirely useless throughout boss fights.
Many of the class specializations come along with some functional skills. But the Necromancer’s two top skills, Spirit Mark and Walking Bomb, need purchasing all single skill nodes from the tree, while most of them are just misused-points.
All these traits are reasons good enough not to make Necromancer your main character if you are a Mage. If one is not a Mage, Dorian is likely the best choice to blend a Mage into your team, for he’s always at hand, and the AI controls his skills aptly.
Best Dragon Age Inquisition Classes- Tier D
The Templar
At the bottom tier of the best class Dragon Age Inquisition, we have Templar. It’s not that bad, but also not as effective as the other Warrior choices. The major issue with its specialization is that most of its skills are only pliable against demons.
Indeed you combat several demons; most of the monsters you fight in the Dragon Age Inquisition are demons. But then they aren’t as challenging in their entirety. It is the High Dragons that contribute to the mega fights.
Apart from the demon-fighting capability, the other thing going on for a Templar is a comprehensive damage buff at 15%. Yes, it is indeed a great skill. But then again, it’s still not sufficient to be a gripping reason to choose to be a Templar.
The Templar could have probably made it to the B or C Tier List if only its skills functioned, even with a marginal effect on all rivals. But as it presently stands, Templar skills do have a certain impact on all enemies; it’s not convincing to provide a weighty case for picking the Templar forte against Reaver or Champion.
The key fault that gives away a Templar is that its utilities are so mediocre. Even after you get hold of the damage buff, you can put in more points in the other skill trees of the Warrior. And that is a pretty great choice because you don’t have ample points to finish Vanguard, Weapon & Shield, and Battlemaster for a tank.