Draconis Vipera is a highly ferocious carnivore that is said to have originated in a legendary period. These colossal creatures are among the deadliest beasts ever to walk the sky, annihilating survivors or creatures alike that happen to cross their path.
Wyverns may be observed flying about their nesting places, constantly hunting prey around, and sinking their teeth into anything they can. When a Wyvern spots a survivor or any other beast for that matter, it will try to kill them with its deadly bite or elemental breath.
A tribe that effectively raises a Wyvern from hatching will be able to see its legendary strength and nimble flying speed, ruling on both air and ground.
Dossier Summary
Wyverns resemble its cousin, the Dragon, but with a few differences in appearance, such as smaller and distinct body structures.
For all sorts of purposes, the Wyvern is the iconic flying dragon. Wyverns have enormous wings with bat-like design mechanics, yet the elegance and power of a Condor. Nevertheless, based on the Wyvern kind, they have a long tail and a nob and fin; the tail serves as ballast, making them highly agile. In the wild, the Wyvern is very aggressive and ferocious in protecting its habitat and nest. It also possesses a very nasty bite, making a Wyvern the most deadly battle you may face less of a boss-level beast. Fighting one isn’t about the faint of heart while flying one is a pleasure unlike any other.
These beasts have various colors and characteristics that assist in identifying the projectiles they breathe forth, including streams of flames, bolts of lightning, poison splashes, and ice bursts.
As their bodies are constructed differently, Wyverns possess two rear legs and front wings featuring claws, bringing their anatomy closer to that of other avian beasts.
It is difficult to domesticate a mature Wyvern because it can even bite one’s head off than take food from something it already deems food. Instead, taking an egg and nurturing it from when it was an infant Wyvern until the time it’s grown. This would win you its loyalty only then.
Wyverns are among the most frightening beasts to come across while flying since they can outfly nearly any creature, and its bite is equally as fatal as the elements they exhale.
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- Elemental Breath
The Wyvern inhales deeply and fires a projectile that damages and affects individuals who are hit, depending on the kind of Wyvern.
The kinds of Elemental Breath are listed in the variations.
Default Controls:
- L2 (for PS4)
- RMB (for PC)
- LT (for Xbox)
- Grab
The Wyvern can carry many creatures, some of whom are much bigger than some other flyers, and it can effortlessly bear the weight and fly away with them.
Default Controls:
While flying in the air,
- L2 (for PS4)
- LT (for Xbox)
- RMB (for PC)
- Gust
The Wyvern may stand on their hind legs on the ground, creating a gust with their wings, driving enemies and their dungeons and wild animals back.
Default Controls:
On the ground,
- The letter C (for PC)
- Hold the right analog (for Xbox)
- Hold the right analog (for PS4)
The Wyvern possesses incredible speed, allowing it to travel across the maps quicker than other species, making it an excellent scout in addition to its different abilities.
Damage Dealer
The Wyvern’s bite and elemental breath can both inflict enormous damage in the process, making it simple to eliminate other creatures and quickly kill survivors.
The Wyvern’s enormous body structure enables it to bear a considerable amount of weight or even bigger creatures, which Wyverns may carry to various places without difficulty.
Aerial Fighter
The Wyvern is one of the scariest beasts in the air owing to its capacity to inflict massive quantities of harm and its speed, making it ideal for aerial battle.
A Wyvern can capture tames and people and sometimes even withstand some shots out of a turret while doing so, making it ideal for picking out enemies.
Taming Mount
You can stand atop a Wyvern’s back and maintain it stable in the air, enabling you to tame ground species from above or fliers like Quetzals.
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What Is The Best Way To Tame Wyvern?

Wyverns can never be domesticated. Therefore the only way to get one is to go to their nests and collect the egg, which will give you offspring of the same degree if you hatched it and raise it to adolescence.
How To Get Wyvern Eggs?
To gain a Wyvern egg (fertilized), you must first visit the nesting region, where many Wyverns may be observed flying.
Since the Wyverns are hostile and dangerous, most survivors choose to employ a flyer that can fly rapidly or has good health.
Explore an area where the Wyverns are believed to have originated and look for nests with eggs.
Get off, then descend from your flyer, immediately collect the egg, get mounted on your flyer, and then get out as soon as possible.
Wyverns will start chasing you down and be extremely aggressive, attempting to hurt you for stealing the egg.
Keep flying from them as quickly as possible, trying to confuse them in trees or baiting them to particular other feral creatures before returning to hatching your baby Wyvern.
This is true for the Fertilized Eggs of the Lightning Wyvern, Poison Wyvern, and Fire Wyvern since they are typically found together in one nesting location. In contrast, the Ice Wyvern’s nest is found in very chilly places.
- Basic food (any meat)
- Babies (Wyvern milk)
- No Saddle
Once fully matured, wyverns do not require saddles and may be ridden. (Mods, including the Classic Flyers modification, which lets you gear a Wyvern using a Wyvern Stone to bestow its armor, are available on unofficial servers.)
- Cannot Breed
It cannot breed wyverns, and it can only be derived through their cultivation from nest stolen eggs. (Specific unofficial servers may have modifications that enable Wyverns to reproduce.)
Resources Obtained From The Wyvern’s Body:
- Sulfur
- Raw Prime Meat
- Hide
Special Drops
- Fire Wyvern (Talon of Fire)
- Lightning Wyvern (Talon of Lightning)
- Poison Wyvern (Talon of Poison)
Wyverns are divided into four types, each of which has its elements that it is unaffected by, implying that an Elemental Breath attack cannot harm a Wyvern of the same kind.
Fire Wyvern
The blazing colors of the Fire Wyverns are typically red, orange, and somewhat yellow.
These variants exhale fire in a massive area in front of themselves, burning enemies and causing damage in the long run. This fire has a broad range, making it more challenging to avoid.
Lightning Wyvern
Lightning Wyverns have a brighter blue color palette and a much more spiked head than other Wyverns, which helps them stand out.
The Lightning Wyvern takes its title from its projectile, a serial flash of light that causes torpor and delivers continuous damage.
Poison Wyvern
The Poison Wyvern has more reptile features than the other varieties, including folds on the sides of its collar and color combinations of various hues of green.
The Poison Wyvern fires out a projectile that moves forward slowly until it comes into contact with an opponent or a surface, causing a toxic explosion that destroys everything, even the survivors upon their tames.
Ice Wyvern
The Ice Wyvern has a white to purplish appearance and is characterized by a crown-like feature on its head.
It unleashes an ice blast comparable to the Fire Wyvern’s animation when it uses its Elemental Breath. Still, instead of burning opponents, it causes them to slow down significantly and inflict damage.
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Players can find wyvern Eggs in places with many Wyverns flying about, especially in their nesting sites.
You can find wyverns on the following maps:
- Valguero Lighting (Fire, Ice, and Poison )
- Scorched Earth (Fire, Poison, and Lighting)
- Ragnarok (Poison, Lighting, Fire, and Ice)
It took courage to hatch a Wyvern Egg, and that most survivors die even before they can get to the egg. Therefore you should be well prepared before trying to do so.
Owing to their firepower, speed, and capacity to inflict various status conditions on survivors or tames, wyverns can quickly drive out other tames.
Considering their maneuverability and lethal prowess, only a few species are capable of fighting head-to-head with Wyverns. Still, if you hatch one and raise it, your opponents will think very carefully before coming in your way.