The Equus Magnus is a Pleistocene herbivore that looks like a horse and has a devoted nature. Equus could be identified in highlands and areas with a definite and unobstructed view since these beings enjoy roaming freely, safely, and without being bothered.
When approaching survivors, such beings do not try to attack but flee whenever they get too close. A domesticated Equus may be a survivor’s closest companion, helping them get through difficult times when they first start.
Dossier Summary
Equus avoid predators whenever possible and try to outrun them when threatened.
Although the unusual procedure that an Equus goes through may make it difficult for some, these species are among the most faithful steeds any survivor can have.
The Equus looks like a combination between a zebra and a giant modern domestic horse breed. It features a long mane, zebra-like striping, a horse-like tail, and a goat-like shaggy beard. In size, it seems to be similar to more giant horse breeds like the Shire horse, according to the dossier.
Although an Equus might not be the appropriate choice for carrying a large amount of equipment, it does have enough storage space to carry the majority of what a survivor requires, and it may be equipped with a unique saddle that transforms it into a portable crafting station.
Due to the unique saddle that the survivor may use for catching and pulling beasts, using an Equus allows the survivors to utilize a Lasso effectively.

- Buck Kick
The Equus can knock out players, tames, and wild animals with a strong kick with its hindlegs that delivers damage and imposes torpor on opponents.
Default Controls:
- LT (for Xbox)
- L2 (for PS4)
- RMB (for PC)
- Allow Laso
Being on an Equus lets you utilize the Lasso weapon, using a long rope to catch and drag a beast or survivor.
The lasso may also harvest some resources and gather lost items and treasure bags from afar by drawing them towards the rider; however, it does not automatically collect such things.
You may drag about both subconscious and conscious creatures with the Lasso.
Even though it causes 1.4 times the same or more torpor of damage (14 torpor bases), it is ineffective in knocking out creatures or keeping them unconscious for extended periods.
In the Equus’ inventory, players can craft the Lasso.
The Equus is fast and can go a great distance without being tired, allowing it to move around quickly to better look around.
Survivors may use a Lasso to catch whatever they want to bring back to their community or base.
Resource Farming
Most survivors don’t have a reliable way of gathering berries or seeds from bushes, making the Equus handy since its attacks can collect them.
Taming Mount
Wild animals may be pulled back to traps or tied with the Lasso because the Equus enables survivors to use it.
The Equus’ Buck Kick could knock animals unconscious because of the torpor it causes and the pace at which players may utilize it.
How to Tame Equus?

So what’s the big deal about taming one? Since it’s worth the time and effort. Due to its speed and torpor buck attack, the Equus is a valuable tame to have slightly earlier on in one’s ARK adventure.
Equus is not domesticated like other beasts and must go through a procedure known as “breaking the horse” to relax and effectively ride it, much alone tame it.
Prepare to feed the Equus by placing a Rockkarot and Simple Kibble into your final item slot (ensure you have enough on hand). Approach the Equus, and you’ll be capable of feeding it shortly.
Feed the food by hitting the corresponding button, then go up near to ride it. Consider the fact that if you’re too near to an Equus, it will flee, and then you should mount it as soon as possible.
The Equus will start running around in circles, and after a while, it will perform a Buck Kick, halting and attempting to throw you off.
It will keep running if you press the suggested button/key to feed it again, continuing the process that you must also deal with in an attempt to tame it.
- Basic Kibble
Other Food
- Vegetables
- Rockarrot
- Mejoberry
- Berries
- Vegetable Cake (Sweet)
- Equus Saddle
It is not necessary to use a saddle to mount the Equus, but it does give protection and allows for the construction of the Lasso. Therefore it is recommended.
The crafting resources of Equus Saddle:
- 85 × Wood
- 160 × Fiber
- 80 x Stone
- 240 × Hide
- Baby
After the female Equus has given birth, a newborn Equus would be born whenever two of the opposite gender have mated.
Resources Harvested Through Equus Body:
- Raw Meat
- Pelt
- Hide
Unicorns will appear on maps with Equus, and only one of them can be living at any given moment, making them a rare discovery.
Aberrant Equus
The maps Aberration and Valguero include Aberrant Equus.
Equus may be seen roaming about in various places on many maps, mainly in woods and jungles.
Maps where the Equus spawns:
- Scorched Earth
- The Center
- The Island
- Valguero
- Ragnarok
- Extinction
An Equus is a good option for tribes who want to gather a lot of metal and other resources like crystal, obsidian, rock, and flint while also transporting a lot of stuff, particularly metal ore.
The Equus could hold its own in a fight, knocking opponents back while also inflicting harm on any who come between the reach of its tail attacks.
An Equus isn’t the first option for defense; although it does its bit when attacked, its primary use is centered more on collecting metal ore.