The Doedicurus Custosacum appeared first during the Pleistocene and Holocene periods. It looks like an armadillo and is regarded as one of the best stone harvesters in the game because they can harvest many stones using their tail. The spherical signature of the Doedicurus gives it a unique look but remains a well-protected mammal in the game.
Unlike other characters, the Doedicurus stays quiet as he wanders around while trying to avoid any form of combat. However, when attacked, it tends to retaliate. If the damage from the attack dealt a big blow to him, he would curl himself up while trying to avoid further damage from the enemy.
Doedicurus are naturally tame or submissive; they roam around even in the presence of human beings. However, when attacked, they tend to fight back by swinging their tail. When Doedicurus is tamed, it acts like a workhouse, which can harvest stone efficiently. Nevertheless, an untamed Doedicurus can take a lot of damage with his passive ability to form a defensive ball in a battle.
Doedicurus spend a large part of their time at the mountain base or in open grassland. In addition, they can survive in all manner of weather as they are quite adaptive to their environment. It doesn’t have any threats to fear because of its impregnable armor.
His tail acts as a defensive armor as he uses it to hit smaller creatures that want to challenge him. Nevertheless, the tail isn’t effective when faced with bigger predators. In such a situation, he curls himself to form a ball, making it hard for his attackers to attack his thick armored shield. Domesticated Doedicurus are recognized for their efficiency with harvesting and storing stones without using much of their weight.
Ark Doedicurus Abilities
Doedicurus can perform two basic abilities, and we will look at these abilities.

The roll ability enables Doedicurus to transform into a ballad and move forward at a fast pace. The rider stays inside while knocking and damaging enemies as he collides with them on the path. He does this without causing any damage to himself. The default control to activate this ability is as follows:
- L2 for PS4
- LT for Xbox
- Right-Click for PC
Defensive Curl
The second ability a Doedicurus can exhibit is a passive ability that automatically enters a defensive mode when it loses two-third of its health. The defensive curl becomes active, which helps reduce any further damage by 90%.
Doedicurus Uses
There are several uses of Doedicurus in the course of a game.
Resource Farming
You can use Doedicurus to harvest stones easily. Besides this, you can also harvest from metal nodes, forfeit the metal and get a higher yield of stone.
During the battle, Doedicurus can be used in the frontline to withstand all the enemies’ damage. In addition, it also helps provide distraction when in its curled form.
Turret Soaker
Naturally, the Doedicurus shell helps to protect and reduce damage. When the attack becomes more, the shell protects it as it curls up, thereby soaking turrets.
Another use of Doedicurus is to defend and repel players. Through the swinging of its tail, it can repel players. Furthermore, this also acts as a way to protect players when attacked.
How to Train Doedicurus?
Taming Doedicurus is an important part when playing the game. Wild Doedicurus doesn’t sprint and gets easily killed. Due to this, you can tame them by shooting them with shocking tranquilizer darts or tranquilizer darts. However, it is advisable to train or tame Doedicurus using a long neck since it can curl up to form a ball whenever its health drops. Usually, when the health drops to two-third of the maximum health, it curls up into a ball. As a result, it becomes hard to tame.
Doedicurus Food

There are several foods in the game, including regular kibble, berries, mejoberry, and vegetables.
Doedicurus Guide 2021 – Saddle
The Doedicurus saddle crafting resources include
- 15 x Stone
- 200 x Fiber
- 5 x Metal Ingot
- 110 x Hide
Ark Doedicurus Guide 2021 – Breeding
Since Doedicurus are mammals, they will successfully breed after gestating with the female. Once this happens, it gives birth to a baby.
Ark Doedicurus Guide 2021 – Drops
You can harvest resources from the Doedicurus body, including raw meat, Keratin, and hide.
Ark Doedicurus Guide 2021 – Variants
You can only find aberrant Doedicurus on the Valguero and Aberration maps
Ark Doedicurus Location
You can see Doedicurus in nearby rock areas, including forests, jungles, and mountains. Occasionally, you can see Doedicurus on Spawn location, including Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, The center, the island, Valguero, and Extinction.
The Doedicurus is a well-versed mount overall and considered a good starter. It can offer different resources for the tribe from the initial stages. On the other side, Doedicurus can be fun as he can use his ability to knock off enemies while rolling through. Unlike other characters, the Doedicurus stays quiet as he wanders around while trying to avoid any form of combat.