Black Desert Online is a great fantasy character game. The game allows players to do pretty much everything that we do in our real lives, such as cooking, growing crops, shopping, and so on. The game also allows players to administer a colony or a region. Certain characters with essential skills are assigned to players, and your level increases as you fulfill specific missions of the game.
Sometimes, while playing in BDO, you may have noticed that you cannot pick any more necessary items as your weight limit exceeds. Due to this, you are left with no space in your inventory. Well, you don’t need to worry about that anymore. Here’s your guide and everything you should know about increasing your player’s weight limit and space in your inventory in BDO.
Each character you possess in Black Desert Online has a restriction on how much the character may carry at any particular time, both in terms of the number of things and their total weight. The weight limit of a character and the space of your inventory is significant in BDO because most tasks require either a considerable amount of inventory space or a reasonable weight limit to be efficient. It’s also aggravating that, unlike so many other aspects of the game, weight limits and inventory space are not distributed between characters.
There are various ways to expand your inventory space along with your character’s weight limit. The majority of them do not need any investment. However, the most effective methods rely on the buying of different things from the Pearl store.
Different Ways to Expand Your Weight Limit

There are many different ways to increase the weight limit of your character in Black Desert Online. Some of them are as follows:
By Getting a Level Up for Your Character
You get a certain quantity of extra weight every time your character’s battle level rises. This helps to balance off the heavier weight of the more potent armors as the game progresses. Per battle level, the increase ranges from 2 to 4.
By Strength Training
Before reaching the soft cap of your character’s strength skill, you can obtain a total of 40 LT by strength training. To achieve this, you’ll need to buy a trading pack and carry it around with you. You can arrange your game character to circle a town automatically and then leave him to it. It is not difficult to train your strength feature to level twenty, but anything above is debatable because the results are insignificant related to the work.
By Buying Loyalty Point
BDO rewards you a hundred loyalty points every day you play it. You can redeem those points in the loyalty tab’s pearl shop. A weight boost of 50 LT can be purchased using loyalty points. Each upgrade costs 3500 loyalty points, and each character can only buy them four times.
Considering that the normal base growth in loyalty is only a hundred points per day, each purchase will take a total number of thirty-five days to meet the expenses. As you can use the loyalty points for many things that could be useful in the near future, you must be careful in using them.
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By Using Items of Belt Slot

Many belt items can enhance the weight limits of your character, i.e., the Ancient Core of Weapon and the Belt of an Elite kind (Rhutum Elite), both of which are inexpensive to purchase from the central market. When solely looking at an increased weight limit, the best belt among others is the belt of an Elite kind (Rhutum Elite), which improves the weight limit of your character by 60LT at a simple level, but increasing it adds another +100LT with the belt of certain TET level. The Basilik’s belt is, without a doubt, the best overall belt.
By Buying from Pearl Store
You can buy four different kinds of weight expansion from the Pearl Store. There are the following four options with the number of pearls in each bundle:
- +50 LT (600 Pearls)
- +150 LT (1350 Pearls)
- +100 LT (1000 Pearls)
- +200 LT (1700 Pearls)
As you can just buy one of them per character, they sum up to a massive +500 LT when combined.
By Using Certain Type of Armors
Two forms of armor improve the weight limit of your character. There are many armors, such as the Zeleth armor, which enhances the weight limit of your character by +50 LT, and the set of Hercules’ Might armor also improves the weight limit of your character by +200 LT when worn in three pieces. While useful in some circumstances, these two armor sets are considered to be less fine than the green armor sets.
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By Using Clothes of Trader
The third and final component is the weight limit of your character can also increase provided by Silver Trader Clothes, which begins at +100 LT and increases to +250 LT with +3 improvement and probably to +350 LT with +5 enhancement.
Different Ways to Expand Your Inventory Space
There are the following ways to increase or expand your inventory space.
- By Finishing Certain Quests of Inventory Expansion
Completing quest lines that provide you with more inventory space is the low-cost way to expand your inventory capacity in BDO. You’ll undoubtedly come across at least some of these tasks as you continue through the game, especially if you finish the dark spirit storyline quests.
- By Certain Coupons of Inventory Expansion
You can also use loyalty points (LT) and pearls to buy more inventory space. For pearls, there are four distinct coupons of inventory expansion available. You can buy them by using loyalty points.