Mount and Blade: Warband is an expansion of the action-packed RPG Mount and Blade that has found some profound love among hardcore RPG lovers. The game is riding high on its early momentum and seems to be only getting more popular with time.
If you have just started with the game, these top 10 Mount and Blade Warband Tips and Tricks for beginners will help you master the game fast.
1. Your Lordship, I Prithee! Be My Ally: Recruit Lords
Bringing lords over to your cause as allies can boost your power on the battlefield significantly. You are likely to earn many more victories with them by your side.
The flip side is that lords being lords, demand lands as a reward for going to battle with you. Still, you should make alliances with lords for strengthening your army even if you have to incur some land costs in doing so.
2. Do Not Runaway (With) the Bride: Eloping Can Cost You Dearly
Marriages among royals have historically been more about diplomacy than love. Mount and Blade: Warband preserves that tradition and penalizes you if you elope with the bride-to-be. You will end up making her relatives, including her father, your sworn enemies.
The correct way is to bring yourself into the good books of her family and woo her with poetry and tournament triumphs.
Females, though, have it a little easier. They can build relationships with the lord they would like to be their husband in the early game and then simply ask him to seal the alliance with marriage. This, though, will not give you the meat of his land and property. You will get the poorest village that he commands, along with its friends and enemies.
3. March In Step: Control Troops Skilfully

An army that neither marches in step nor fights in unison will not win many battles for you.
You need to command your troops strategically to win the many wars in the game. Once in battle, halt your troops from mindlessly charging in by pressing F1. Then hit backspace, and you will see a list of available orders. At this point, you can order your troops to execute all kinds of tactical maneuvers.
Perhaps reposition them to an advantageous location on the map. Or maybe divide them to hit your enemy from the flanks. You are only limited by your imagination with these.
4. A Knight’s Tale: Use Your Lance and Your Horse
You gain more experience in War and Blade: Warband by dealing heavier damage. Attacking enemies from horseback inflicts more damage to your enemies because of the increase in speed from riding the horse.
Lance is the best weapon to attack with from horseback. You should use it generously in the early game. Lance is one of the easiest weapons to use, and it will land you some valuable early-game kills. Later on, you could specialize in a sophisticated weapon suited to your personal style of play.
5. Race Against Time: Speed Up the Game Map
One strange thing about War and Blade: Warband is that the map takes ages to scroll. Many players needlessly waste a lot of time because of this slow map speed.
Fortunately, speeding up your game map is one of the simplest War and Blade: Warband tips on this list. You only need to hold the Control and Space Bar buttons at the same time, and your map will speed up significantly. Spend more time playing the game, and do not waste it scrolling around!
6. Earn Your Spurs with Famous Exploits: Attack Bandit Gangs
A knight’s reputation precedes him. In War and Blade, Renown is an important metric, and you would want to have plenty of it.
A great way to win Renown is by winning fights when the odds are heavily stacked against you.
You can do this by targeting bandit gangs. Set out on your horse with your lance and find some bandit gangs. Engage with these gangs by going near them. You should be close enough to attract their attention and have their archers attack you. At the same time, you should be at an adequately safe distance so that their arrows do not actually reach you.
Pretty soon, the bandit archers would run out of arrows. This is the point at which you can earn those crucial Renown points. Without arrows, the bandits should be easy targets for your lance, with its damage increased by the boost in speed from riding a horse.
Attack and eliminate them one at a time. To do this, you should charge in fast and kill one bandit with a swift lance attack. You should then come out and get back to circling them. After some time, again go in and repeat the process.
7. A Pound of Courage is Worth A Ton of Everything Else: Keep Up Your Morale

High Morale in War and Blade means your troops will not desert you in battle. An army in high spirits will fight it out till the end with you.
You can keep the morale of your troops high by winning more battles. Also, feeding them various kinds of food keeps them upbeat.
Conversely, if your companions do not gel well with each other, your morale score will suffer because of intra-group friction.
8. Strength Galore: Build Up Strength from the Get-Go
You will need to unlock high-quality armor and many powerful weapons to win in the late game. These items have minimum strength requirements to unlock them. You will need nine strengths to unlock the entire range of armors and weapons. Make sure you keep pumping up your strength stats from the start of the game itself.
9. Nip the Unrest Among Your Ranks in The Bud: Low Controversy Score
Each of the many decisions you take in the game affects your Controversy score. If your Controversy score becomes too high, you might face hostility and rebellion from your others in your faction.
This can come back to bite you very hard in the late game when you need the whole strength of all your allies. Always make sure to keep your Controversy Score within reasonable limits.
10. Guard Your Reputation with Your Life: Appearances Win You Allies
You need to score high on three values, Honor, Renown, and Right to Rule, to be able to convince other rulers to join forces with you. If your score in any of these values drops, you will earn a reputation of being rebellious and unworthy. You cannot build your new faction then.
You should try to have at least a score of 50 in these values before you start bringing people into your faction.
Mount and Blade: Warband is an immensely engaging and challenging game. We hope this exhaustive list of Mount and Blade tips will help new players become better at the game quickly. We wish all the battlefield glory for these new knights in shining armor!