The pre quests that unlock Normal and Hard Mode Magnus are very simple and small to finish. All you need is to make sure that you halt at the proper quest level. Otherwise, you will turn out the entire storyline in which many unwanted mini-bosses get unlocked. Hence it will take you forever to finish off the game.
So are you having a tough time unlocking these Magnus Chiefs? Want to know how to cross them up and achieve victory?
Fear not! As in this article, we will be covering every aspect of the quests concerning Hard and Normal Magnus.
How Long Will It Take To Gain Access to Hard and Normal Magnus?
It will take around thirty minutes to finish off the prequest. When you reach at least the 102 level, there you are required to finish off the questline.
To take Normal Magnus, you need to move to the 155 level. However, you can clear Normal Magnus once a day. When you reach 175 level, then you will be able to get Hard Magnus. However, you can clear Hard Magnus once a week.
Facts You May Not Know
Here are some important facts that you should be aware of:
Hyper Teleport Rock
It enables you to hike to about all outlines or maps of Maple World. It is a faster plus more worthwhile path to get through.
Regular Worlds
You can make a purchase of Hyper Teleport Rock from the Cash Shop. You only need to pay 9900 NX. The acquisition will remain intact for thirty days.
Reboot Worlds
You can also purchase a Hyper Teleport Rock from the Cash Shop by paying a 25 NX bill.
The prequests will be available at Lev. 90. To turn on the prequests, you need to approve the quest to Pantheon-Beldar, which will pop up on the top of your head after you strike lev. 90. Mostly, you have finished off this mission already. So move to Pantheon and communicate with Beldar.
Now let us know in detail what you have to come across to get access to the Magnus Bosses.
Benefiting Heliseum Reclamation HQ By Beldar (Lv.90)
On the map of Heliseum, reach the Transitional Dimensional Door. Then talk to NPC Tiron.
Saving Mission of Heliseum Reclamation Headquarters By Tiron (Lv.90)
Then the system will teleport you to Reclamation Headquarters, where you overthrow all the generated mobs. When you defeat them, they will take you to the correct portal.
There, a lightbulb will start appearing on your head which wants you to finish off the quest. Walk with the outline of Heliseum chief Barracks and speak to NPC Edea. Edea will talk to Piston after the quest gets accepted.
Battle Hounds Eliminated By Piston

At this level, the system will take you to the map of Twisted Forest of Savage Dog. There you need to win against one hundred Battle Hounds of Specter. After winning, you will move to Heliseum Commander Barracks; you need to talk to Piston to command him to finish the quest.
Conserving Frontlines By Edea (Lv.90)
Now the system will teleport you to a stage that looks like a Monster Park. Finish off both levels. Then again, they will hover you to Headquarters of Heliseum Reclamation. Go inside it and speak to Edea.
Discovering Emergency Supplies By Harpoon Quartermaster(Lv.90)
Head out to Heliseum Reclamation Headquarters and talk to the Quartermaster of NPC Harpoon. After then, you will get teleported to the map of some Nameless Forest.
You expect to compile fifty meat pieces of Dinogath Shoulder that fall from Dinogath crowds. Head back to Heliseum Reclamation and speak to Harpoon Quartermaster to turn in the quest. Head back inside Heliseum Command Barracks and speak to Edea.
Edea’s Dispatch Duty (Lv.90)
Next, the game will drive you to the Eurenth’s Hut that is in Forbidden Forest. Talk to Eurenth there.
Eurenth’s Anger Administration (Lv.90)
Heading to the map of Forbidden Forest, reach the Twisted Border of the forest and get thirty Dinor Sirloin dropped by the Dinoram gangs. Also, try to collect the Dinoram Claws as you will need them later. After collecting the drops, move to Eurenth and accept the Eurenth’s Advice mission there.
Turning on the outline of Forbidden Forest, reach Secret Merchant Meetup. Move to the Use tab in Inventory and operate the D03 Transmitter. By doing that, Tonero will start appearing on the map. Then, turn into the quest.
Grandis Shadow By Tonero(Lv.90)
You get transferred to the map of Predatory Forest. Collect fifty Sharp Dinodon Fangs from mob Dinodon.
Drive back to Forbidden Forest – Secret Merchant Meet-up and turn in the quest to Tonero. Again, a lightbulb starts appearing on the top of your head. Submit the quest.
Now by doing that, Romero will emerge on the outline. Speak to him.
Romeo Freeloading TradeKing (Lv.90)
Drive to the Twisted Border of Forbidden Forest. You expect to get one hundred Dinoram Claws dropped by the Dinoram gang.
Reach Forbidden Forest and drive to Secret Merchant Meetup and switch the journey to Romero. Once again, a lightbulb will emerge on your head. Submit the mission. Tonero will appear again on the map.
The Request Of Tonero(Lv.90)
The system will hover you to the Pasture of Yellow Speeyor on the map of Forbidden Forest. Here, you need to gather one hundred torn fur coats of Yellow Speeyor from his gang.
After doing that, turn back to Secret Merchant Meetup in the Forbidden Forest. Turn on the mission to Tonero. Then you will be moved to Eurenth’s Hut in Forbidden Forest. There, talk to Eurenth.
Information Release By Eurenth
Move to headquarters of Heliseum Reclamation. Go inside Heliseum Command Barracks and speak to Edea.
Invading The Ores By Edea (Lv.90)
You get transferred to the Mine Zone of Spectre in Nameless Forest. You will be required to compile thirty glowing Spector stones from the Specter Miner herd.
Then drive to the Heliseum Command Barracks and talk to Edea to whirl the mission.
The Operation Go! By Edea (Lv.90)
Here the game interface transports you to a place that looks like a Monster Park. There, you need to wipe four levels. Then, there will be a cutscene with Edea.
Then again, you get teleported back to the Downtown Black Market of Heliseum Downtown. There, talk to Edea.
Mansion Crash by Edea
Here, you need to complete the mission when the light bulb appears on the top of your head. By doing that, a new encounter will come up in front of you. Converse to Edea to finish the mission.
Nova Troubles By Edea (Lv.102)
Here, you only need to speak to Edea to finish the mission.
Do Not Begin The Quest
At Lv.100, there is a freeway to Treglow. Here, you will have to begin a new questline that puts up ever to finish. When you finally do Level 100, you will gain a permit to Hard and Normal Magnus.
Summing It Up
That is how you can reach Hard and Normal Magnus Bosses. Hopefully, we resolved your queries through this article. We hope you will have a good time while hitting the levels of the game.