Every single online multiplayer game is plagued by cheaters. Almost every single player who has played an online game has encountered players that use unfair means to cheat in a game. There are many types of cheaters in the online gaming world. Some players use different software and tools to give themselves better aim and attack buffs.
Others use these cheating tools to give themselves extra resources that help them make progress in the game at a faster pace. No online game is safe from these cheaters and their attempts to ruin the experience of players playing the game.
Apex Legends is also not safe when it comes to these cheaters. A plethora of players have encountered these cheaters in their lifetime and have had their games ruined by them. Cheaters certainly lower your enjoyment of the game and create an unfair environment where you have no chance of beating them.
So, the next thing you might ask yourself is how do you report cheaters in Apex Legends? So, without further ado, let us take a look at the different ways in which you could report cheaters and bug abusers in Apex Legends;
First and foremost, you can report these cheaters through your in-game menu. While you are in a game, just press Tab to open the options menu. Then find the player you want to report and just hover over their name. Here you can find the report button and then also add the reason why you are reporting them from a drop-down list. You can also add any additional information or evidence you want to provide and then just press report.
Alternatively, you can also report cheaters through the official Apex Legends website or by contacting the team Apex Legends support team directly.
If you wish to learn more about this topic, we suggest you keep reading. We will take a look at the different types of cheating in Apex Legends and how they can be detected. We will also discuss the different ways in which you can report these cheaters. With that being said, let us jump right in;
Types of Cheating in Apex Legends
There are a plethora of ways in which you can cheat in Apex Legends. Most of these methods require you to use third-party software or a tool to manipulate different aspects of the game. Cheating in Apex Legends can range from exploiting different broken and unpatched mechanics in the game to manipulating different aspects of it. Here are some of the most common cheating methods that are used in Apex Legends today;
Aimbots are the most common and most effective cheating tools in Apex Legends. An aimbot is essentially software that automatically controls your aim and shooting in a game. You are not required to even make a single mouseclick as the aimbot does all the work for you. It uses a process called pixel scanning to detect enemy movement on the screen. After that, it automatically locks onto the enemy and takes them out with a 100% accurate shot.
Aimbots come in different shapes and sizes and can be tailored to suit a player’s playstyle and preference. You can alter different aspects of the game like speed, accuracy, and range using an aimbot. This helps you ensure that every single shot the aimbot takes will be 100% accurate and will take out enemies no matter how good they are.
Even though Respawn releases regular updates and upgrades its security to automatically detect these bots, the system is still not 100% effective. Additionally, the creators of the aimbot software also update it regularly and make it stronger and capable of avoiding all the checks that have been put into place by Respawn. This is the main reason why aimbots are still commonly used in the game even after 5 years of release.
Wallhacks are another form of cheating that is popular in Apex Legends. As the same suggests, it is software that allows players to see through walls. This single feature gives you a significantly unfair advantage over your enemies. The software works by scanning the environment around the player and highlighting anything major in that surrounding area.
It is capable of detecting enemy players, their movements, abilities or shields they have deployed, and the type of loot that is present around you. They can also be customized to show additional information and provide you with any type of details you want during a match. It gives you a birds-eye view of the entire map without the need for you to move a muscle.
Speed Hacks
Number three on our list is speed hacks. Speed hacks are a form of cheating that use software to increase your Legend’s movement speed. Your Legends will move significantly faster than average as soon as you start up the software. This gives the player an obvious advantage over their enemies. You can use the bonus speed in several ways. For instance, it can be used to dodge incoming enemy fire and attacks effortlessly. It can also be used to get into better positions on the map or track down and hunt your enemies.
The bonus movement speed does not only give you an advantage over your enemies but also gives you the ability to break the game. You can use speed hacks to clip through walls and get access to locked areas of the map. For instance, you can use the hack to get into buildings that are not accessible through conventional means. All of this makes the speed hack an extremely powerful tool. So, by using speed hacks, you can effectively glitch out the game and make it unplayable for your enemies as well as your teammates.
Radar Hacks
Radar hacks use the Radar system in the game to reveal the location of every single player on the map. You can constantly view the location of your enemies and allies by implementing this hack. You can use this to constantly view your enemies. It will help you keep an eye on them and alert you if they are about to make a move on any area of the map. You can then convey this information to your teammates and counterattack the enemies and take them out.
The radar hack works by intercepting the data between the game server and the player’s computer and then transmitting the location of all the players. The software for the hack extracts all the location data from all the players in the game and then uses it to display where they are on the map. In addition to enemy locations, the cheat software is also capable of displaying information like the total distance between enemies and the player, which direction they are facing, or whether they are making movements or just standing still.
You can also program the software to display additional information like the enemy’s health and their ability status (whether they are on cooldown or not). All of this information can make the game incredibly easy for you and your teammates and is the reason why these hacks are banned in Apex Legends.
ESP Hacks
The next entry on our list is the ESP hacks. ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception. In the gaming world, it is a type of hack that provides you with all the additional information regarding your enemies. This information can include things like their health, armor, bullets, and their distance from the player. The software used to execute these hacks can also be used to see through walls and the other obstacles that are placed around the map. It can also tell about the items and loot that the enemy team is carrying.
The ESP hack software works by extracting data directly from the game’s memory. This gives the player access to all the information that is normally hidden from them. Some ESP software can also give you vision of the best loot on the map and where you can find this. You can then convey this information to your teammates and make a move on them before your enemies even get a chance.
They can also provide you with information regarding the items inside supply drops and loot boxes. All this information renders Legends like Loba completely useless and gives you vision of the map for the entirety of the game’s duration.
Glitches or exploits are unintended bugs that are part of the game’s code and have not been removed by the developers. Experienced usually exploit these glitches to gain an unfair advantage over their enemies. Glitches are completely different from cheats. Cheats are intentional modifications that have been made to the game’s code while glitches are left in by accident.
There are a large variety of exploitable glitches in Apex Legends. The types of glitches in Apex Legends range from minor visual ones to exploits that can break the entire game and make it unplayable. For instance, there are glitches in Apex Legends that can help you glitch through walls and exit the map entirely. There is also a glitch that can make you invincible and completely immune to all types of incoming damage.
We also have certain exploits that require specific conditions and situations to execute. You need to be more deliberate and set up different scenarios to take full advantage of them. There is an exploit that you can use in the game that requires you to press a series of buttons in a sequence. If you execute the command successfully it will duplicate all your items and give you a massive advantage over your enemies.
Account Boosting
The next and final entry on our list is account boosting. Boosting is one of the oldest and most common forms of cheating. It does not require any third-party software or tool so it can be done most of the without being detected. It normally involves a high-skilled and high-ranked player logging into the ID of a low-ranked player and using it to play and win matches. This is normally done in exchange for money. The low-skilled players pays the high-skilled player to boost their ID and increase their rank.
Account Boosting is also considered an extreme form of cheating because of disrupts the normal flow of play. For instance, if a person is ranked Bronze or Silver, he will get players of the same caliber that have the same skillset in his games. However, if a Diamond player starts playing with this ID, it will create an unfair advantage for any team they are a part of. This can ruin an entire game and the overall player experience and enjoyment.
Account boosting is the most common type of cheating yet it is the one that is the least reported one. This is because most get tilted by this unfair advantage and blame their teammates instead of reporting the culprit that is responsible for ruining the game.
How to Report Cheaters in Apex Legends?
Cheating is prohibited in Apex Legends. If you are caught cheating in the game, you can receive severe punishments. For instance, your ID can get permanently banned and you can lose access to all the coins, tokens, skins, and Legends you have on it.
So, if you encounter a cheater in your game, you must report them. Reporting these cheaters will remove them from the game and will create a more balanced playing field for everyone playing the game. With that being said, here are the different ways in which you can report Cheaters in Apex Legends;
1. Report them in-game
If you want to see these cheaters banned right away then you can report them in-game. You have to follow a simple set of instructions to report them that are as follows;
- While you are playing the match, press the Tab button to display the scoreboard.
- Find the player you want to report from the available list of players and hover over their name.
- Click on the Report Player button that pops up on your screen.
- Select the reason why you are suspicious of the player from the drop-down list.
- Provide any additional information or proof you have regarding the player’s nefarious activities in the game that will help the developers.
- Submit your report.
2. Report Through the Apex Legends Website
You can also report the cheaters in your game using either the official Apex Legends website or by directly contacting the Apex Legends support team. To report a player through the website, you need to follow the steps below;
- Log into your account on the Apex Legends website.
- Select the Support option from the main menu.
- Click on the Contact Us option and then select Report a Player.
- Full out the form with all the necessary information.
- Submit your report.
This concludes our guide on how you can report players for cheating in Apex Legends. Cheating is a nefarious activity to ruins the game for everyone. It destroys the competitive nature of a game like Apex Legends and gives an unfair advantage to a single team or player. It also ruins the overall player experience and is one of the top reasons why people leave the game for good. And although Respawn has put in a lot of effort to stop cheating in Apex Legends, it is still a part of the game as it was a few years ago.
However, you reporting a player for cheating can go a long way in making Apex Legends a fairer game. Reporting these players and watching their accounts get banned or deleted prevents other players from making the same mistake. At the end of the day, it is on the players to help out the developers by pointing out these cheaters and making Apex Legends a safe place for new and old players.
We sincerely hope that this guide helps you in reporting cheaters and getting them banned in Apex Legends. Let us know what you thought about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is highly valued and always appreciated. Till next time, good luck and have fun!